Commit 69d11971 by Edward Thomson

README: disambiguate what to distribute source of

Indicate that if you make changes to libgit2 that you must distribute
the source _to libgit2_, not the source _of your program_.
parent c80efb5f
...@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ License ...@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ License
`libgit2` is under GPL2 **with linking exception**. This means you can link to `libgit2` is under GPL2 **with linking exception**. This means you can link to
and use the library from any program, proprietary or open source; paid or and use the library from any program, proprietary or open source; paid or
gratis. However, you cannot modify libgit2 and distribute it without gratis. However, if you modify libgit2 itself, you must distribute the
supplying the source. source to your modified version of libgit2.
See the [COPYING file](COPYING) for the full license text. See the [COPYING file](COPYING) for the full license text.
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