tb_axi_xbar_pkg.sv 20 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2019 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Authors:
// - Florian Zaruba <zarubaf@iis.ee.ethz.ch>
// - Wolfgang Roenninger <wroennin@iis.ee.ethz.ch>

// `axi_xbar_monitor` implements an AXI bus monitor that is tuned for the AXI crossbar.
// It snoops on each of the slaves and master ports of the crossbar and
// populates FIFOs and ID queues to validate that no AXI beats get
// lost or sent to the wrong destination.

package tb_axi_xbar_pkg;
  class axi_xbar_monitor #(
    parameter int unsigned AxiAddrWidth,
    parameter int unsigned AxiDataWidth,
    parameter int unsigned AxiIdWidthMasters,
    parameter int unsigned AxiIdWidthSlaves,
    parameter int unsigned AxiUserWidth,
    parameter int unsigned NoMasters,
    parameter int unsigned NoSlaves,
    parameter int unsigned NoAddrRules,
    parameter type         rule_t,
    parameter rule_t [NoAddrRules-1:0] AddrMap,
      // Stimuli application and test time
    parameter time  TimeTest
    typedef logic [AxiIdWidthMasters-1:0] mst_axi_id_t;
    typedef logic [AxiIdWidthSlaves-1:0]  slv_axi_id_t;
    typedef logic [AxiAddrWidth-1:0]      axi_addr_t;

    typedef logic [$clog2(NoMasters)-1:0] idx_mst_t;
    typedef int unsigned                  idx_slv_t; // from rule_t

    typedef struct packed {
      mst_axi_id_t mst_axi_id;
      logic        last;
    } master_exp_t;
    typedef struct packed {
      slv_axi_id_t   slv_axi_id;
      axi_addr_t     slv_axi_addr;
      axi_pkg::len_t slv_axi_len;
    } exp_ax_t;
    typedef struct packed {
      slv_axi_id_t slv_axi_id;
      logic        last;
    } slave_exp_t;

    typedef rand_id_queue_pkg::rand_id_queue #(
      .data_t   ( master_exp_t      ),
      .ID_WIDTH ( AxiIdWidthMasters )
    ) master_exp_queue_t;
    typedef rand_id_queue_pkg::rand_id_queue #(
      .data_t   ( exp_ax_t         ),
      .ID_WIDTH ( AxiIdWidthSlaves )
    ) ax_queue_t;

    typedef rand_id_queue_pkg::rand_id_queue #(
      .data_t   ( slave_exp_t      ),
      .ID_WIDTH ( AxiIdWidthSlaves )
    ) slave_exp_queue_t;

    // Monitoring virtual interfaces
    virtual AXI_BUS_DV #(
      .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ( AxiAddrWidth      ),
      .AXI_DATA_WIDTH ( AxiDataWidth      ),
      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AxiIdWidthMasters ),
      .AXI_USER_WIDTH ( AxiUserWidth      )
    ) masters_axi [NoMasters-1:0];
    virtual AXI_BUS_DV #(
      .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ( AxiAddrWidth      ),
      .AXI_DATA_WIDTH ( AxiDataWidth      ),
      .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AxiIdWidthSlaves  ),
      .AXI_USER_WIDTH ( AxiUserWidth      )
    ) slaves_axi [NoSlaves-1:0];
    // Queues and FIFOs to hold the expected ids
    // Write transactions
    ax_queue_t         exp_aw_queue [NoSlaves-1:0];
    slave_exp_t        exp_w_fifo   [NoSlaves-1:0][$];
    slave_exp_t        act_w_fifo   [NoSlaves-1:0][$];
    master_exp_queue_t exp_b_queue  [NoMasters-1:0];

    // Read transactions
    ax_queue_t            exp_ar_queue  [NoSlaves-1:0];
    master_exp_queue_t    exp_r_queue  [NoMasters-1:0];

