1. 24 Jan, 2019 3 commits
    • Single callback for commit signing in rebase w/ git_buf · 578cc029
      Reduces the number of callbacks for signing a commit during a rebase operation to just one callback. That callback has 2 out git_buf parameters for signature and signature field. We use git_buf here, because we cannot make any assumptions about the heap allocator a user of the library might be using.
      Tyler Wanek committed
    • Add signing callbacks for git_rebase_commit in git_rebase_options · 546e40c9
      2 callbacks have been added to git_rebase_options, git_rebase_commit_signature_cb and git_rebase_commit_signature_field_cb. When git_rebase_commit_signature_cb is present in git_rebase_options, it will be called whenever git_rebase_commit is performed, giving an opportunity to sign the commit. The signing procedure can be skipped if the callback specifies passthrough as the error. The git_rebase_commit_signature_field_cb will only be called if the other callback is present or did not passthrough, and it provides means to specify which field a signature is for.
      Git_rebase_options was chosen as the home for these callbacks as it keeps backwards compatibility with the current rebase api.
      Tyler Wanek committed
  2. 22 Jan, 2019 8 commits
  3. 20 Jan, 2019 14 commits
  4. 19 Jan, 2019 7 commits
  5. 17 Jan, 2019 8 commits