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// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Florian Zaruba, ETH Zurich
// Date: 20.09.2018
// Description: Buffers AMO requests
// This unit buffers an atomic memory operations for the cache subsyste.
// Furthermore it handles interfacing with the commit stage

module amo_buffer (
    input  logic clk_i,              // Clock
    input  logic rst_ni,             // Asynchronous reset active low
    input  logic flush_i,            // pipeline flush

    input  logic             valid_i,            // AMO is valid
    output logic             ready_o,            // AMO unit is ready
    input  ariane_pkg::amo_t amo_op_i,           // AMO Operation
    input  logic [63:0]      paddr_i,            // physical address of store which needs to be placed in the queue
    input  logic [63:0]      data_i,             // data which is placed in the queue
    input  logic [1:0]       data_size_i,        // type of request we are making (e.g.: bytes to write)
    // D$
    output ariane_pkg::amo_req_t  amo_req_o,          // request to cache subsytem
    input  ariane_pkg::amo_resp_t amo_resp_i,         // response from cache subsystem
    // Auxiliary signals
    input  logic amo_valid_commit_i, // We have a vaild AMO in the commit stage
    input  logic no_st_pending_i     // there is currently no store pending anymore
    logic flush_amo_buffer;
    logic amo_valid;

    typedef struct packed {
        ariane_pkg::amo_t        op;
        logic [63:0] paddr;
        logic [63:0] data;
        logic [1:0]  size;
    } amo_op_t ;

    amo_op_t amo_data_in, amo_data_out;

    // validate this request as soon as all stores have drained and the AMO is in the commit stage
    assign amo_req_o.req = no_st_pending_i & amo_valid_commit_i & amo_valid;
    assign amo_req_o.amo_op = amo_data_out.op;
    assign amo_req_o.size = amo_data_out.size;
    assign amo_req_o.operand_a = amo_data_out.paddr;
    assign amo_req_o.operand_b =;

    assign amo_data_in.op = amo_op_i;
    assign = data_i;
    assign amo_data_in.paddr = paddr_i;
    assign amo_data_in.size = data_size_i;

    // only flush if we are currently not committing the AMO
    // e.g.: it is not speculative anymore
    assign flush_amo_buffer = flush_i & !amo_valid_commit_i;

    fifo_v2 #(
        .DEPTH        ( 1                ),
        .ALM_EMPTY_TH ( 0                ),
        .ALM_FULL_TH  ( 0                ),
        .dtype        ( amo_op_t         )
    ) i_amo_fifo (
        .clk_i        ( clk_i            ),
        .rst_ni       ( rst_ni           ),
        .flush_i      ( flush_amo_buffer ),
        .testmode_i   ( 1'b0             ),
        .full_o       ( amo_valid        ),
        .empty_o      ( ready_o          ),
        .alm_full_o   (  ), // left open
        .alm_empty_o  (  ), // left open
        .data_i       ( amo_data_in      ),
        .push_i       ( valid_i          ),
        .data_o       ( amo_data_out     ),
        .pop_i        ( amo_resp_i.ack   )
