Unverified Commit c4cd69b2 by Edward Thomson Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #5039 from libgit2/ethomson/win32_hash

sha1: don't inline `git_hash_global_init` for win32
parents 5a190ad3 e5aecaf6
......@@ -109,6 +109,21 @@ static void git_hash_global_shutdown(void)
int git_hash_global_init(void)
int error = 0;
if (hash_prov.type != INVALID)
return 0;
if ((error = hash_cng_prov_init()) < 0)
error = hash_cryptoapi_prov_init();
return error;
/* CryptoAPI: available in Windows XP and newer */
GIT_INLINE(int) hash_ctx_cryptoapi_init(git_hash_ctx *ctx)
......@@ -138,19 +138,6 @@ struct git_hash_ctx {
} ctx;
GIT_INLINE(int) git_hash_global_init(void)
int error = 0;
if (hash_prov.type != INVALID)
return 0;
if ((error = hash_cng_prov_init()) < 0)
error = hash_cryptoapi_prov_init();
return error;
extern int git_hash_global_init(void);
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