Commit 870f69c3 by Edward Thomson

ci: convert PATH correctly to Cygwin format on Windows

We provide `BUILD_PATH` to our build script; provide it and mutate
`PATH` when running our tests as well.

We were previously using `cygpath` to try to convert a _list_ of Windows
paths into cygwin / Unix style `PATH` format. This does not work -- it
treats the path list as a single path (with semicolons -- understandably
as those are allowed characters in a Windows path).

For example, `C:\One;C:\Two;C:\Three` is converted to

Add a new function to convert path lists, so that paths are split by
semicolon and fed to `cygpath` independently, then re-joined with a
colon. This means that our example `C:\One;C:\Two;C:\Three` is correctly
converted to `/c/one:/c/two:/c/three`.
parent 62b03ef3
......@@ -13,16 +13,30 @@ BUILD_PATH=${BUILD_PATH:=$PATH}
CMAKE=$(which cmake)
indent() { sed "s/^/ /"; }
cygfullpath() {
result=$(echo "${1}" | tr \; \\n | while read -r element; do
if [ "${last}" != "" ]; then echo -n ":"; fi
echo -n $(cygpath "${element}")
if [ "${result}" = "" ]; then exit 1; fi
echo "${result}"
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == MINGW* ]]; then
BUILD_PATH=$(cygfullpath "${BUILD_PATH}")
indent() { sed "s/^/ /"; }
echo "Source directory: ${SOURCE_DIR}"
echo "Build directory: ${BUILD_DIR}"
echo ""
echo "Platform:"
uname -s | indent
if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
echo "macOS version:"
sw_vers | indent
......@@ -40,7 +54,7 @@ echo "Kernel version:"
uname -a 2>&1 | indent
echo "CMake version:"
env PATH="${BUILD_PATH}" "${CMAKE}" --version 2>&1 | indent
env PATH="${BUILD_PATH}" "${CMAKE}" --version | head -1 2>&1 | indent
if test -n "${CC}"; then
echo "Compiler version:"
......@@ -81,8 +81,18 @@ run_test() {
indent() { sed "s/^/ /"; }
cygfullpath() {
result=$(echo "${1}" | tr \; \\n | while read -r element; do
if [ "${last}" != "" ]; then echo -n ":"; fi
echo -n $(cygpath "${element}")
if [ "${result}" = "" ]; then exit 1; fi
echo "${result}"
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == MINGW* ]]; then
BUILD_PATH=$(cygfullpath "$BUILD_PATH")
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