Commit 33760f17 by Vicent Martí

Merge pull request #400 from boyski/fixup-examples

Fix up examples code
parents b3c524d1 784b3b49
all: general showindex
.PHONY: all
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -I../include
LFLAGS = -L../build -lgit2 -lz
general : general.c
gcc -lgit2 -o general general.c
all: general showindex
showindex : showindex.c
gcc -lgit2 -o showindex showindex.c
% : %.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $< $(LFLAGS)
rm general showindex
$(RM) general showindex
......@@ -38,7 +38,11 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
// [me]:
git_repository *repo;
git_repository_open(&repo, "/opt/libgit2-test/.git");
if (argc > 1) {
git_repository_open(&repo, argv[1]);
} else {
git_repository_open(&repo, "/opt/libgit2-test/.git");
// ### SHA-1 Value Conversions
......@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
git_oid_fromstr(&oid, hex);
// Once we've converted the string into the oid value, we can get the raw value of the SHA.
printf("Raw 20 bytes: [%s]\n", (&oid)->id);
printf("Raw 20 bytes: [%.20s]\n", (&oid)->id);
// Next we will convert the 20 byte raw SHA1 value to a human readable 40 char hex value.
printf("\n*Raw to Hex*\n");
......@@ -138,15 +142,14 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
error = git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, &oid);
const git_signature *author, *cmtter;
const char *message, *message_short;
const char *message;
time_t ctime;
unsigned int parents, p;
// Each of the properties of the commit object are accessible via methods, including commonly
// needed variations, such as `git_commit_time` which returns the author time and `_message_short`
// which gives you just the first line of the commit message.
// needed variations, such as `git_commit_time` which returns the author time and `_message`
// which gives you the commit message.
message = git_commit_message(commit);
message_short = git_commit_message_short(commit);
author = git_commit_author(commit);
cmtter = git_commit_committer(commit);
ctime = git_commit_time(commit);
......@@ -187,9 +190,9 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
// this to create a commit in order to specify who created it and when. Default values for the name
// and email should be found in the `` and `` configuration options. See the `config`
// section of this example file to see how to access config values.
author = git_signature_new("Scott Chacon", "",
git_signature_new((git_signature **)&author, "Scott Chacon", "",
123456789, 60);
cmtter = git_signature_new("Scott A Chacon", "",
git_signature_new((git_signature **)&cmtter, "Scott A Chacon", "",
987654321, 90);
// Commit objects need a tree to point to and optionally one or more parents. Here we're creating oid
......@@ -207,6 +210,7 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
NULL, /* do not update the HEAD */
NULL, /* use default message encoding */
"example commit",
1, parent);
......@@ -294,7 +298,7 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
// Note that this buffer may not be contain ASCII data for certain blobs (e.g. binary files):
// do not consider the buffer a NULL-terminated string, and use the `git_blob_rawsize` attribute to
// find out its exact size in bytes
printf("Blob Size: %d\n", git_blob_rawsize(blob)); // 8
printf("Blob Size: %ld\n", git_blob_rawsize(blob)); // 8
git_blob_rawcontent(blob); // "content"
// ### Revwalking
......@@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv)
// be cached in memory
while ((git_revwalk_next(&oid, walk)) == GIT_SUCCESS) {
error = git_commit_lookup(&wcommit, repo, &oid);
cmsg = git_commit_message_short(wcommit);
cmsg = git_commit_message(wcommit);
cauth = git_commit_author(wcommit);
printf("%s (%s)\n", cmsg, cauth->email);
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