Commit 8ea2c83b by nulltoken

Added creation of 'objects/info' and 'objects/pack' directories.

parent 2e29957a
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
#define GIT_DIR "/.git/"
#define GIT_OBJECTS_DIR "objects/"
#define GIT_REFS_DIR "refs/"
#define GIT_OBJECTS_INFO_DIR "objects/info/"
#define GIT_OBJECTS_PACK_DIR "objects/pack/"
#define GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR "refs/heads/"
#define GIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR "refs/tags/"
......@@ -786,19 +787,19 @@ int repo_init_structure(repo_init *results)
if (repo_init_createhead(temp_path) < GIT_SUCCESS)
return GIT_ERROR;
/* Creates the '/objects/' directory */
strcpy(temp_path + path_len, GIT_OBJECTS_DIR);
if (gitfo_mkdir(temp_path, mode))
/* Creates the '/objects/info/' directory */
strcpy(temp_path + path_len, GIT_OBJECTS_INFO_DIR);
if (gitfo_mkdir_recurs(temp_path, mode))
return GIT_ERROR;
/* Creates the '/refs/' directory */
strcpy(temp_path + path_len, GIT_REFS_DIR);
/* Creates the '/objects/pack/' directory */
strcpy(temp_path + path_len, GIT_OBJECTS_PACK_DIR);
if (gitfo_mkdir(temp_path, mode))
return GIT_ERROR;
/* Creates the '/refs/heads/' directory */
strcpy(temp_path + path_len, GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR);
if (gitfo_mkdir(temp_path, mode))
if (gitfo_mkdir_recurs(temp_path, mode))
return GIT_ERROR;
/* Creates the '/refs/tags/' directory */
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