1. 06 Jul, 2011 2 commits
    • Fix network MSYS compilation · 39cdf272
      MSYS/MinGW uses winsock but obviously doesn't set _MSC_VER. Use _WIN32
      to decide whether to use winsock or BSD headers. Also remove these
      headers from src/transport_git.c altogether, as they are not needed.
      MSYS is very conservative, so we have to tell it that we don't care
      about versions of Windows lower than WindowsXP. We also need to tell
      CMake to add ws2_32 to the libraries list and we shouldn't add the
      -fPIC option, to MSYS because it complains that it does it anyway.
      Signed-off-by: Carlos Martín Nieto <carlos@cmartin.tk>
      Carlos Martín Nieto committed
    • build: Add simple Makefile for embedding the library · e1bf24c8
      Run `make -f Makefile.embed` to get a `libgit2.a` with no dependencies
      and no configuration on any Unix-like system.
      The generated library can be linked with any piece of software without
      licensing issues.
      Have fun.
      Vicent Marti committed
  2. 05 Jul, 2011 35 commits
  3. 03 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  4. 01 Jul, 2011 2 commits