Commit 85ab27c8 by Denis Laxalde Committed by Patrick Steinhardt

patch_parse: handle patches with new empty files

Patches containing additions of empty files will not contain diff data
but will end with the index header line followed by the terminating
sequence "-- ". We follow the same logic as in cc4c44a9 and allow "-- "
to immediately follow the index header.
parent 3c605da6
......@@ -394,6 +394,7 @@ static const parse_header_transition transitions[] = {
/* Next patch */
{ "diff --git " , STATE_END, 0, NULL },
{ "@@ -" , STATE_END, 0, NULL },
{ "-- " , STATE_INDEX, 0, NULL },
{ "-- " , STATE_END, 0, NULL },
......@@ -78,6 +78,26 @@ void test_diff_parse__exact_rename(void)
void test_diff_parse__empty_file(void)
const char *content =
" file | 0\n"
" 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)\n"
" created mode 100644 file\n"
"diff --git a/file b/file\n"
"new file mode 100644\n"
"index 0000000..e69de29\n"
"-- \n"
git_diff *diff;
&diff, content, strlen(content)));
void test_diff_parse__invalid_patches_fails(void)
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