    // Bookkeeping
    longint unsigned tests_expected;
    longint unsigned tests_conducted;
    longint unsigned tests_failed;
    semaphore        cnt_sem;

    // Constructor
    function new(
      virtual AXI_BUS_DV #(
        .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ( AxiAddrWidth      ),
        .AXI_DATA_WIDTH ( AxiDataWidth      ),
        .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AxiIdWidthMasters ),
        .AXI_USER_WIDTH ( AxiUserWidth      )
      ) axi_masters_vif [NoMasters-1:0],
      virtual AXI_BUS_DV #(
        .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ( AxiAddrWidth      ),
        .AXI_DATA_WIDTH ( AxiDataWidth      ),
        .AXI_ID_WIDTH   ( AxiIdWidthSlaves  ),
        .AXI_USER_WIDTH ( AxiUserWidth      )
      ) axi_slaves_vif [NoSlaves-1:0]
        this.masters_axi     = axi_masters_vif;
        this.slaves_axi      = axi_slaves_vif;
        this.tests_expected  = 0;
        this.tests_conducted = 0;
        this.tests_failed    = 0;
        for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoMasters; i++) begin
          this.exp_b_queue[i] = new;
          this.exp_r_queue[i] = new;
        for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoSlaves; i++) begin
          this.exp_aw_queue[i] = new;
          this.exp_ar_queue[i] = new;
        this.cnt_sem = new(1);

    // when start the testing
    task cycle_start;

    // when is cycle finished
    task cycle_end;
      @(posedge masters_axi[0].clk_i);

    // This task monitors a slave ports of the crossbar. Every time an AW beat is seen
    // it populates an id queue at the right master port (if there is no expected decode error),
    // populates the expected b response in its own id_queue and in case when the atomic bit [5]
    // is set it also injects an expected response in the R channel.
    task automatic monitor_mst_aw(input int unsigned i);
      idx_slv_t    to_slave_idx;
      exp_ax_t     exp_aw;
      slv_axi_id_t exp_aw_id;
      bit          decerr;

      master_exp_t exp_b;

      if (masters_axi[i].aw_valid && masters_axi[i].aw_ready) begin
        // check if it should go to a decerror
        decerr = 1'b1;
        for (int unsigned j = 0; j < NoAddrRules; j++) begin
          if ((masters_axi[i].aw_addr >= AddrMap[j].start_addr) &&
              (masters_axi[i].aw_addr < AddrMap[j].end_addr)) begin
            to_slave_idx = idx_slv_t'(AddrMap[j].idx);
            decerr = 1'b0;
        // send the exp aw beat down into the queue of the slave when no decerror
        if (!decerr) begin
          exp_aw_id = {idx_mst_t'(i), masters_axi[i].aw_id};
          // $display("Test exp aw_id: %b",exp_aw_id);
          exp_aw = '{slv_axi_id:   exp_aw_id,
                     slv_axi_addr: masters_axi[i].aw_addr,
                     slv_axi_len:  masters_axi[i].aw_len   };
          this.exp_aw_queue[to_slave_idx].push(exp_aw_id, exp_aw);
          $display("%0tns > Master %0d: AW to Slave %0d: Axi ID: %b",
              $time, i, to_slave_idx, masters_axi[i].aw_id);
        end else begin
          $display("%0tns > Master %0d: AW to Decerror: Axi ID: %b",
              $time, i, to_slave_idx, masters_axi[i].aw_id);
        // populate the expected b queue anyway
        exp_b = '{mst_axi_id: masters_axi[i].aw_id, last: 1'b1};
        this.exp_b_queue[i].push(masters_axi[i].aw_id, exp_b);
        $display("        Expect B response.");
        // inject expected r beats on this id, if it is an atop
        if(masters_axi[i].aw_atop[5]) begin
          // push the required r beats into the right fifo (reuse the exp_b variable)
          $display("        Expect R response, len: %0d.", masters_axi[i].aw_len);
          for (int unsigned j = 0; j <= masters_axi[i].aw_len; j++) begin
            exp_b = (j == masters_axi[i].aw_len) ?
                '{mst_axi_id: masters_axi[i].aw_id, last: 1'b1} :
                '{mst_axi_id: masters_axi[i].aw_id, last: 1'b0};
            this.exp_r_queue[i].push(masters_axi[i].aw_id, exp_b);
    endtask : monitor_mst_aw

