Commit 1c0b6a38 by Edward Thomson

Remove fastforward / uptodate from `git_merge`

parent ccb30827
......@@ -274,35 +274,9 @@ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_merge_status(
const git_merge_head **their_heads,
size_t their_heads_len);
* Option flags for `git_merge`.
typedef enum {
* The default behavior is to allow fast-forwards, returning
* immediately with the commit ID to fast-forward to.
* Do not fast-forward; perform a merge and prepare a merge result even
* if the inputs are eligible for fast-forwarding.
* Ensure that the inputs are eligible for fast-forwarding, error if
* a merge needs to be performed.
} git_merge_flags_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int version;
/** Options for handling the commit-level merge. */
git_merge_flags_t merge_flags;
/** Options for handling the merges of individual files. */
git_merge_tree_opts merge_tree_opts;
......@@ -311,7 +285,7 @@ typedef struct {
} git_merge_opts;
* Initializes a `git_merge_opts` with default values. Equivalent to creating
......@@ -1774,31 +1774,20 @@ cleanup:
return error;
static int write_merge_mode(git_repository *repo, unsigned int flags)
static int write_merge_mode(git_repository *repo)
git_filebuf file = GIT_FILEBUF_INIT;
git_buf file_path = GIT_BUF_INIT;
int error = 0;
/* For future expansion */
if ((error = git_buf_joinpath(&file_path, repo->path_repository, GIT_MERGE_MODE_FILE)) < 0 ||
(error = git_filebuf_open(&file, file_path.ptr, GIT_FILEBUF_FORCE, GIT_MERGE_FILE_MODE)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
* no-ff is the only thing allowed here at present. One would
* presume they would be space-delimited when there are more, but
* this needs to be revisited.
if ((error = git_filebuf_write(&file, "no-ff", 5)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
if ((error = git_filebuf_write(&file, "no-ff", 5)) < 0)
goto cleanup;
error = git_filebuf_commit(&file);
......@@ -2114,6 +2103,25 @@ cleanup:
return error;
int git_merge__setup(
git_repository *repo,
const git_merge_head *our_head,
const git_merge_head *heads[],
size_t heads_len)
int error = 0;
assert (repo && our_head && heads);
if ((error = write_orig_head(repo, our_head)) == 0 &&
(error = write_merge_head(repo, heads, heads_len)) == 0 &&
(error = write_merge_mode(repo)) == 0) {
error = write_merge_msg(repo, heads, heads_len);
return error;
/* Merge branches */
static int merge_ancestor_head(
......@@ -2147,37 +2155,6 @@ on_error:
return error;
GIT_INLINE(bool) merge_check_uptodate(
git_merge_result *result,
const git_merge_head *ancestor_head,
const git_merge_head *their_head)
if (git_oid_cmp(&ancestor_head->oid, &their_head->oid) == 0) {
result->is_uptodate = 1;
return true;
return false;
GIT_INLINE(bool) merge_check_fastforward(
git_merge_result *result,
const git_merge_head *ancestor_head,
const git_merge_head *our_head,
const git_merge_head *their_head,
unsigned int flags)
if ((flags & GIT_MERGE_NO_FASTFORWARD) == 0 &&
git_oid_cmp(&ancestor_head->oid, &our_head->oid) == 0) {
result->is_fastforward = 1;
git_oid_cpy(&result->fastforward_oid, &their_head->oid);
return true;
return false;
const char *merge_their_label(const char *branchname)
const char *slash;
......@@ -2609,24 +2586,8 @@ int git_merge(
if ((error = merge_normalize_opts(repo, &opts, given_opts, ancestor_head, our_head, their_heads_len, their_heads)) < 0)
goto on_error;
if (their_heads_len == 1 &&
ancestor_head != NULL &&
(merge_check_uptodate(result, ancestor_head, their_heads[0]) ||
merge_check_fastforward(result, ancestor_head, our_head, their_heads[0], opts.merge_flags))) {
*out = result;
goto done;
/* If FASTFORWARD_ONLY is specified, fail. */
if ((opts.merge_flags & GIT_MERGE_FASTFORWARD_ONLY) ==
giterr_set(GITERR_MERGE, "Not a fast-forward.");
goto on_error;
/* Write the merge files to the repository. */
if ((error = git_merge__setup(repo, our_head, their_heads, their_heads_len, opts.merge_flags)) < 0)
if ((error = git_merge__setup(repo, our_head, their_heads, their_heads_len)) < 0)
goto on_error;
if (ancestor_head != NULL &&
......@@ -2679,26 +2640,6 @@ done:
return error;
int git_merge__setup(
git_repository *repo,
const git_merge_head *our_head,
const git_merge_head *heads[],
size_t heads_len,
unsigned int flags)
int error = 0;
assert (repo && our_head && heads);
if ((error = write_orig_head(repo, our_head)) == 0 &&
(error = write_merge_head(repo, heads, heads_len)) == 0 &&
(error = write_merge_mode(repo, flags)) == 0) {
error = write_merge_msg(repo, heads, heads_len);
return error;
/* Merge result data */
int git_merge_result_is_uptodate(git_merge_result *merge_result)
......@@ -156,9 +156,8 @@ void git_merge_diff_list__free(git_merge_diff_list *diff_list);
int git_merge__setup(
git_repository *repo,
const git_merge_head *our_head,
const git_merge_head *their_heads[],
size_t their_heads_len,
unsigned int flags);
const git_merge_head *heads[],
size_t heads_len);
int git_merge__indexes(git_repository *repo, git_index *index_new);
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