Commit 515a4c7c by Vicent Marti

tree: Proper path comparison logic

parent ac8eac2f
......@@ -468,19 +468,24 @@ int git_path_cmp(
const char *name1, size_t len1, int isdir1,
const char *name2, size_t len2, int isdir2)
unsigned char c1, c2;
size_t len = len1 < len2 ? len1 : len2;
int cmp;
cmp = memcmp(name1, name2, len);
if (cmp)
return cmp;
if (len1 < len2)
return (!isdir1 && !isdir2) ? -1 :
(isdir1 ? '/' - name2[len1] : name2[len1] - '/');
if (len1 > len2)
return (!isdir1 && !isdir2) ? 1 :
(isdir2 ? name1[len2] - '/' : '/' - name1[len2]);
return 0;
c1 = name1[len];
c2 = name2[len];
if (c1 == '\0' && isdir1)
c1 = '/';
if (c2 == '\0' && isdir2)
c2 = '/';
return (c1 < c2) ? -1 : (c1 > c2) ? 1 : 0;
/* Taken from git.git */
......@@ -82,3 +82,66 @@ void test_object_tree_write__subtree(void)
cl_assert(2 == git_tree_entrycount(tree));
* And the Lord said: Is this tree properly sorted?
void test_object_tree_write__sorted_subtrees(void)
git_treebuilder *builder;
unsigned int i, position_c, position_cake, position_config;
struct {
unsigned int attr;
const char *filename;
} entries[] = {
{ 0100644, ".gitattributes" },
{ 0100644, ".gitignore" },
{ 0100644, ".htaccess" },
{ 0100644, "Capfile" },
{ 0100644, "Makefile"},
{ 0100644, "README"},
{ 0040000, "app"},
{ 0040000, "cake"},
{ 0040000, "config"},
{ 0100644, "c"},
{ 0100644, "git_test.txt"},
{ 0100644, "htaccess.htaccess"},
{ 0100644, "index.php"},
{ 0040000, "plugins"},
{ 0040000, "schemas"},
{ 0040000, "ssl-certs"},
{ 0040000, "vendors"}
git_oid blank_oid, tree_oid;
memset(&blank_oid, 0x0, sizeof(blank_oid));
cl_git_pass(git_treebuilder_create(&builder, NULL));
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(entries); ++i) {
builder, entries[i].filename, &blank_oid, entries[i].attr));
cl_git_pass(git_treebuilder_write(&tree_oid, g_repo, builder));
for (i = 0; i < builder->entries.length; ++i) {
git_tree_entry *entry = git_vector_get(&builder->entries, i);
if (strcmp(entry->filename, "c") == 0)
position_c = i;
if (strcmp(entry->filename, "cake") == 0)
position_cake = i;
if (strcmp(entry->filename, "config") == 0)
position_config = i;
cl_assert(position_c < position_cake);
cl_assert(position_cake < position_config);
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