    // This task monitors a slave port of the crossbar. Every time there is an AW vector it
    // gets checked for its contents and if it was expected. The task then pushes an expected
    // amount of W beats in the respective fifo. Emphasis of the last flag.
    task automatic monitor_slv_aw(input int unsigned i);
      exp_ax_t    exp_aw;
      slave_exp_t exp_slv_w;
      //  $display("%0t > Was triggered: aw_valid %b, aw_ready: %b",
      //       $time(), slaves_axi[i].aw_valid, slaves_axi[i].aw_ready);
      if (slaves_axi[i].aw_valid && slaves_axi[i].aw_ready) begin
        // test if the aw beat was expected
        exp_aw = this.exp_aw_queue[i].pop_id(slaves_axi[i].aw_id);
        $display("%0tns > Slave  %0d: AW Axi ID: %b",
            $time, i, slaves_axi[i].aw_id);
        if (exp_aw.slv_axi_id != slaves_axi[i].aw_id) begin
          $warning("Slave %0d: Unexpected AW with ID: %b", i, slaves_axi[i].aw_id);
        if (exp_aw.slv_axi_addr != slaves_axi[i].aw_addr) begin
          $warning("Slave %0d: Unexpected AW with ID: %b and ADDR: %h, exp: %h",
              i, slaves_axi[i].aw_id, slaves_axi[i].aw_addr, exp_aw.slv_axi_addr);
        if (exp_aw.slv_axi_len != slaves_axi[i].aw_len) begin
          $warning("Slave %0d: Unexpected AW with ID: %b and LEN: %h, exp: %h",
              i, slaves_axi[i].aw_id, slaves_axi[i].aw_len, exp_aw.slv_axi_len);

        // push the required w beats into the right fifo
        incr_expected_tests(slaves_axi[i].aw_len + 1);
        for (int unsigned j = 0; j <= slaves_axi[i].aw_len; j++) begin
          exp_slv_w = (j == slaves_axi[i].aw_len) ?
              '{slv_axi_id: slaves_axi[i].aw_id, last: 1'b1} :
              '{slv_axi_id: slaves_axi[i].aw_id, last: 1'b0};
    endtask : monitor_slv_aw

    // This task just pushes every W beat that gets sent on a master port in its respective fifo.
    task automatic monitor_slv_w(input int unsigned i);
      slave_exp_t     act_slv_w;
      if (slaves_axi[i].w_valid && slaves_axi[i].w_ready) begin
        // $display("%0t > W beat on Slave %0d, last flag: %b", $time, i, slaves_axi[i].w_last);
        act_slv_w = '{last: slaves_axi[i].w_last , default:'0};
    endtask : monitor_slv_w

    // This task compares the expected and actual W beats on a master port. The reason that
    // this is not done in `monitor_slv_w` is that there can be per protocol W beats on the
    // channel, before AW is sent to the slave.
    task automatic check_slv_w(input int unsigned i);
      slave_exp_t exp_w, act_w;
      while (this.exp_w_fifo[i].size() != 0 && this.act_w_fifo[i].size() != 0) begin

        exp_w = this.exp_w_fifo[i].pop_front();
        act_w = this.act_w_fifo[i].pop_front();
        // do the check
        if(exp_w.last != act_w.last) begin
          $warning("Slave %d: unexpected W beat last flag %b, expected: %b.",
                 i, act_w.last, exp_w.last);
    endtask : check_slv_w

