Commit 61f5cb54 by Edward Thomson Committed by Patrick Steinhardt

clar: remove globals; error-check fprintf/fclose

Remove the global summary filename and file pointer; pass them in to the
summary functions as needed.  Error check the results of buffered I/O

(cherry picked from commit b67a93ff)
parent b3e00a01
......@@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ struct clar_report {
struct clar_report *next;
struct clar_summary {
const char *filename;
FILE *fp;
static struct {
enum cl_test_status test_status;
......@@ -138,8 +143,10 @@ static struct {
int report_errors_only;
int exit_on_error;
int report_suite_names;
int write_summary;
const char *summary_file;
const char *summary_filename;
struct clar_summary *summary;
struct clar_explicit *explicit;
struct clar_explicit *last_explicit;
......@@ -185,8 +192,8 @@ static void clar_unsandbox(void);
static int clar_sandbox(void);
/* From summary.h */
static int clar_summary_init(const char *filename);
static void clar_summary_shutdown(void);
static struct clar_summary *clar_summary_init(const char *filename);
static int clar_summary_shutdown(struct clar_summary *fp);
/* Load the declarations for the test suite */
#include "clar.suite"
......@@ -352,14 +359,14 @@ clar_usage(const char *arg)
printf("Usage: %s [options]\n\n", arg);
printf(" -sname\tRun only the suite with `name` (can go to individual test name)\n");
printf(" -iname\tInclude the suite with `name`\n");
printf(" -xname\tExclude the suite with `name`\n");
printf(" -v \tIncrease verbosity (show suite names)\n");
printf(" -q \tOnly report tests that had an error\n");
printf(" -Q \tQuit as soon as a test fails\n");
printf(" -l \tPrint suite names\n");
printf(" -r \tWrite summary file\n");
printf(" -sname Run only the suite with `name` (can go to individual test name)\n");
printf(" -iname Include the suite with `name`\n");
printf(" -xname Exclude the suite with `name`\n");
printf(" -v Increase verbosity (show suite names)\n");
printf(" -q Only report tests that had an error\n");
printf(" -Q Quit as soon as a test fails\n");
printf(" -l Print suite names\n");
printf(" -r[filename] Write summary file (to the optional filename)\n");
......@@ -471,7 +478,7 @@ clar_parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
case 'r':
_clar.write_summary = 1;
_clar.summary_file = *(argument + 2) ? (argument + 2) :
_clar.summary_filename = *(argument + 2) ? (argument + 2) :
......@@ -493,8 +500,9 @@ clar_test_init(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
clar_parse_args(argc, argv);
if (_clar.write_summary && !clar_summary_init(_clar.summary_file)) {
clar_print_onabort("Failed to open the summary file: %s\n");
if (_clar.write_summary &&
!(_clar.summary = clar_summary_init(_clar.summary_filename))) {
clar_print_onabort("Failed to open the summary file\n");
......@@ -535,8 +543,10 @@ clar_test_shutdown(void)
if (_clar.write_summary)
if (_clar.write_summary && clar_summary_shutdown(_clar.summary) < 0) {
clar_print_onabort("Failed to write the summary file\n");
for (explicit = _clar.explicit; explicit; explicit = explicit_next) {
explicit_next = explicit->next;
......@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
static const char *filename;
static FILE *summary;
int clar_summary_close_tag(const char *tag, int indent)
int clar_summary_close_tag(
struct clar_summary *summary, const char *tag, int indent)
const char *indt;
......@@ -13,15 +11,17 @@ int clar_summary_close_tag(const char *tag, int indent)
else if (indent == 1) indt = "\t";
else indt = "\t\t";
return fprintf(summary, "%s</%s>\n", indt, tag);
return fprintf(summary->fp, "%s</%s>\n", indt, tag);
int clar_summary_testsuites(void)
int clar_summary_testsuites(struct clar_summary *summary)
return fprintf(summary, "<testsuites>\n");
