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// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Matthias Baer <>
// Author: Igor Loi <>
// Author: Andreas Traber <>
// Author: Lukas Mueller <>
// Author: Florian Zaruba <>
// Date: 19.03.2017
// Description: Ariane ALU based on RI5CY's ALU

import ariane_pkg::*;

module alu (
    input  logic                     clk_i,          // Clock
    input  logic                     rst_ni,         // Asynchronous reset active low
    input  fu_data_t                 fu_data_i,
    output logic [63:0]              result_o,
    output logic                     alu_branch_res_o

    logic [63:0] operand_a_rev;
    logic [31:0] operand_a_rev32;
    logic [64:0] operand_b_neg;
    logic [65:0] adder_result_ext_o;
    logic        less;  // handles both signed and unsigned forms

    // bit reverse operand_a for left shifts and bit counting
      genvar k;
      for(k = 0; k < 64; k++)
        assign operand_a_rev[k] = fu_data_i.operand_a[63-k];

      for (k = 0; k < 32; k++)
        assign operand_a_rev32[k] = fu_data_i.operand_a[31-k];

    // ------
    // Adder
    // ------
    logic        adder_op_b_negate;
    logic        adder_z_flag;
    logic [64:0] adder_in_a, adder_in_b;
    logic [63:0] adder_result;

    always_comb begin
      adder_op_b_negate = 1'b0;

      unique case (fu_data_i.operator)
        // ADDER OPS
        EQ,  NE,
        SUB, SUBW: adder_op_b_negate = 1'b1;

        default: ;

    // prepare operand a
    assign adder_in_a    = {fu_data_i.operand_a, 1'b1};

    // prepare operand b
    assign operand_b_neg = {fu_data_i.operand_b, 1'b0} ^ {65{adder_op_b_negate}};
    assign adder_in_b    =  operand_b_neg ;

    // actual adder
    assign adder_result_ext_o = $unsigned(adder_in_a) + $unsigned(adder_in_b);
    assign adder_result       = adder_result_ext_o[64:1];
    assign adder_z_flag       = ~|adder_result;

    // get the right branch comparison result
    always_comb begin : branch_resolve
        // set comparison by default
        alu_branch_res_o      = 1'b1;
        case (fu_data_i.operator)
            EQ:       alu_branch_res_o = adder_z_flag;
            NE:       alu_branch_res_o = ~adder_z_flag;
            LTS, LTU: alu_branch_res_o = less;
            GES, GEU: alu_branch_res_o = ~less;
            default:  alu_branch_res_o = 1'b1;

    // ---------
    // Shifts
    // ---------

    // TODO: this can probably optimized significantly
    logic        shift_left;          // should we shift left
    logic        shift_arithmetic;

    logic [63:0] shift_amt;           // amount of shift, to the right
    logic [63:0] shift_op_a;          // input of the shifter
    logic [31:0] shift_op_a32;        // input to the 32 bit shift operation

    logic [63:0] shift_result;
    logic [31:0] shift_result32;

    logic [64:0] shift_right_result;
    logic [32:0] shift_right_result32;

    logic [63:0] shift_left_result;
    logic [31:0] shift_left_result32;

    assign shift_amt = fu_data_i.operand_b;

    assign shift_left = (fu_data_i.operator == SLL) | (fu_data_i.operator == SLLW);

    assign shift_arithmetic = (fu_data_i.operator == SRA) | (fu_data_i.operator == SRAW);

    // right shifts, we let the synthesizer optimize this
    logic [64:0] shift_op_a_64;
    logic [32:0] shift_op_a_32;

    // choose the bit reversed or the normal input for shift operand a
    assign shift_op_a    = shift_left ? operand_a_rev   : fu_data_i.operand_a;
    assign shift_op_a32  = shift_left ? operand_a_rev32 : fu_data_i.operand_a[31:0];

    assign shift_op_a_64 = { shift_arithmetic & shift_op_a[63], shift_op_a};
    assign shift_op_a_32 = { shift_arithmetic & shift_op_a[31], shift_op_a32};

    assign shift_right_result     = $unsigned($signed(shift_op_a_64) >>> shift_amt[5:0]);

    assign shift_right_result32   = $unsigned($signed(shift_op_a_32) >>> shift_amt[4:0]);
    // bit reverse the shift_right_result for left shifts
    genvar j;
      for(j = 0; j < 64; j++)
        assign shift_left_result[j] = shift_right_result[63-j];

      for(j = 0; j < 32; j++)
        assign shift_left_result32[j] = shift_right_result32[31-j];


    assign shift_result = shift_left ? shift_left_result : shift_right_result[63:0];
    assign shift_result32 = shift_left ? shift_left_result32 : shift_right_result32[31:0];

    // ------------
    // Comparisons
    // ------------

    always_comb begin
        logic sgn;
        sgn = 1'b0;

        if ((fu_data_i.operator == SLTS) ||
            (fu_data_i.operator == LTS)  ||
            (fu_data_i.operator == GES))
            sgn = 1'b1;

        less = ($signed({sgn & fu_data_i.operand_a[63], fu_data_i.operand_a})  <  $signed({sgn & fu_data_i.operand_b[63], fu_data_i.operand_b}));

    // -----------
    // Result MUX
    // -----------
    always_comb begin
        result_o   = '0;

        unique case (fu_data_i.operator)
            // Standard Operations
            ANDL:  result_o = fu_data_i.operand_a & fu_data_i.operand_b;
            ORL:   result_o = fu_data_i.operand_a | fu_data_i.operand_b;
            XORL:  result_o = fu_data_i.operand_a ^ fu_data_i.operand_b;

            // Adder Operations
            ADD, SUB: result_o = adder_result;
            // Add word: Ignore the upper bits and sign extend to 64 bit
            ADDW, SUBW: result_o = {{32{adder_result[31]}}, adder_result[31:0]};
            // Shift Operations
            SRL, SRA: result_o = shift_result;
            // Shifts 32 bit
            SRLW, SRAW: result_o = {{32{shift_result32[31]}}, shift_result32[31:0]};

            // Comparison Operations
            SLTS,  SLTU: result_o = {63'b0, less};

            default: ; // default case to suppress unique warning