    // This task checks if a B response is allowed on a slave port of the crossbar.
    task automatic monitor_mst_b(input int unsigned i);
      master_exp_t exp_b;
      mst_axi_id_t axi_b_id;
      if (masters_axi[i].b_valid && masters_axi[i].b_ready) begin
        axi_b_id = masters_axi[i].b_id;
        $display("%0tns > Master %0d: Got last B with id: %b",
                $time, i, axi_b_id);
        if (this.exp_b_queue[i].empty()) begin
          $warning("Master %d: unexpected B beat with ID: %b detected!", i, axi_b_id);
        end else begin
          exp_b = this.exp_b_queue[i].pop_id(axi_b_id);
          if (axi_b_id != exp_b.mst_axi_id) begin
            $warning("Master: %d got unexpected B with ID: %b", i, axi_b_id);
    endtask : monitor_mst_b

    // This task monitors the AR channel of a slave port of the crossbar. For each AR it populates
    // the corresponding ID queue with the number of r beats indicated on the `ar_len` field.
    // Emphasis on the last flag. We will detect reordering, if the last flags do not match,
    // as each `random` burst tend to have a different length.
    task automatic monitor_mst_ar(input int unsigned i);
      mst_axi_id_t   mst_axi_id;
      axi_addr_t     mst_axi_addr;
      axi_pkg::len_t mst_axi_len;

      idx_slv_t      exp_slv_idx;
      slv_axi_id_t   exp_slv_axi_id;
      exp_ax_t       exp_slv_ar;
      master_exp_t   exp_mst_r;

      logic          exp_decerr;

      if (masters_axi[i].ar_valid && masters_axi[i].ar_ready) begin
        exp_decerr     = 1'b1;
        mst_axi_id     = masters_axi[i].ar_id;
        mst_axi_addr   = masters_axi[i].ar_addr;
        mst_axi_len    = masters_axi[i].ar_len;
        exp_slv_axi_id = {idx_mst_t'(i), mst_axi_id};
        exp_slv_idx    = '0;
        for (int unsigned j = 0; j < NoAddrRules; j++) begin
          if ((mst_axi_addr >= AddrMap[j].start_addr) && (mst_axi_addr < AddrMap[j].end_addr)) begin
            exp_slv_idx = AddrMap[j].idx;
            exp_decerr  = 1'b0;
        if (exp_decerr) begin
          $display("%0tns > Master %0d: AR to Decerror: Axi ID: %b",
              $time, i, mst_axi_id);
        end else begin
          $display("%0tns > Master %0d: AR to Slave %0d: Axi ID: %b",
              $time, i, exp_slv_idx, mst_axi_id);
          // push the expected vectors AW for exp_slv
          exp_slv_ar = '{slv_axi_id:    exp_slv_axi_id,
                         slv_axi_addr:  mst_axi_addr,
                         slv_axi_len:   mst_axi_len     };
          //$display("Expected Slv Axi Id is: %b", exp_slv_axi_id);
          this.exp_ar_queue[exp_slv_idx].push(exp_slv_axi_id, exp_slv_ar);
        // push the required r beats into the right fifo
          $display("        Expect R response, len: %0d.", masters_axi[i].ar_len);
          for (int unsigned j = 0; j <= mst_axi_len; j++) begin
          exp_mst_r = (j == mst_axi_len) ? '{mst_axi_id: mst_axi_id, last: 1'b1} :
                                           '{mst_axi_id: mst_axi_id, last: 1'b0};
          this.exp_r_queue[i].push(mst_axi_id, exp_mst_r);
    endtask : monitor_mst_ar

