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// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Fabian Schuiki <>

/// A clock domain crossing FIFO, using 2-phase hand shakes.
/// This FIFO has its push and pop ports in two separate clock domains. Its size
/// can only be powers of two, which is why its depth is given as 2**LOG_DEPTH.
/// LOG_DEPTH must be at least 1.
/// CONSTRAINT: See the constraints for `cdc_2phase`. An additional maximum
/// delay path needs to be specified from fifo_data_q to dst_data_o.
module cdc_fifo_2phase #(
  /// The data type of the payload transported by the FIFO.
  parameter type T = logic,
  /// The FIFO's depth given as 2**LOG_DEPTH.
  parameter int LOG_DEPTH = 3
  input  logic src_rst_ni,
  input  logic src_clk_i,
  input  T     src_data_i,
  input  logic src_valid_i,
  output logic src_ready_o,

  input  logic dst_rst_ni,
  input  logic dst_clk_i,
  output T     dst_data_o,
  output logic dst_valid_o,
  input  logic dst_ready_i

  // Check the invariants.
  //pragma translate_off
  initial begin
    assert(LOG_DEPTH > 0);
  //pragma translate_on

  localparam int PtrWidth = LOG_DEPTH+1;
  typedef logic [PtrWidth-1:0] pointer_t;
  typedef logic [LOG_DEPTH-1:0] index_t;

  localparam pointer_t PtrFull  = (1 << LOG_DEPTH);
  localparam pointer_t PtrEmpty = '0;

  // Allocate the registers for the FIFO memory with its separate write and read
  // ports. The FIFO has the following ports:
  // - write: fifo_widx, fifo_wdata, fifo_write, src_clk_i
  // - read: fifo_ridx, fifo_rdata
  index_t fifo_widx, fifo_ridx;
  logic fifo_write;
  T fifo_wdata, fifo_rdata;
  T fifo_data_q [2**LOG_DEPTH];

  assign fifo_rdata = fifo_data_q[fifo_ridx];

  for (genvar i = 0; i < 2**LOG_DEPTH; i++) begin : g_word
    always_ff @(posedge src_clk_i, negedge src_rst_ni) begin
      if (!src_rst_ni)
        fifo_data_q[i] <= '0;
      else if (fifo_write && fifo_widx == i)
        fifo_data_q[i] <= fifo_wdata;

  // Allocate the read and write pointers in the source and destination domain.
  pointer_t src_wptr_q, dst_wptr, src_rptr, dst_rptr_q;

  always_ff @(posedge src_clk_i, negedge src_rst_ni) begin
    if (!src_rst_ni)
      src_wptr_q <= 0;
    else if (src_valid_i && src_ready_o)
      src_wptr_q <= src_wptr_q + 1;

  always_ff @(posedge dst_clk_i, negedge dst_rst_ni) begin
    if (!dst_rst_ni)
      dst_rptr_q <= 0;
    else if (dst_valid_o && dst_ready_i)
      dst_rptr_q <= dst_rptr_q + 1;

  // The pointers into the FIFO are one bit wider than the actual address into
  // the FIFO. This makes detecting critical states very simple: if all but the
  // topmost bit of rptr and wptr agree, the FIFO is in a critical state. If the
  // topmost bit is equal, the FIFO is empty, otherwise it is full.
  assign src_ready_o = ((src_wptr_q ^ src_rptr) != PtrFull);
  assign dst_valid_o = ((dst_rptr_q ^ dst_wptr) != PtrEmpty);

  // Transport the read and write pointers across the clock domain boundary.
  cdc_2phase #( .T(pointer_t) ) i_cdc_wptr (
    .src_rst_ni  ( src_rst_ni ),
    .src_clk_i   ( src_clk_i  ),
    .src_data_i  ( src_wptr_q ),
    .src_valid_i ( 1'b1       ),
    .src_ready_o (            ),
    .dst_rst_ni  ( dst_rst_ni ),
    .dst_clk_i   ( dst_clk_i  ),
    .dst_data_o  ( dst_wptr   ),
    .dst_valid_o (            ),
    .dst_ready_i ( 1'b1       )

  cdc_2phase #( .T(pointer_t) ) i_cdc_rptr (
    .src_rst_ni  ( dst_rst_ni ),
    .src_clk_i   ( dst_clk_i  ),
    .src_data_i  ( dst_rptr_q ),
    .src_valid_i ( 1'b1       ),
    .src_ready_o (            ),
    .dst_rst_ni  ( src_rst_ni ),
    .dst_clk_i   ( src_clk_i  ),
    .dst_data_o  ( src_rptr   ),
    .dst_valid_o (            ),
    .dst_ready_i ( 1'b1       )

  // Drive the FIFO write and read ports.
  assign fifo_widx  = src_wptr_q;
  assign fifo_wdata = src_data_i;
  assign fifo_write = src_valid_i && src_ready_o;
  assign fifo_ridx  = dst_rptr_q;
  assign dst_data_o = fifo_rdata;
