Commit 2fe8157e by Edward Thomson

index: reuc and name entrycounts should be size_t

For the REUC and NAME entries, we use size_t internally, and we take
size_t for the get_byindex() functions, but the entrycount() functions
strangely cast to an unsigned int instead.
parent 0bb237ed
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ typedef struct git_index_reuc_entry {
* @param index an existing index object
* @return integer of count of current filename conflict entries
GIT_EXTERN(unsigned int) git_index_name_entrycount(git_index *index);
GIT_EXTERN(size_t) git_index_name_entrycount(git_index *index);
* Get a filename conflict entry from the index.
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ GIT_EXTERN(void) git_index_name_clear(git_index *index);
* @param index an existing index object
* @return integer of count of current resolve undo entries
GIT_EXTERN(unsigned int) git_index_reuc_entrycount(git_index *index);
GIT_EXTERN(size_t) git_index_reuc_entrycount(git_index *index);
* Finds the resolve undo entry that points to the given path in the Git
......@@ -1497,10 +1497,10 @@ void git_index_conflict_iterator_free(git_index_conflict_iterator *iterator)
unsigned int git_index_name_entrycount(git_index *index)
size_t git_index_name_entrycount(git_index *index)
return (unsigned int)index->names.length;
return index->names.length;
const git_index_name_entry *git_index_name_get_byindex(
......@@ -1557,10 +1557,10 @@ void git_index_name_clear(git_index *index)
unsigned int git_index_reuc_entrycount(git_index *index)
size_t git_index_reuc_entrycount(git_index *index)
return (unsigned int)index->reuc.length;
return index->reuc.length;
static int index_reuc_insert(
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