Commit 9ef9e8c3 by Vicent Marti

tree: Use an internal append functiont to add new entries

parent 8255c69b
......@@ -222,6 +222,28 @@ static unsigned int find_next_dir(const char *dirname, git_index *index, unsigne
return i;
static int append_entry(git_treebuilder *bld, const char *filename, const git_oid *id, unsigned int attributes)
git_tree_entry *entry;
if ((entry = git__malloc(sizeof(git_tree_entry))) == NULL)
return GIT_ENOMEM;
memset(entry, 0x0, sizeof(git_tree_entry));
entry->filename = git__strdup(filename);
entry->filename_len = strlen(entry->filename);
git_oid_cpy(&entry->oid, id);
entry->attr = attributes;
if (git_vector_insert(&bld->entries, entry) < 0)
return GIT_ENOMEM;
static int write_tree(git_oid *oid, git_index *index, const char *dirname, unsigned int start)
git_treebuilder *bld = NULL;
......@@ -299,14 +321,14 @@ static int write_tree(git_oid *oid, git_index *index, const char *dirname, unsig
} else {
last_comp = subdir;
error = git_treebuilder_insert(NULL, bld, last_comp, &sub_oid, S_IFDIR);
error = append_entry(bld, last_comp, &sub_oid, S_IFDIR);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) {
error = git__rethrow(error, "Failed to insert dir");
goto cleanup;
} else {
error = git_treebuilder_insert(NULL, bld, filename, &entry->oid, entry->mode);
error = append_entry(bld, filename, &entry->oid, entry->mode);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) {
error = git__rethrow(error, "Failed to insert file");
......@@ -368,29 +390,13 @@ int git_treebuilder_create(git_treebuilder **builder_p, const git_tree *source)
if (source != NULL) {
bld->entry_count = source_entries;
for (i = 0; i < source->entries.length; ++i) {
git_tree_entry *entry_src = source->entries.contents[i];
git_tree_entry *entry = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_tree_entry));
if (entry == NULL) {
if (append_entry(bld, entry_src->filename, &entry_src->oid, entry_src->attr) < 0) {
return GIT_ENOMEM;
entry->filename = git__strdup(entry_src->filename);
if (entry->filename == NULL) {
return GIT_ENOMEM;
entry->filename_len = entry_src->filename_len;
git_oid_cpy(&entry->oid, &entry_src->oid);
entry->attr = entry_src->attr;
git_vector_insert(&bld->entries, entry);
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