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// Copyright 2021 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51

module mempool_tb_verilator (
  input logic clk_i,
  input logic rst_ni

   *  Definitions  *

  import mempool_pkg::*;
  import axi_pkg::xbar_cfg_t;
  import axi_pkg::xbar_rule_32_t;

  `ifdef BOOT_ADDR
  localparam BootAddr = `BOOT_ADDR;
  localparam BootAddr = 0;

  localparam ClockPeriod = 2ns;
  localparam TA          = 0.2ns;
  localparam TT          = 0.8ns;

   *  Clock and Reset Generation  *

  logic clk;
  logic rst_n;

  // Controlling the clock and reset
  assign clk = clk_i;
  assign rst_n = rst_ni;
  // Toggling the clock
  always #(ClockPeriod/2) clk = !clk;
  initial begin
    clk   = 1'b1;
    rst_n = 1'b0;

    repeat (5)

    rst_n = 1'b1;

   *  Signal declarations  *

  logic eoc_valid;

  axi_system_req_t  axi_mst_req;
  axi_system_resp_t axi_mst_resp;

   *  DUT  *

  mempool_system #(
    .TCDMBaseAddr(32'h0   ),
    .BootAddr    (BootAddr)
  ) dut (
    .clk_i          (clk          ),
    .rst_ni         (rst_n        ),
    .fetch_en_i     (1'b0         ),
    .eoc_valid_o    (eoc_valid    ),
    .busy_o         (/*Unused*/   ),
    .mst_req_o      (axi_mst_req  ),
    .mst_resp_i     (axi_mst_resp ),
    .slv_req_i      (/*Unused*/ '0),
    .slv_resp_o     (/*Unused*/   )

   *  UART  *

  axi_uart #(
    .axi_req_t  (axi_system_req_t ),
    .axi_resp_t (axi_system_resp_t)
  ) i_axi_uart (
    .clk_i     (clk         ),
    .rst_ni    (rst_n       ),
    .testmode_i(1'b0        ),
    .axi_req_i (axi_mst_req ),

  // TODO: Add XBAR and infinite host memory?

   *  EOC  *
  always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
    if (rst_ni && eoc_valid) begin
      $display("[EOC] Simulation ended at %t (retval = %0d).", $time, dut.i_ctrl_registers.eoc_o);

  // TODO read EOC value with DPI

endmodule : mempool_tb_verilator