1. 01 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  2. 30 Jun, 2016 3 commits
  3. 29 Jun, 2016 5 commits
  4. 28 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  5. 26 Jun, 2016 7 commits
  6. 24 Jun, 2016 3 commits
    • Add GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV flag to respect $GIT_* environment vars · 0dd98b69
      git_repository_open_ext provides parameters for the start path, whether
      to search across filesystems, and what ceiling directories to stop at.
      git commands have standard environment variables and defaults for each
      of those, as well as various other parameters of the repository. To
      avoid duplicate environment variable handling in users of libgit2, add a
      GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV flag, which makes git_repository_open_ext
      automatically handle the appropriate environment variables. Commands
      that intend to act just like those built into git itself can use this
      flag to get the expected default behavior.
      git_repository_open_ext with the GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV flag
      future, when libgit2 gets worktree support, git_repository_open_env will
      also respect $GIT_WORK_TREE and $GIT_COMMON_DIR; until then,
      git_repository_open_ext with this flag will error out if either
      $GIT_WORK_TREE or $GIT_COMMON_DIR is set.
      Josh Triplett committed
    • Add GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_DOTGIT flag to avoid appending /.git · 39c6fca3
      GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH does not search up through parent
      directories, but still tries the specified path both directly and with
      /.git appended.  GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_BARE avoids appending /.git, but
      opens the repository in bare mode even if it has a working directory.
      To support the semantics git uses when given $GIT_DIR in the
      environment, provide a new GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_DOTGIT flag to not try
      appending /.git.
      Josh Triplett committed
    • Fix repository discovery with ceiling_dirs at current directory · ed577134
      git only checks ceiling directories when its search ascends to a parent
      directory.  A ceiling directory matching the starting directory will not
      prevent git from finding a repository in the starting directory or a
      parent directory.  libgit2 handled the former case correctly, but
      differed from git in the latter case: given a ceiling directory matching
      the starting directory, but no repository at the starting directory,
      libgit2 would stop the search at that point rather than finding a
      repository in a parent directory.
      Test case using git command-line tools:
      /tmp$ git init x
      Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/x/.git/
      /tmp$ cd x/
      /tmp/x$ mkdir subdir
      /tmp/x$ cd subdir/
      /tmp/x/subdir$ GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES=/tmp/x git rev-parse --git-dir
      fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
      /tmp/x/subdir$ GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES=/tmp/x/subdir git rev-parse --git-dir
      Fix the testsuite to test this case (in one case fixing a test that
      depended on the current behavior), and then fix find_repo to handle this
      case correctly.
      In the process, simplify and document the logic in find_repo():
      - Separate the concepts of "currently checking a .git directory" and
        "number of iterations left before going further counts as a search"
        into two separate variables, in_dot_git and min_iterations.
      - Move the logic to handle in_dot_git and append /.git to the top of the
      - Only search ceiling_dirs and find ceiling_offset after running out of
        min_iterations; since ceiling_offset only tracks the longest matching
        ceiling directory, if ceiling_dirs contained both the current
        directory and a parent directory, this change makes find_repo stop the
        search at the parent directory.
      Josh Triplett committed
  7. 21 Jun, 2016 6 commits
  8. 20 Jun, 2016 14 commits