1. 26 Oct, 2018 26 commits
  2. 19 Oct, 2018 14 commits
    • tests: online::clone: inline creds-test with nonexistent URL · 2362ce6c
      Right now, we test our credential callback code twice, once via SSH on
      localhost and once via a non-existent GitHub repository. While the first
      URL makes sense to be configurable, it does not make sense to hard-code
      the non-existing repository, which requires us to call tests multiple
      times. Instead, we can just inline the URL into another set of tests.
      (cherry picked from commit 54a1bf05)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: online::clone: construct credential-URL from environment · a1a495f2
      We support two types of passing credentials to the proxy, either via the
      URL or explicitly by specifying user and password. We test these types
      by modifying the proxy URL and executing the tests twice, which is
      in fact unnecessary and requires us to maintain the list of environment
      variables and test executions across multiple CI infrastructures.
      To fix the situation, we can just always pass the host, port, user and
      password to the tests. The tests can then assemble the complete URL
      either with or without included credentials, allowing us to test both
      cases in-process.
      (cherry picked from commit fea60920)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: perf: build but exclude performance tests by default · 89641431
      Our performance tests (or to be more concrete, our single performance
      test) are not built by default, as they are always #ifdef'd out. While
      it is true that we don't want to run performance tests by default, not
      compiling them at all may cause code rot and is thus an unfavorable
      approach to handle this.
      We can easily improve this situation: this commit removes the #ifdef,
      causing the code to always be compiled. Furthermore, we add `-xperf` to
      the default command line parameters of `generate.py`, thus causing the
      tests to be excluded by default.
      Due to this approach, we are now able to execute the performance tests
      by passing `-sperf` to `libgit2_clar`. Unfortunately, we cannot execute
      the performance tests on Travis or AppVeyor as they rely on history
      being available for the libgit2 repository. As both do a shallow clone
      only, though, this is not given.
      (cherry picked from commit 543ec149)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: iterator::workdir: fix reference count in stale test · 98378a3f
      The test `iterator::workdir::filesystem_gunk` is usually not executed,
      as it is guarded by the environment variable "GITTEST_INVASIVE_SPEED"
      due to its effects on speed. As such, it has become stale and does not
      account for new references which have meanwhile been added to the
      testrepo, causing it to fail. Fix this by raising the number of expected
      references to 15.
      (cherry picked from commit b8c14499)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: iterator_helpers: assert number of iterator items · d2bbea82
      When the function `expect_iterator_items` surpasses the number of
      expected items, we simply break the loop. This causes us to trigger an
      assert later on which has message attached, which is annoying when
      trying to locate the root error cause. Instead, directly assert that the
      current count is still smaller or equal to the expected count inside of
      the loop.
      (cherry picked from commit 9aba7636)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: status::worktree: indicate skipped tests on Win32 · 293c5ef2
      Some function bodies of tests which are not applicable to the Win32
      platform are completely #ifdef'd out instead of calling `cl_skip()`.
      This leaves us with no indication that these tests are not being
      executed at all and may thus cause decreased scrutiny when investigating
      skipped tests. Improve the situation by calling `cl_skip()` instead of
      just doing nothing.
      (cherry picked from commit 72c28ab0)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • travis: build sources with tracing enabled · 8ba43299
      Our tracing architecture is not built by default, causing the Travis CI
      to not execute some code and skip several tests. As AppVeyor has already
      enabled the tracing architecture when building the code, we should do
      the same for Travis CI to have this code being tested on macOS and
      Add "-DENABLE_TRACE=ON" to our release-build options of Travis.
      (cherry picked from commit 8999f6ac)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • travis: drop support for Ubuntu Precise · 13a6b203
      Ubuntu Precise is end of life since April 2017. At that point in time,
      Precise was still the main distro on which Travis CI built upon, with
      the Trusty-based images still being in a beta state. But since June
      21st, Trusty has officially moved out of beta and is now the default
      image for all new builds. Right now, we build on both old and new images
      to assure we support both.
      Unfortunately, this leaves us with the highest minimum version for CMake
      being 2.8.7, as Precise has no greater version in its repositories. And
      because of this limitation, we cannot actually use object libraries in
      our build instructions. But considering Precise is end of life and
      Trusty is now the new default for Travis, we can and should drop support
      for this old and unmaintained distribution. And so we do.
      (cherry picked from commit c17c3f8a)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • travis: we use bintray's own key for signing · 76ecd892
      The VM on Travis apparently will still proceed, but it's good practice.
      (cherry picked from commit 6e748130)
      Carlos Martín Nieto committed
    • travis: fetch trusty dependencies from bintray · 6be03667
      The trusty dependencies are now hosted on Bintray.
      (cherry picked from commit da9898ab)
      Edward Thomson committed
    • travis: add custom apt sources · 0c51ecf2
      Move back to Travis's VM infrastructure for efficiency.
      (cherry picked from commit 9dc21efd)
      Edward Thomson committed
    • travis: let's try a 5GB ramdisk · 93434828
      (cherry picked from commit 71ba4644)
      Carlos Martín Nieto committed
    • travis: put clar's sandbox in a ramdisk on macOS · 4eecbdd0
      The macOS tests are by far the slowest right now. This attempts to remedy the
      situation somewhat by asking clar to put its test data on a ramdisk.
      (cherry picked from commit 37bb1512)
      Carlos Martín Nieto committed
    • examples: network: fix Win32 linking errors due to getline · 736356a6
      The getline(3) function call is not part of ISO C and, most importantly,
      it is not implemented on Microsoft Windows platforms. As our networking
      example code makes use of getline, this breaks builds on MSVC and MinGW.
      As this code wasn't built prior to the previous commit, this was never
      Fix the error by instead implementing a `readline` function, which
      simply reads the password from stdin until it reads a newline
      (cherry picked from commit bf15dbf6)
      Patrick Steinhardt committed