Commit 5addfc90 by ZhiangWang033

Merge branch 'main' of into main

parents 0be056e0 bdee239d
This Code converts the BookShelf format to Proto buf format
This Code converts the Bookshelf netlist to Protobuf netlist.
Author: Sayak Kundu email:
Follow the below steps to convert bookshelf netlist to protobuf netlist.
1. bs_design = canvas_object(<design_name>)
2. bs_desing(<bookshelf_dir>, <output_pb_netlist>)
Here it expects <design_name>.scl, <design_name>.nets, <design_name>.nodes,
<design_name>.wts, <design_name>.pl files are present in the <bookshelf_dir>
<output_pb_netlist> is optional. If it is not provided then it will write out
the <design_name>.pb.txt in the <bookshelf_dir> directory.
import re
import os
......@@ -69,14 +78,14 @@ class instance:
self.height = height
self.width = width
def update_location(self, x, y, orient, pstatus = "UNPLACED"):
self.llx = float(x)
self.lly = float(y)
self.orient = orient.upper()
self.pstatus = pstatus.upper()
def update_center(self): = self.llx + self.width/2 = self.lly + self.height/2
......@@ -909,7 +918,11 @@ class canvas_object:
for port in self.ports: ="\\","")
def __call__(self, bookshelf_dir, output_pb_netlist = None):
def read_pb(self, pb_netlist):
fp = open(pb_netlist, 'r')
lines = fp.readlines()
########################## Details to use this script ##########################
# Author: Sayak Kundu email:
# Date: 11-22-2022
# This script converts LEF / DEF format to Protobuf format using OpenROAD.
# Follow the below steps to generate protobuf netlist from LEF / DEF in the
# OpenROAD shell:
# 1. read_lef <tech lef>
# 2. read_lef <standard cell and macro lef one by one>
# 3. read_def <design def file>
# 4. source <This script file>
# 5. gen_pb_netlist <path of the output protobuf netlist>
#### Print the design header ####
proc print_header { fp } {
set design [[ord::get_db_block] getName]
......@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ The following screenshot shows the placed Ariane133-NG45 design generated using
## *Baseline Macro Placement Generated by Human*
### Manual macro placement on a gridded canvas
The following screenshots show the placed and routed Ariane133-NG45 design generated using [Flow-2](../../figures/flow-2.PNG), where the macros are placed manually on a gridded canvas.
The following screenshots show the placed and routed Ariane133-NG45 design generated using [Flow-2](../../figures/flow-2.PNG), where the macros are placed manually on a gridded canvas by [Zhiang Wang](
<p align="center">
<img height="400" src="./screenshots/Human_Gridded_Placement.png">
<img height="400" src="./screenshots/Human_Gridded_Routing.png">
This script can be used to evaluate proxy cost of clustered netlist.
Author: Sayak Kundu
This code utilizes Google Circuit Training (CT)
( code and the plc_wrapper_main
binary to evaluate the proxy cost of the clustered netlist.
For more details please look into the README file in CT repo.
Steps to run this script:
1. First install CT
3. python <pb_netlist> <plc_file> <output_dir/design>
This will print the initial proxy cost, final proxy cost (cost after FD repel).
It will save the following files:
1. initial placement image <output_dir/design>_init.png
2. final plc_file in as <output_dir/design>_post_repel.plc
3. final placement image (after FD repel) <output_dir/design>_final.png
If you do not provide <output_dir/design> it will only print the initial and
post FD repel proxy cost.