    // This task monitors a master port of the crossbar and checks if a transmitted AR beat was
    // expected.
    task automatic monitor_slv_ar(input int unsigned i);
      exp_ax_t       exp_slv_ar;
      slv_axi_id_t   slv_axi_id;
      if (slaves_axi[i].ar_valid && slaves_axi[i].ar_ready) begin
        slv_axi_id = slaves_axi[i].ar_id;
        if (this.exp_ar_queue[i].empty()) begin
        end else begin
          // check that the ids are the same
          exp_slv_ar = this.exp_ar_queue[i].pop_id(slv_axi_id);
          $display("%0tns > Slave  %0d: AR Axi ID: %b", $time, i, slv_axi_id);
          if (exp_slv_ar.slv_axi_id != slv_axi_id) begin
            $warning("Slave  %d: Unexpected AR with ID: %b", i, slv_axi_id);
    endtask : monitor_slv_ar

    // This task does the R channel monitoring on a slave port. It compares the last flags,
    // which are determined by the sequence of previously sent AR vectors.
    task automatic monitor_mst_r(input int unsigned i);
      master_exp_t exp_mst_r;
      mst_axi_id_t mst_axi_r_id;
      logic        mst_axi_r_last;
      if (masters_axi[i].r_valid && masters_axi[i].r_ready) begin
        mst_axi_r_id   = masters_axi[i].r_id;
        mst_axi_r_last = masters_axi[i].r_last;
        if (mst_axi_r_last) begin
          $display("%0tns > Master %0d: Got last R with id: %b",
                   $time, i, mst_axi_r_id);
        if (this.exp_r_queue[i].empty()) begin
          $warning("Master %d: unexpected R beat with ID: %b detected!", i, mst_axi_r_id);
        end else begin
          exp_mst_r = this.exp_r_queue[i].pop_id(mst_axi_r_id);
          if (mst_axi_r_id != exp_mst_r.mst_axi_id) begin
            $warning("Master: %d got unexpected R with ID: %b", i, mst_axi_r_id);
          if (mst_axi_r_last != exp_mst_r.last) begin
            $warning("Master: %d got unexpected R with ID: %b and last flag: %b",
                i, mst_axi_r_id, mst_axi_r_last);
    endtask : monitor_mst_r

    // Some tasks to manage bookkeeping of the tests conducted.
    task incr_expected_tests(input int unsigned times);
      this.tests_expected += times;
    endtask : incr_expected_tests

    task incr_conducted_tests(input int unsigned times);
      this.tests_conducted += times;
    endtask : incr_conducted_tests

    task incr_failed_tests(input int unsigned times);
      this.tests_failed += times;
    endtask : incr_failed_tests

    // This task invokes the various monitoring tasks. It first forks in two, spitting
    // the tasks that should continuously run and the ones that get invoked every clock cycle.
    // For the tasks every clock cycle all processes that only push something in the fifo's and
    // Queues get run. When they are finished the processes that pop something get run.
    task run();
      Continous: fork
          do begin
            // at every cycle span some monitoring processes
            // execute all processes that put something into the queues
            PushMon: fork
              proc_mst_aw: begin
                for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoMasters; i++) begin
              proc_mst_ar: begin
                for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoMasters; i++) begin
            join : PushMon
            // this one pops and pushes something
            proc_slv_aw: begin
              for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoSlaves; i++) begin
            proc_slv_w: begin
              for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoSlaves; i++) begin
            // These only pop somethong from the queses
            PopMon: fork
              proc_mst_b: begin
                for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoMasters; i++) begin
              proc_slv_ar: begin
                for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoSlaves; i++) begin
              proc_mst_r: begin
                for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoMasters; i++) begin
            join : PopMon
            // check the slave W fifos last
            proc_check_slv_w: begin
              for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoSlaves; i++) begin
          end while (1'b1);
    endtask : run

    task print_result();
      $info("Simulation has ended!");
      $display("Tests Expected:  %d", this.tests_expected);
      $display("Tests Conducted: %d", this.tests_conducted);
      $display("Tests Failed:    %d", this.tests_failed);
      if(tests_failed > 0) begin
        $error("Simulation encountered unexpected Transactions!!!!!!");
    endtask : print_result
  endclass : axi_xbar_monitor