Commit fb2ae7c2 by Alan Mishchenko

Computing AIG using DSD instead of factored forms in &fx.

parent 7b99370e
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "bool/kit/kit.h"
#include "misc/vec/vecWec.h"
#include "bool/dec/dec.h"
#include "opt/dau/dau.h"
#include "misc/util/utilTruth.h"
......@@ -309,7 +311,7 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManFxInsert( Gia_Man_t * p, Vec_Wec_t * vCubes, Vec_Str_t * vCom
Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
Gia_Obj_t * pObj; Vec_Str_t * vSop;
Vec_Int_t * vOrder, * vFirst, * vCount, * vFanins;
Vec_Int_t * vOrder, * vFirst, * vCount, * vFanins, * vCover;
Vec_Int_t * vCopies, * vCube, * vMap;
int k, c, v, Lit, Var, iItem;
// abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
......@@ -331,6 +333,7 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManFxInsert( Gia_Man_t * p, Vec_Wec_t * vCubes, Vec_Str_t * vCom
Vec_IntFillExtra( vCopies, Vec_IntSize(vOrder), -1 );
// add AIG nodes in the topological order
vSop = Vec_StrAlloc( 1000 );
vCover = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 16 );
vFanins = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vOrder, iItem, k, Gia_ManCiNum(p) )
......@@ -348,7 +351,9 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManFxInsert( Gia_Man_t * p, Vec_Wec_t * vCubes, Vec_Str_t * vCom
Vec_IntPush( vFanins, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) );
// create SOPs
if ( Vec_IntSize(vFanins) > 6 )
// create SOP
Vec_StrClear( vSop );
for ( c = 0; c < nCubes; c++ )
......@@ -374,6 +379,35 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManFxInsert( Gia_Man_t * p, Vec_Wec_t * vCubes, Vec_Str_t * vCom
// derive new AIG
Lit = Gia_ManFactorNode( pNew, Vec_StrArray(vSop), vFanins );
word uTruth = 0, uCube;
for ( c = 0; c < nCubes; c++ )
uCube = ~(word)0;
vCube = Vec_WecEntry( vCubes, iFirst + c );
Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, v, 1 )
Lit = Abc_Lit2LitV( Vec_IntArray(vMap), Lit );
assert( Lit >= 0 && Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) < Vec_IntSize(vFanins) );
uCube &= Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) ? ~s_Truths6[Abc_Lit2Var(Lit)] : s_Truths6[Abc_Lit2Var(Lit)];
uTruth |= uCube;
// complement constant
if ( uTruth == 0 )
uTruth = ~uTruth;
// collect fanins
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vFanins, Var, v )
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vMap, Var, -1 );
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vFanins, v, Vec_IntEntry(vCopies, Var) );
// create truth table
Lit = Dsm_ManTruthToGia( pNew, &uTruth, vFanins, vCover );
// complement if the original SOP was complemented
Lit = Abc_LitNotCond( Lit, (iItem < Vec_StrSize(vCompls)) && (Vec_StrEntry(vCompls, iItem) > 0) );
// remeber this literal
assert( Vec_IntEntry(vCopies, iItem) == -1 );
......@@ -395,6 +429,7 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManFxInsert( Gia_Man_t * p, Vec_Wec_t * vCubes, Vec_Str_t * vCom
Vec_IntFree( vCopies );
Vec_IntFree( vMap );
Vec_StrFree( vSop );
Vec_IntFree( vCover );
// remove dangling nodes
pNew = Gia_ManCleanup( pTemp = pNew );
Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
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