import sys
import os
from extract_net import pb_design
from circuit_training.environment import plc_client
from circuit_training.environment import placement_util
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_plc(plc_file, pb_netlist):
plc = plc_client.PlacementCost(pb_netlist)
design = pb_design('block', pb_netlist)
plc.set_canvas_size(design.plc_info.width, design.plc_info.height)
plc.set_placement_grid(design.plc_info.columns, design.plc_info.rows)
plc.set_routes_per_micron(design.plc_info.route_hor, design.plc_info.route_ver)
plc.set_macro_routing_allocation(design.plc_info.macro_route_hor, design.plc_info.macro_route_ver)
return plc
def plot_from_plc(plc, png_file = None):
canvas_width, canvas_height = plc.get_canvas_width_height()
for idx in plc.get_macro_indices():
color = 'blue'
if plc.is_node_soft_macro(idx):
color = 'red'
width, height = plc.get_node_width_height(idx)
cx, cy = plc.get_node_location(idx)
lx, ly = cx - width/2.0, cy - height/2
rectangle = plt.Rectangle((lx, ly), width, height, fc = color, ec = "black")
lx, ly, lw = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
ux, uy = lx + canvas_width, ly + canvas_height
x, y = [lx, ux], [ly, ly]
plt.plot(x,y, '-k', lw = lw)
x, y = [lx, ux], [uy, uy]
plt.plot(x,y, '-k', lw = lw)
x, y = [lx, lx], [ly, uy]
plt.plot(x,y, '-k', lw = lw)
x, y = [ux, ux], [ly, uy]
plt.plot(x,y, '-k', lw = lw)
plt.xlim(lx, ux)
plt.ylim(ly, uy)
if png_file != None:
def get_cost(plc, isPrint = True):
wl_cost = plc.get_cost()
den_cost = plc.get_density_cost()
cong_cost = plc.get_congestion_cost()
proxy_cost = wl_cost + 0.5*den_cost + 0.5*cong_cost
if isPrint:
print(f'WL Cost:{wl_cost}\nCongestion Cost:{cong_cost}\nDensity Cost:{den_cost}')
print(f"Proxy Cost:{proxy_cost}")
return proxy_cost
## Run Placement schedule only with repeal and plot it again ##
def fix_all_hard_macros(plc):
for idx in plc.get_macro_indices():
if plc.is_node_soft_macro(idx):
def fix_all_ports(plc):
i = 0
while True:
node_type = plc.get_node_type(i)
if node_type == '':
elif node_type == 'PORT':
i += 1
def update_soft_macros_using_repeal(plc, isComplete = False):
if isComplete:
num_steps = (100, 100, 100)
move_distance_factors = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
attract_factor = (100, 1.0e-3, 1.0e-5)
repel_factor = (0.0, 1.0e6, 1.0e7)
use_current_loc = False
num_steps = (100, 100)
move_distance_factors = (1.0, 1.0)
attract_factor = (1.0e-3, 1.0e-5)
repel_factor = (1.0e6, 1.0e7)
use_current_loc = True
io_factor = 1.0
move_macros = False
canvas_size = max(plc.get_canvas_width_height())
max_move_distance = [
f * canvas_size / s for s, f in zip(num_steps, move_distance_factors)
move_stdcells = True
log_scale_conns = False
use_sizes = False
plc.optimize_stdcells(use_current_loc, move_stdcells, move_macros,
log_scale_conns, use_sizes, io_factor, num_steps,
max_move_distance, attract_factor, repel_factor)
if __name__ == '__main__':
pb_netlist = sys.argv[1]
plc_netlist = sys.argv[2]
png_file = None
png_file_init_path = None
png_file_final_path = None
plc_file_final_path = None
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
png_file = sys.argv[3]
png_file_init_path = f"{png_file}_init.png"
png_file_final_path = f"{png_file}_final.png"
plc_file_final_path = f"{png_file}_post_repel.plc"
plc = get_plc(plc_netlist, pb_netlist)
print("Initial Proxy cost:")
_ = get_cost(plc)
plot_from_plc(plc, png_file_init_path)
print("Final Proxy cost (After FD Repel):")
_ = get_cost(plc)
plot_from_plc(plc, png_file_final_path)
if plc_file_final_path:
placement_util.save_placement(plc, plc_file_final_path, 'Post FD repel placement')
# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD.
# However, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence.
# We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help
# promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
# Author: Sayak Kundu (, ABKGroup, UCSD.
# Thanks to Matheus Cavalcante, ETH Zürich and Jiantao Liu (
# for providing the pin configuration.
# Usage: First source the script in Innovus shell. then use gen_pb_netlist
# command to write out the netlist. The protobuf netlist will be available
# as <design name>.pb.txt.
setPinAssignMode -pinEditInBatch true
set group_width [dbget top.fplan.box_sizex]
set group_height [dbget top.fplan.box_sizey]
# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD.
# However, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence.
# We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help
# promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
# Author: Sayak Kundu, ABKGroup, UCSD
# minCh: If channel width is less than minCh it will be filled
# with hard blockages.
# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD.
