# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. # We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.puts"VERSION 1.0"set mem_hier ""foreach a [dbget [dbget top.insts.cell.name fakeram45_* -p2 ].name ]{ regexp {(.*)(/)([^/]*)}$a c b lappend mem_hier $b}set unique_mem_hier [lsort -unique $mem_hier]puts"BEGIN SEED"foreach a $unique_mem_hier {puts"name=$a"}puts"END SEED"puts"BEGIN MACRO"foreach a [dbget top.insts.cell.name fakeram45_* -u]{puts"name=$a orient={R0} isCell=true minRightSpace=10 minLeftSpace=10 minTopSpace=5 minBottomSpace=5"}puts"END MACRO"puts"BEGIN CONSTRAINT"puts"END CONSTRAINT"