Commit 20361b2f by Jason Penny Committed by Vicent Marti

status: get status for single file

Add git_status_file to be able to retrieve status of single file by
supplying a path.
parent 3af6b34a
......@@ -76,6 +76,16 @@ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_status_hashfile(git_oid *out, const char *path);
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_status_foreach(git_repository *repo, int (*callback)(const char *, unsigned int, void *), void *payload);
* Get file status for a single file
* @param status_flags the status value
* @param repo a repository object
* @param path the file to retrieve status for, rooted at the repo's workdir
* @return GIT_SUCCESS
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_status_file(unsigned int *status_flags, git_repository *repo, const char *path);
/** @} */
......@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ static struct status_entry *new_status_entry(git_vector *entries, const char *pa
struct status_entry *e = git__malloc(sizeof(struct status_entry));
memset(e, 0x0, sizeof(struct status_entry));
git_vector_insert(entries, e);
if (entries != NULL)
git_vector_insert(entries, e);
strcpy(e->path, path);
return e;
......@@ -187,6 +188,64 @@ static int dirent_cb(void *state, char *full_path)
return 0;
static int single_dirent_cb(void *state, char *full_path)
struct status_entry *e = *(struct status_entry **)(state);
char *file_path = full_path + workdir_path_len;
struct stat filest;
git_oid oid;
if ((git_futils_isdir(full_path) == GIT_SUCCESS) && (!strcmp(".git", file_path)))
return 0;
if (git_futils_isdir(full_path) == GIT_SUCCESS)
return git_futils_direach(full_path, GIT_PATH_MAX, single_dirent_cb, state);
if (!strcmp(file_path, e->path)) {
if (p_stat(full_path, &filest) < 0)
return git__throw(GIT_EOSERR, "Failed to read file %s", full_path);
if (e->mtime.seconds == (git_time_t)filest.st_mtime) {
git_oid_cpy(&e->wt_oid, &e->index_oid);
return 1;
git_status_hashfile(&oid, full_path);
git_oid_cpy(&e->wt_oid, &oid);
return 1;
return 0;
static int set_status_flags(struct status_entry *e)
git_oid zero;
int head_zero, index_zero, wt_zero;
memset(&zero, 0x0, sizeof(git_oid));
head_zero = git_oid_cmp(&zero, &e->head_oid);
index_zero = git_oid_cmp(&zero, &e->index_oid);
wt_zero = git_oid_cmp(&zero, &e->wt_oid);
if (head_zero == 0 && index_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_INDEX_NEW;
else if (index_zero == 0 && head_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_INDEX_DELETED;
else if (git_oid_cmp(&e->head_oid, &e->index_oid) != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED;
if (index_zero == 0 && wt_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_WT_NEW;
else if (wt_zero == 0 && index_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_WT_DELETED;
else if (git_oid_cmp(&e->index_oid, &e->wt_oid) != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED;
int git_status_foreach(git_repository *repo, int (*callback)(const char *, unsigned int, void *), void *payload)
git_vector entries;
......@@ -229,26 +288,9 @@ int git_status_foreach(git_repository *repo, int (*callback)(const char *, unsig
memset(&zero, 0x0, sizeof(git_oid));
for (i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
int head_zero, index_zero, wt_zero;
e = (struct status_entry *)git_vector_get(&entries, i);
head_zero = git_oid_cmp(&zero, &e->head_oid);
index_zero = git_oid_cmp(&zero, &e->index_oid);
wt_zero = git_oid_cmp(&zero, &e->wt_oid);
if (head_zero == 0 && index_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_INDEX_NEW;
else if (index_zero == 0 && head_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_INDEX_DELETED;
else if (git_oid_cmp(&e->head_oid, &e->index_oid) != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED;
if (index_zero == 0 && wt_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_WT_NEW;
else if (wt_zero == 0 && index_zero != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_WT_DELETED;
else if (git_oid_cmp(&e->index_oid, &e->wt_oid) != 0)
e->status_flags |= GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED;
......@@ -268,3 +310,54 @@ int git_status_foreach(git_repository *repo, int (*callback)(const char *, unsig
int git_status_file(unsigned int *status_flags, git_repository *repo, const char *path)
struct status_entry *e;
git_index *index;
git_index_entry *index_entry;
char temp_path[GIT_PATH_MAX];
int idx;
git_tree *tree;
git_reference *head_ref, *resolved_head_ref;
git_commit *head_commit;
const git_tree_entry *tree_entry;
e = new_status_entry(NULL, path);
// Find file in Index
git_repository_index(&index, repo);
idx = git_index_find(index, path);
if (idx >= 0) {
index_entry = git_index_get(index, idx);
git_oid_cpy(&e->index_oid, &index_entry->oid);
e->mtime = index_entry->mtime;
// Find file in HEAD
git_reference_lookup(&head_ref, repo, GIT_HEAD_FILE);
git_reference_resolve(&resolved_head_ref, head_ref);
git_commit_lookup(&head_commit, repo, git_reference_oid(resolved_head_ref));
git_commit_tree(&tree, head_commit);
// TODO: handle subdirectories by walking into subtrees
tree_entry = git_tree_entry_byname(tree, path);
if (tree_entry != NULL) {
git_oid_cpy(&e->head_oid, &tree_entry->oid);
// Find file in Workdir
workdir_path_len = strlen(repo->path_workdir);
strcpy(temp_path, repo->path_workdir);
git_futils_direach(temp_path, GIT_PATH_MAX, single_dirent_cb, &e);
*status_flags = e->status_flags;
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ static const char *entry_paths[] = {
static const int entry_statuses[] = {
static const unsigned int entry_statuses[] = {
......@@ -143,8 +143,40 @@ BEGIN_TEST(statuscb0, "test retrieving status for worktree of repository")
git_futils_rmdir_r(TEMP_STATUS_FOLDER, 1);
BEGIN_TEST(singlestatus0, "test retrieving status for single file")
char current_workdir[GIT_PATH_MAX];
char path_statusfiles[GIT_PATH_MAX];
char temp_path[GIT_PATH_MAX];
char gitted[GIT_PATH_MAX];
git_repository *repo;
unsigned int status_flags;
int i;
must_pass(p_getcwd(current_workdir, sizeof(current_workdir)));
strcpy(path_statusfiles, current_workdir);
git_path_join(path_statusfiles, path_statusfiles, TEMP_STATUS_FOLDER);
must_pass(copydir_recurs(STATUS_FOLDER, path_statusfiles));
git_path_join(gitted, path_statusfiles, ".gitted");
git_path_join(temp_path, path_statusfiles, ".git");
copydir_recurs(gitted, temp_path);
git_futils_rmdir_r(gitted, 1);
must_pass(git_repository_open(&repo, temp_path));
for (i = 0; i < ENTRY_COUNT; ++i) {
must_pass(git_status_file(&status_flags, repo, entry_paths[i]));
must_be_true(status_flags == entry_statuses[i]);
git_futils_rmdir_r(TEMP_STATUS_FOLDER, 1);
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