# However, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence.
# We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help
# promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
# Author: Sayak Kundu (, ABKGroup, UCSD.
# Thanks to Matheus Cavalcante, ETH Zürich and Jiantao Liu (
# for providing the tile configuration.
# Usage: This script places macros for MemPool Group NG45 design. First source
# the script in the Innovus terminal and then use the following command:
# mempool_group_macro_placement
# Y Flip
# RO --> MX MY --> R180
# It do not validate if there is enough space to create the macro stack
# For the boundary macros of the cluster always have pin facing towards outside
# Stack size indicates the number of macros will be stacked
# Also it considers all the macro size in the macro list is same
proc place_macro_mem_stack {macro_list stack_size ch_space origin_x origin_y\
isFlip} {
if {$isFlip == 0} {
set orient [list "R0" "MY"]
set stack_dir 1
} else {
set orient [list "MX" "R180"]
set stack_dir -1
# Extract macro informations
set macro_width [dbget [dbget [lindex $macro_list 0] -p ].box_sizex]
set macro_height [dbget [dbget [lindex $macro_list 0] -p ].box_sizey]
# i indicates the row number and j indicates the column number
set i 0
set j 0
set llx $origin_x
set lly $origin_y
foreach macro $macro_list {
# For each column all the macros have same orientation
set orientation [lindex $orient [expr $j%2]]
placeInstance $macro $llx $lly $orientation -placed
incr i
if { $i == $stack_size } {
set i 0
incr j
set lly $origin_y
set llx [expr $origin_x + ($j/2)*$ch_space + $j*$macro_width]
} else {
set lly [expr $origin_y + ${stack_dir}*($i*$macro_height)]
proc place_macro_mem_stack_in {macro_list stack_size ch_space origin_x origin_y\
isFlip} {
if {$isFlip == 0} {
set orient [list "R0" "MY"]
set stack_dir 1
} else {
set orient [list "MX" "R180"]
set stack_dir -1
# Extract macro informations
set macro_width [dbget [dbget [lindex $macro_list 0] -p ].box_sizex]
set macro_height [dbget [dbget [lindex $macro_list 0] -p ].box_sizey]
# i indicates the row number and j indicates the column number
set i 0
set j 1
set llx $origin_x
set lly $origin_y
foreach macro $macro_list {
# For each column all the macros have same orientation
set orientation [lindex $orient [expr $j%2]]
placeInstance $macro $llx $lly $orientation -placed
incr i
if { $i == $stack_size } {
set i 0
incr j
set lly $origin_y
set llx [expr $origin_x + ($j/2)*$ch_space + ($j-1)*$macro_width]
} else {
set lly [expr $origin_y + ${stack_dir}*($i*$macro_height)]
# Tile origin is always the lower left coordinate of the tile bbox
proc place_tiles {tile_id tile_origin_x tile_origin_y tile_width tile_height \
isFlip {halo_wdith 5} {stack_size 2} } {
set icache_rams [dbget [dbget top.insts.cell.subClass block -p2\
].name gen_tiles[${tile_id}]*i_tile*i_lookup*i_data*]
set icache_width [dbget [dbget [lindex $icache_rams 0] -p \
set icache_height [dbget [dbget [lindex $icache_rams 0] -p \
set ch_space [expr $halo_wdith*4]
## Place the ICACHE memories on the left boundary
## Stack two memories together
set icache_llx [expr $tile_origin_x + $ch_space]
if { $isFlip == 0 } {
set icache_lly [expr $tile_origin_y + $ch_space]
} else {
set icache_lly [expr $tile_origin_y + $tile_height - $icache_height - $ch_space]
place_macro_mem_stack $icache_rams 2 $ch_space $icache_llx $icache_lly $isFlip
# Place the TCDM memories on the right of the boundary
# Stack 4 memories together
# Ensure
set tcdm_rams [dbget [dbget top.insts.cell.subClass block -p2 ].name \
