Commit 3b030ffd by Dinple

stat test done

parent e30b3206
......@@ -32,9 +32,14 @@ Example
$ cd EvalCT && python3 -m eval_ct --netlist ./test/ariane/netlist.pb.txt\
--plc ./test/ariane/initial.plc\
--rundir run_00\
--ckptID policy_checkpoint_0000103984
--ckptID policy_checkpoint_0000103984\
&& cd -
# InfoMetric_wirelength = 0.09238692254177283
# InfoMetric_congestion = 0.9468230846211636
# InfoMetric_density = 0.5462616496124097
class InfoMetric(py_metric.PyStepMetric):
"""Observer for graphing the environment info metrics."""
......@@ -113,6 +118,10 @@ def evaulate(model_dir, ckpt_id, create_env_fn):
policy = policy_loader.load(policy_saved_model_path, policy_saved_chkpt_path)
train_step = train_utils.create_train_step()
# Create the environment.
......@@ -4,4 +4,13 @@ import math
import numpy as np
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
\ No newline at end of file
import pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
SHEET_ID = '1dtG4uHzdw-Lfe_Vcm5uBRNjjxXNA4gmVarTr86hjYVo'
SHEET_NAME = 'Proxy_Cost_Comparison'
url = f'{SHEET_ID}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={SHEET_NAME}'
df = pd.read_csv(url)
# compute correlation between ???
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ PLC_DIR = "StatTest/test/flow2_68_1.3_ct"
assert os.path.isdir(PLC_DIR)
# Top X% of largest movement range
TOP_X = 1
TOP_X = 5
# List to store every plc coordinate
# hold hard macro, soft macro, port count
def init_method(plc_dir):
......@@ -60,16 +61,28 @@ def init_method(plc_dir):
and len(line_item) == 5:
# extract pos
temp_coord = np.append(temp_coord, np.array([[float(line_item[1]),float(line_item[2])]]), axis=0)
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['HARD', 'MACROs'])\
and len(line_item) == 3:
hard_macros_cnt = int(line_item[2])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['PORTs'])\
and len(line_item) == 2:
ports_cnt = int(line_item[1])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['SOFT', 'MACROs'])\
and len(line_item) == 3:
soft_macros_cnt = int(line_item[2])
# remove header row
temp_coord = temp_coord[1:, :]
# make sure every plc is aligned
assert PLC_COORD[-1].shape == temp_coord.shape
assert temp_coord.shape[0] == hard_macros_cnt + soft_macros_cnt + ports_cnt
# print(temp_coord)
del temp_coord
return ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt, soft_macros_cnt
def get_abs_dist():
# store all pair-wise distance
......@@ -93,25 +106,38 @@ def get_abs_dist():
return abs_dist_plc[:, 1:]
def main():
ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt, soft_macros_cnt = init_method(PLC_DIR)
abs_dist_plc = get_abs_dist()
print(hard_macros_cnt, ports_cnt, soft_macros_cnt)
hard_abs_dist_plc = abs_dist_plc[ports_cnt:(hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt), :]
soft_abs_dist_plc = abs_dist_plc[ports_cnt+hard_macros_cnt:hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt+soft_macros_cnt, :]
TOP_N = int(math.floor(abs_dist_plc.shape[0] * (TOP_X/100.0)))
print("[INFO] Using TOP {}% Largest Macro Movement --- {} Macros in total.".format(TOP_X, TOP_N))
# PORT_IDX = list(range(0, ports_cnt, 1))
# HARD_MACRO_IDX = list(range(ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt, 1))
# SOFT_MACRO_IDX = list(range(hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt+soft_macros_cnt+ports_cnt, 1))
############ MACRO placement range maximum distance + visual ###############
# top n hard macro
HM_TOP_N = int(math.floor(hard_abs_dist_plc.shape[0] * (TOP_X/100.0)))
# top n soft macro
SM_TOP_N = int(math.floor(soft_abs_dist_plc.shape[0] * (TOP_X/100.0)))
print("[INFO] Using TOP {}% Largest Hard Macro Movement --- {} Macros in total.".format(TOP_X, HM_TOP_N))
print("[INFO] Using TOP {}% Largest Soft Macro Movement --- {} Macros in total.".format(TOP_X, SM_TOP_N))
############ HARD MACRO placement range maximum distance + visual ###############
# across all the plc diff, the max distance [row wise]
max_dist = np.amax(abs_dist_plc, axis=1)
hm_max_dist = np.amax(hard_abs_dist_plc, axis=1)
# top-n max distance
topn_max_dist_idx = np.argpartition(max_dist, -TOP_N)[-TOP_N:]
topn_max_dist_val = np.take(max_dist, topn_max_dist_idx)
hm_topn_max_dist_idx = np.argpartition(hm_max_dist, -HM_TOP_N)[-HM_TOP_N:]
hm_topn_max_dist_val = np.take(hm_max_dist, hm_topn_max_dist_idx)
x = range(topn_max_dist_val.shape[0])
y = topn_max_dist_val
n = topn_max_dist_idx
x = range(hm_topn_max_dist_val.shape[0])
y = hm_topn_max_dist_val
n = hm_topn_max_dist_idx
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title("Top {}% Maximum Placement Range".format(TOP_X))
ax.set_title("Top {}% Hard Macro Maximum Placement Range".format(TOP_X))
ax.scatter(x, y, c = 'b')
ax.set_xlabel("module index")
......@@ -119,11 +145,40 @@ def main():
ax.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]))
######################## MACRO placement range box plot visual #############
abs_dist_plc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=abs_dist_plc)
topn_max_dist_df = abs_dist_plc_df.iloc[topn_max_dist_idx, :]
plt.title("Top {}% Placement Range".format(TOP_X))
############ SOFT MACRO placement range maximum distance + visual ###############
# across all the plc diff, the max distance [row wise]
sm_max_dist = np.amax(soft_abs_dist_plc, axis=1)
# top-n max distance
sm_topn_max_dist_idx = np.argpartition(sm_max_dist, -SM_TOP_N)[-SM_TOP_N:]
sm_topn_max_dist_val = np.take(sm_max_dist, sm_topn_max_dist_idx)
x = range(sm_topn_max_dist_val.shape[0])
y = sm_topn_max_dist_val
n = sm_topn_max_dist_idx
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title("Top {}% Soft Macro Maximum Placement Range".format(TOP_X))
ax.scatter(x, y, c = 'b')
ax.set_xlabel("module index")
for i, txt in enumerate(n):
ax.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]))
######################## HARD MACRO placement range box plot visual #############
hard_abs_dist_plc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=hard_abs_dist_plc)
hm_topn_max_dist_df = hard_abs_dist_plc_df.iloc[hm_topn_max_dist_idx, :]
plt.title("Top {}% Hard Macro Placement Range".format(TOP_X))
plt.xlabel("module index")
######################## SOFT MACRO placement range box plot visual #############
soft_abs_dist_plc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=soft_abs_dist_plc)
sm_topn_max_dist_df = soft_abs_dist_plc_df.iloc[sm_topn_max_dist_idx, :]
plt.title("Top {}% Soft Macro Placement Range".format(TOP_X))
plt.xlabel("module index")
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