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// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Florian Zaruba, ETH Zurich
// Date: 08.05.2017
// Description: Flush controller

import ariane_pkg::*;

module controller (
    input  logic            clk_i,
    input  logic            rst_ni,
    output logic            set_pc_commit_o,        // Set PC om PC Gen
    output logic            flush_if_o,             // Flush the IF stage
    output logic            flush_unissued_instr_o, // Flush un-issued instructions of the scoreboard
    output logic            flush_id_o,             // Flush ID stage
    output logic            flush_ex_o,             // Flush EX stage
    output logic            flush_icache_o,         // Flush ICache
    output logic            flush_dcache_o,         // Flush DCache
    input  logic            flush_dcache_ack_i,     // Acknowledge the whole DCache Flush
    output logic            flush_tlb_o,            // Flush TLBs

    input  logic            halt_csr_i,             // Halt request from CSR (WFI instruction)
    output logic            halt_o,                 // Halt signal to commit stage
    input  logic            eret_i,                 // Return from exception
    input  logic            ex_valid_i,             // We got an exception, flush the pipeline
    input  logic            set_debug_pc_i,         // set the debug pc from CSR
    input  branchpredict_t  resolved_branch_i,      // We got a resolved branch, check if we need to flush the front-end
    input  logic            flush_csr_i,            // We got an instruction which altered the CSR, flush the pipeline
    input  logic            fence_i_i,              // fence.i in
    input  logic            fence_i,                // fence in
    input  logic            sfence_vma_i,           // We got an instruction to flush the TLBs and pipeline
    input  logic            flush_commit_i          // Flush request from commit stage

    // active fence - high if we are currently flushing the dcache
    logic fence_active_d, fence_active_q;
    logic flush_dcache;

    // ------------
    // Flush CTRL
    // ------------
    always_comb begin : flush_ctrl
        fence_active_d         = fence_active_q;
        set_pc_commit_o        = 1'b0;
        flush_if_o             = 1'b0;
        flush_unissued_instr_o = 1'b0;
        flush_id_o             = 1'b0;
        flush_ex_o             = 1'b0;
        flush_dcache           = 1'b0;
        flush_icache_o         = 1'b0;
        flush_tlb_o            = 1'b0;
        // ------------
        // Mis-predict
        // ------------
        // flush on mispredict
        if (resolved_branch_i.is_mispredict) begin
            // flush only un-issued instructions
            flush_unissued_instr_o = 1'b1;
            // and if stage
            flush_if_o             = 1'b1;

        // ---------------------------------
        // FENCE
        // ---------------------------------
        if (fence_i) begin
            // this can be seen as a CSR instruction with side-effect
            set_pc_commit_o        = 1'b1;
            flush_if_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_unissued_instr_o = 1'b1;
            flush_id_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_ex_o             = 1'b1;

            flush_dcache           = 1'b1;
            fence_active_d         = 1'b1;

        // ---------------------------------
        // FENCE.I
        // ---------------------------------
        if (fence_i_i) begin
            set_pc_commit_o        = 1'b1;
            flush_if_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_unissued_instr_o = 1'b1;
            flush_id_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_ex_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_icache_o         = 1'b1;

            flush_dcache           = 1'b1;
            fence_active_d         = 1'b1;

        // wait for the acknowledge here
        if (flush_dcache_ack_i && fence_active_q) begin
            fence_active_d = 1'b0;
        // keep the flush dcache signal high as long as we didn't get the acknowledge from the cache
        end else if (fence_active_q) begin
            flush_dcache = 1'b1;

        // ---------------------------------
        // SFENCE.VMA
        // ---------------------------------
        if (sfence_vma_i) begin
            set_pc_commit_o        = 1'b1;
            flush_if_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_unissued_instr_o = 1'b1;
            flush_id_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_ex_o             = 1'b1;

            flush_tlb_o            = 1'b1;

        // Set PC to commit stage and flush pipleine
        if (flush_csr_i || flush_commit_i) begin
            set_pc_commit_o        = 1'b1;
            flush_if_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_unissued_instr_o = 1'b1;
            flush_id_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_ex_o             = 1'b1;

        // ---------------------------------
        // 1. Exception
        // 2. Return from exception
        // ---------------------------------
        if (ex_valid_i || eret_i || set_debug_pc_i) begin
            // don't flush pcgen as we want to take the exception: Flush PCGen is not a flush signal
            // for the PC Gen stage but instead tells it to take the PC we gave it
            set_pc_commit_o        = 1'b0;
            flush_if_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_unissued_instr_o = 1'b1;
            flush_id_o             = 1'b1;
            flush_ex_o             = 1'b1;

    // ----------------------
    // Halt Logic
    // ----------------------
    always_comb begin
        // halt the core if the fence is active
        halt_o = halt_csr_i || fence_active_q;

    // ----------------------
    // Registers
    // ----------------------
    always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
        if(~rst_ni) begin
            fence_active_q <= 1'b0;
            flush_dcache_o <= 1'b0;
        end else begin
            fence_active_q <= fence_active_d;
            // register on the flush signal, this signal might be critical
            flush_dcache_o <= flush_dcache;