set tcdm_width [dbget [dbget [lindex $tcdm_rams 0] -p \
set tcdm_height [dbget [dbget [lindex $tcdm_rams 0] -p \
if { $stack_size == 2 } {
set tcdm_llx [expr $tile_origin_x + $tile_width - 4*$ch_space - 8*$tcdm_width]
} elseif { $stack_size == 4 } {
set tcdm_llx [expr $tile_origin_x + $tile_width - 2*$ch_space - 4*$tcdm_width]
if { $isFlip == 0 } {
set tcdm_lly [expr $tile_origin_y + $ch_space]
} else {
set tcdm_lly [expr $tile_origin_y + $tile_height - $ch_space - $tcdm_height]
place_macro_mem_stack $tcdm_rams $stack_size $ch_space $tcdm_llx $tcdm_lly $isFlip
proc mempool_group_macro_placement { {halo_width 10} {stack_size 2} } {
set core_llx [dbget top.fplan.coreBox_llx]
set core_lly [dbget top.fplan.coreBox_lly]
set core_width [dbget top.fplan.coreBox_sizex]
set core_height [dbget top.fplan.coreBox_sizey]
set tile_height [expr $core_height/4.0]
set tile_width [expr $core_width/4.0]
#set halo_width 10
# Scramble tiles
set toffsets [list \
[list 0 1 4 5]\
[list 2 3 6 7]\
[list 8 9 12 13]\
[list 10 11 14 15]]
# i is row and j is coloum
set isFlip 0
for { set i 0 } { $i < 4 } { incr i } {
if { $i > 1 } {
set isFlip 1
set tile_ly [expr $core_lly + $i*$tile_height]
for { set j 0 } { $j < 4 } { incr j } {
set tile_lx [expr $core_llx + $j*$tile_width]
set tile_id [lindex $toffsets $i $j]
puts "Placing Tile:$tile_id Tile lx:$tile_lx ly:$tile_ly Height:$tile_height Width:$tile_width"
place_tiles $tile_id $tile_lx $tile_ly $tile_width $tile_height $isFlip $halo_width $stack_size
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Sayak Kundu email:
# This script runs Circuit Training (CT) Grouping to generate clustered
# netlist from the Protobuf netlist. For more details please see CT
# Grouping README (Link:
# Update the following environment variables to run CT Grouping using
# this script:
# 1. NETLIST_FILE: Provide the path of the input Protobuf netlist
# 2. HMETIS_DIR: Provide the directory path where the hMETIS executable
# files exist.
# 3. PLC_WRAPPER_MAIN: Provide the path of the plc_wrapper_main binary.
# This binary is downloaded from CT. Link to the binary:
# 4. CT_PATH: Provide the directory path where CT is cloned.
# 5. OUTPUT_DIR: Provide the directory path where to save the final
# clustered netlist.
# Before launching the script make sure that PHY_SYNTH environment variables
# is set to 1.
if [ $PHY_SYNTH -eq 1 ]; then
export PROJ_DIR=`pwd | grep -o '\S*/MacroPlacement'`
......@@ -8,11 +27,8 @@ if [ $PHY_SYNTH -eq 1 ]; then
export BLOCK_NAME=`basename ${NETLIST_FILE} | sed 's@.pb.txt@@'`
export TECH=`echo $PWD | awk -F'/' '{print $(NF-3)}'`
export OUTPUT_DIR="./output_${BLOCK_NAME}_${TECH}"
export HMETIS_DIR="/home/zf4_projects/DREAMPlace/sakundu/GB/CT/hmetis-1.5-linux"
export PLC_WRAPPER_MAIN="/home/zf4_projects/DREAMPlace/sakundu/GB/CT/plc_wrapper_main"
#export CT_PATH="${PROJ_DIR}/../../../GB/CT/circuit_training"
#export CT_PATH="/home/zf4_projects/DREAMPlace/sakundu/ABK_MP/CT/09092022/circuit_training"
export CT_PATH="/home/zf4_projects/DREAMPlace/sakundu/ABK_MP/CT/11112022/circuit_training"
#export CT_PATH="/home/zf4_projects/macro_placer/google_brain/TILOS_repo/grouping/circuit_training"
bash -i ../../../../util/ 2>&1 | tee log/grouping.log
export HMETIS_DIR="${PROJ_DIR}/../../../GB/CT/hmetis-1.5-linux"
export PLC_WRAPPER_MAIN="${PROJ_DIR}/../../../GB/CT/plc_wrapper_main"
export CT_PATH="${PROJ_DIR}/../../../GB/CT/circuit_training"
bash -i ${PROJ_DIR}/Flows/util/ 2>&1 | tee log/grouping.log
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