return fprintf(summary->fp, "<testsuites>\n");
int clar_summary_testsuite(int idn, const char *name, const char *pkg, time_t timestamp, double elapsed, int test_count, int fail_count, int error_count)
int clar_summary_testsuite(struct clar_summary *summary,
int idn, const char *name, const char *pkg, time_t timestamp,
double elapsed, int test_count, int fail_count, int error_count)
struct tm *tm = localtime(&timestamp);
char iso_dt[20];
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ int clar_summary_testsuite(int idn, const char *name, const char *pkg, time_t ti
if (strftime(iso_dt, sizeof(iso_dt), "%FT%T", tm) == 0)
return -1;
return fprintf(summary, "\t<testsuite "
return fprintf(summary->fp, "\t<testsuite "
" id=\"%d\""
" name=\"%s\""
" package=\"%s\""
......@@ -42,60 +42,93 @@ int clar_summary_testsuite(int idn, const char *name, const char *pkg, time_t ti
idn, name, pkg, iso_dt, elapsed, test_count, fail_count, error_count);
int clar_summary_testcase(const char *name, const char *classname, double elapsed)
int clar_summary_testcase(struct clar_summary *summary,
const char *name, const char *classname, double elapsed)
return fprintf(summary, "\t\t<testcase name=\"%s\" classname=\"%s\" time=\"%.2f\">\n", name, classname, elapsed);
return fprintf(summary->fp,
"\t\t<testcase name=\"%s\" classname=\"%s\" time=\"%.2f\">\n",
name, classname, elapsed);
int clar_summary_failure(const char *type, const char *message, const char *desc)
int clar_summary_failure(struct clar_summary *summary,
const char *type, const char *message, const char *desc)
return fprintf(summary, "\t\t\t<failure type=\"%s\"><![CDATA[%s\n%s]]></failure>\n", type, message, desc);
return fprintf(summary->fp,
"\t\t\t<failure type=\"%s\"><![CDATA[%s\n%s]]></failure>\n",
type, message, desc);
int clar_summary_init(const char *fn)
struct clar_summary *clar_summary_init(const char *filename)
filename = fn;
struct clar_summary *summary;
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((summary = malloc(sizeof(struct clar_summary))) == NULL) {
return NULL;
summary = fopen(filename, "w");
summary->filename = filename;
summary->fp = fp;
return !!summary;
return summary;
void clar_summary_shutdown(void)
int clar_summary_shutdown(struct clar_summary *summary)
struct clar_report *report;
const char *last_suite = NULL;
if (clar_summary_testsuites(summary) < 0)
goto on_error;
report = _clar.reports;
while (report != NULL) {
struct clar_error *error = report->errors;
if (last_suite == NULL || strcmp(last_suite, report->suite) != 0) {
clar_summary_testsuite(0, report->suite, "", time(NULL), 0, _clar.tests_ran, _clar.total_errors, 0);
if (clar_summary_testsuite(summary, 0, report->suite, "",
time(NULL), 0, _clar.tests_ran, _clar.total_errors, 0) < 0)
goto on_error;
last_suite = report->suite;
clar_summary_testcase(report->test, "what", 0);
clar_summary_testcase(summary, report->test, "what", 0);
while (error != NULL) {
clar_summary_failure("assert", error->error_msg, error->description);
if (clar_summary_failure(summary, "assert",
error->error_msg, error->description) < 0)
goto on_error;
error = error->next;
clar_summary_close_tag("testcase", 2);
if (clar_summary_close_tag(summary, "testcase", 2) < 0)
goto on_error;
report = report->next;
if (!report || strcmp(last_suite, report->suite) != 0)
clar_summary_close_tag("testsuite", 1);
if (!report || strcmp(last_suite, report->suite) != 0) {
if (clar_summary_close_tag(summary, "testsuite", 1) < 0)
goto on_error;
clar_summary_close_tag("testsuites", 0);
if (clar_summary_close_tag(summary, "testsuites", 0) < 0 ||
fclose(summary->fp) != 0)
goto on_error;
printf("written summary file to %s\n", summary->filename);
return 0;
printf("written summary file to %s\n", filename);
return -1;
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