Commit a6c822e3 by Edward Thomson

meta: update changelog for v1.3.2

parent 351da8af
🔒 This is a security release with multiple changes.
* This provides compatibility with git's changes to address CVE 2022-29187. As a follow up to [CVE 2022-24765](, now not only is the working directory of a non-bare repository examined for its ownership, but the `.git` directory and the `.git` file (if present) are also examined for their ownership.
* A fix for compatibility with git's (new) behavior for CVE 2022-24765 allows users on POSIX systems to access a git repository that is owned by them when they are running in `sudo`.
* A fix for further compatibility with git's (existing) behavior for CVE 2022-24765 allows users on Windows to access a git repository that is owned by the Administrator when running with escalated privileges (using `runas Administrator`).
* The bundled zlib is updated to v1.2.12, as prior versions had memory corruption bugs. It is not known that there is a security vulnerability in libgit2 based on these bugs, but we are updating to be cautious.
All users of the v1.3 release line are recommended to upgrade.
v1.3.1 v1.3.1
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