Commit c63aa494 by Vicent Marti

test: Abort when the temp workdir cannot be created

parent dbede305
......@@ -217,9 +217,10 @@ int copydir_recurs(const char *source_directory_path, const char *destination_di
int open_temp_repo(git_repository **repo, const char *path)
int error;
if ((error = copydir_recurs(path, TEMP_REPO_FOLDER)) < GIT_SUCCESS)
return error;
if (copydir_recurs(path, TEMP_REPO_FOLDER) < GIT_SUCCESS) {
printf("\nFailed to create temporary folder. Aborting test suite.\n");
return git_repository_open(repo, TEMP_REPO_FOLDER);
......@@ -227,7 +228,10 @@ int open_temp_repo(git_repository **repo, const char *path)
void close_temp_repo(git_repository *repo)
git_futils_rmdir_r(TEMP_REPO_FOLDER, 1);
if (git_futils_rmdir_r(TEMP_REPO_FOLDER, 1) < GIT_SUCCESS) {
printf("\nFailed to remove temporary folder. Aborting test suite.\n");
static int remove_placeholders_recurs(void *filename, char *path)
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