Commit a59545de by Edward Thomson Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #4122 from pks-t/pks/signature-dbl-free

Signature cleanups
parents c576d4ff ade0d9c6
......@@ -255,7 +255,8 @@ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_commit_nth_gen_ancestor(
* Get an arbitrary header field
* @param out the buffer to fill
* @param out the buffer to fill; existing content will be
* overwritten
* @param commit the commit to look in
* @param field the header field to return
* @return 0 on succeess, GIT_ENOTFOUND if the field does not exist,
......@@ -270,8 +271,10 @@ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_commit_header_field(git_buf *out, const git_commit *commit,
* `GITERR_INVALID`. If the commit does not have a signature, the
* error class will be `GITERR_OBJECT`.
* @param signature the signature block
* @param signed_data signed data; this is the commit contents minus the signature block
* @param signature the signature block; existing content will be
* overwritten
* @param signed_data signed data; this is the commit contents minus the signature block;
* existing content will be overwritten
* @param repo the repository in which the commit exists
* @param commit_id the commit from which to extract the data
* @param field the name of the header field containing the signature
......@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ extern int git_buf_try_grow(
* library, when providing git_buf's, may wish to provide a NULL ptr for
* ease of handling. The buffer routines, however, expect a non-NULL ptr
* always. This helper method simply handles NULL input, converting to a
* git_buf__initbuf.
* git_buf__initbuf. If a buffer with a non-NULL ptr is passed in, this method
* assures that the buffer is '\0'-terminated.
extern void git_buf_sanitize(git_buf *buf);
......@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ int git_commit_header_field(git_buf *out, const git_commit *commit, const char *
const char *eol, *buf = commit->raw_header;
while ((eol = strchr(buf, '\n'))) {
/* We can skip continuations here */
......@@ -706,8 +706,8 @@ int git_commit_extract_signature(git_buf *signature, git_buf *signed_data, git_r
const char *h, *eol;
int error;
if (!field)
field = "gpgsig";
......@@ -766,8 +766,9 @@ int git_commit_extract_signature(git_buf *signature, git_buf *signed_data, git_r
if (git_buf_oom(signature))
goto oom;
error = git_buf_puts(signed_data, eol+1);
return git_buf_puts(signed_data, eol+1);
return error;
giterr_set(GITERR_OBJECT, "this commit is not signed");
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