1. 09 Aug, 2012 5 commits
  2. 04 Aug, 2012 1 commit
    • Update iterators for consistency across library · 5dca2010
      This updates all the `foreach()` type functions across the library
      that take callbacks from the user to have a consistent behavior.
      The rules are:
      * A callback terminates the loop by returning any non-zero value
      * Once the callback returns non-zero, it will not be called again
        (i.e. the loop stops all iteration regardless of state)
      * If the callback returns non-zero, the parent fn returns GIT_EUSER
      * Although the parent returns GIT_EUSER, no error will be set in
        the library and `giterr_last()` will return NULL if called.
      This commit makes those changes across the library and adds tests
      for most of the iteration APIs to make sure that they follow the
      above rules.
      Russell Belfer committed
  3. 24 Jul, 2012 2 commits
  4. 12 Jul, 2012 1 commit
  5. 11 Jul, 2012 1 commit
  6. 07 Jul, 2012 4 commits
  7. 22 Jun, 2012 1 commit
  8. 07 Jun, 2012 1 commit
  9. 17 May, 2012 4 commits
  10. 30 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  11. 27 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  12. 25 Apr, 2012 3 commits
    • Rename git_khash_str to git_strmap, etc. · c2b67043
      This renamed `git_khash_str` to `git_strmap`, `git_hash_oid` to
      `git_oidmap`, and deletes `git_hashtable` from the tree, plus
      adds unit tests for `git_strmap`.
      Russell Belfer committed
    • Convert hashtable usage over to khash · 01fed0a8
      This updates khash.h with some extra features (like error checking
      on allocations, ability to use wrapped malloc, foreach calls, etc),
      creates two high-level wrappers around khash: `git_khash_str` and
      `git_khash_oid` for string-to-void-ptr and oid-to-void-ptr tables,
      then converts all of the old usage of `git_hashtable` over to use
      these new hashtables.
      For `git_khash_str`, I've tried to create a set of macros that
      yield an API not too unlike the old `git_hashtable` API.  Since
      the oid hashtable is only used in one file, I haven't bother to
      set up all those macros and just use the khash APIs directly for
      Russell Belfer committed
    • Implement git_pool paged memory allocator · 2bc8fa02
      This adds a `git_pool` object that can do simple paged memory
      allocation with free for the entire pool at once.  Using this,
      you can replace many small allocations with large blocks that
      can then cheaply be doled out in small pieces.  This is best
      used when you plan to free the small blocks all at once - for
      example, if they represent the parsed state from a file or data
      stream that are either all kept or all discarded.
      There are two real patterns of usage for `git_pools`: either
      for "string" allocation, where the item size is a single byte
      and you end up just packing the allocations in together, or for
      "fixed size" allocation where you are allocating a large object
      (e.g. a `git_oid`) and you generally just allocation single
      objects that can be tightly packed.  Of course, you can use it
      for other things, but those two cases are the easiest.
      Russell Belfer committed
  13. 23 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  14. 17 Apr, 2012 2 commits
    • Fix warnings on 64-bit windows builds · 44ef8b1b
      This fixes all the warnings on win64 except those in deps, which
      come from the regex code.
      Russell Belfer committed
    • Add git_reference_lookup_oid and lookup_resolved · f201d613
      Adds a new public reference function `git_reference_lookup_oid`
      that directly resolved a reference name to an OID without returning
      the intermediate `git_reference` object (hence, no free needed).
      Internally, this adds a `git_reference_lookup_resolved` function
      that combines looking up and resolving a reference.  This allows
      us to be more efficient with memory reallocation.
      The existing `git_reference_lookup` and `git_reference_resolve`
      are reimplmented on top of the new utility and a few places in the
      code are changed to use one of the two new functions.
      Russell Belfer committed
  15. 10 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  16. 16 Mar, 2012 1 commit
  17. 13 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Migrate ODB files to new error handling · e1de726c
      This migrates odb.c, odb_loose.c, odb_pack.c and pack.c to
      the new style of error handling.  Also got the unix and win32
      versions of map.c.  There are some minor changes to other
      files but no others were completely converted.
      This also contains an update to filebuf so that a zeroed out
      filebuf will not think that the fd (== 0) is actually open
      (and inadvertently call close() on fd 0 if cleaned up).
      Lastly, this was built and tested on win32 and contains a
      bunch of fixes for the win32 build which was pretty broken.
      Russell Belfer committed
  18. 07 Mar, 2012 1 commit
  19. 05 Mar, 2012 1 commit
  20. 03 Mar, 2012 1 commit
  21. 02 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Clean up GIT_UNUSED macros on all platforms · 854eccbb
      It turns out that commit 31e9cfc4cbcaf1b38cdd3dbe3282a8f57e5366a5
      did not fix the GIT_USUSED behavior on all platforms.  This commit
      walks through and really cleans things up more thoroughly, getting
      rid of the unnecessary stuff.
      To remove the use of some GIT_UNUSED, I ended up adding a couple
      of new iterators for hashtables that allow you to iterator just
      over keys or just over values.
      In making this change, I found a bug in the clar tests (where we
      were doing *count++ but meant to do (*count)++ to increment the
      value).  I fixed that but then found the test failing because it
      was not really using an empty repo.  So, I took some of the code
      that I wrote for iterator testing and moved it to clar_helpers.c,
      then made use of that to make it easier to open fixtures on a
      per test basis even within a single test file.
      Russell Belfer committed
  22. 27 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • buffer: Unify `git_fbuffer` and `git_buf` · 13224ea4
      This makes so much sense that I can't believe it hasn't been done
      before. Kill the old `git_fbuffer` and read files straight into
      `git_buf` objects.
      Also: In order to fully support 4GB files in 32-bit systems, the
      `git_buf` implementation has been changed from using `ssize_t` for
      storage and storing negative values on allocation failure, to using
      `size_t` and changing the buffer pointer to a magical pointer on
      allocation failure.
      Hopefully this won't break anything.
      Vicent Martí committed
  23. 13 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  24. 19 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  25. 17 Jan, 2012 1 commit
    • Move path related functions from fileops to path · 1744fafe
      This takes all of the functions that look up simple data about
      paths (such as `git_futils_isdir`) and moves them over to path.h
      (becoming `git_path_isdir`).  This leaves fileops.h just with
      functions that actually manipulate the filesystem or look at
      the file contents in some way.
      As part of this, the dir.h header which is really just for win32
      support was moved into win32 (with some minor changes).
      Russell Belfer committed
  26. 24 Dec, 2011 1 commit