Commit e3e4a987 by Alan Mishchenko

Scalable gate-level abstraction.

parent dc56a655
......@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Ga2_ManCnfCompute( unsigned uTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
SeeAlso []
static inline void Ga2_ManCnfAddDynamic( Ga2_Man_t * p, int uTruth, int Lits[], int iLitOut, int ProofId )
static inline void Ga2_ManCnfAddDynamic( Ga2_Man_t * p, int uTruth, int Lits[], int iLitOut )
int i, k, b, Cube, nClaLits, ClaLits[6];
assert( uTruth > 0 && uTruth < 0xffff );
......@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ static inline void Ga2_ManCnfAddDynamic( Ga2_Man_t * p, int uTruth, int Lits[],
Cube = Cube / 3;
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, ClaLits, ClaLits+nClaLits, ProofId );
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, ClaLits, ClaLits+nClaLits, -1 );
......@@ -702,19 +702,11 @@ void Ga2_ManAddAbsClauses( Ga2_Man_t * p, int f )
int fSimple = 1;
Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, Lit;
Vec_Int_t * vMap = (f < Vec_PtrSize(p->vId2Lit) ? Ga2_MapFrameMap( p, f ) : NULL);
// Ga2_ObjAddLit( p, Gia_ManConst0(p->pGia), f, 0 );
if ( f == 5 )
int s = 0;
if ( fSimple )
Lit = Ga2_ObjFindOrAddLit( p, Gia_ManConst0(p->pGia), f );
Lit = Abc_LitNot( Lit );
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1, 0 );
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1, -1 );
Gia_ManForEachObjVec( p->vAbs, p->pGia, pObj, i )
if ( i >= p->LimAbs )
......@@ -822,11 +814,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Ga2_ManAbsTranslate( Ga2_Man_t * p )
if ( Gia_ObjIsAnd(pObj) )
Ga2_ManAbsTranslate_rec( p->pGia, pObj, vGateClasses, 1 );
else if ( Gia_ObjIsRo(p->pGia, pObj) )
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vGateClasses, Gia_ObjId(p->pGia, pObj), 1 );
pObj = Gia_ObjRoToRi( p->pGia, pObj );
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vGateClasses, Gia_ObjFaninId0p(p->pGia, pObj), 1 );
else if ( !Gia_ObjIsConst0(pObj) )
assert( 0 );
......@@ -859,7 +847,7 @@ void Ga2_ManRestart( Ga2_Man_t * p )
if ( p->pSat ) sat_solver2_delete( p->pSat );
p->pSat = sat_solver2_new();
// add clause x0 = 0 (lit0 = 1; lit1 = 0)
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1, 0 );
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1, -1 );
// remove previous abstraction
Ga2_ManShrinkAbs( p, 1, 1, 1 );
// start new abstraction
......@@ -877,7 +865,7 @@ void Ga2_ManRestart( Ga2_Man_t * p )
Synopsis [Unrolls one timeframe.]
Synopsis [Unrolls one timeframe.]`
Description []
......@@ -901,8 +889,8 @@ int Ga2_ManUnroll_rec( Ga2_Man_t * p, Gia_Obj_t * pObj, int f )
Lit = Ga2_ObjFindOrAddLit( p, pObj, f );
Lit = Abc_LitNot(Lit);
assert( Lit > 1 );
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1, Gia_ObjId(p->pGia, pObj) );
return Lit;
sat_solver2_addclause( p->pSat, &Lit, &Lit + 1, -1 );
return Abc_LitNot(Lit);
return 0;
......@@ -956,7 +944,10 @@ int Ga2_ManUnroll_rec( Ga2_Man_t * p, Gia_Obj_t * pObj, int f )
// minimize truth table
uTruth = Ga2_ObjComputeTruthSpecial( p->pGia, pObj, Ga2_ObjLeaves(p->pGia, pObj), p->vLits );
if ( uTruth == 0 || uTruth == ~0 ) // const 0 / 1
Lit = (uTruth > 0);
Ga2_ObjAddLit( p, pObj, f, Lit );
else if ( uTruth == 0xAAAAAAAA || uTruth == 0x55555555 ) // buffer / inverter
Lit = Vec_IntEntry( p->vLits, 0 );
......@@ -966,6 +957,7 @@ int Ga2_ManUnroll_rec( Ga2_Man_t * p, Gia_Obj_t * pObj, int f )
Lit = Ga2_ObjFindOrAddLit( p, pLeaf, f );
Lit = Abc_LitNotCond( Lit, uTruth == 0x55555555 );
Ga2_ObjAddLit( p, pObj, f, Lit );
......@@ -973,9 +965,8 @@ int Ga2_ManUnroll_rec( Ga2_Man_t * p, Gia_Obj_t * pObj, int f )
// add new node
Lit = Ga2_ObjFindOrAddLit(p, pObj, f);
Ga2_ManCnfAddDynamic( p, uTruth, Vec_IntArray(p->vLits), Lit, Gia_ObjId(p->pGia, pObj) );
Ga2_ManCnfAddDynamic( p, uTruth, Vec_IntArray(p->vLits), Lit );
Ga2_ObjAddLit( p, pObj, f, Lit );
return Lit;
......@@ -1014,6 +1005,7 @@ int Vec_IntCheckUnique( Vec_Int_t * p )
static inline int Ga2_ObjSatValue( Ga2_Man_t * p, Gia_Obj_t * pObj, int f )
int Lit = Ga2_ObjFindLit( p, pObj, f );
assert( !Gia_ObjIsConst0(pObj) );
if ( Lit == -1 )
return 0;
return Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) ^ sat_solver2_var_value( p->pSat, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) );
......@@ -1024,6 +1016,11 @@ void Ga2_GlaPrepareCexAndMap( Ga2_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t ** ppCex, Vec_Int_t ** pv
Vec_Int_t * vMap;
Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
int f, i, k, Id;
Gia_ManForEachObj( p->pGia, pObj, i )
if ( Ga2_ObjId(p, pObj) >= 0 )
assert( Vec_IntEntry(p->vValues, Ga2_ObjId(p, pObj)) == i );
// find PIs and PPIs
vMap = Vec_IntAlloc( 1000 );
Gia_ManForEachObjVec( p->vValues, p->pGia, pObj, i )
......@@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Rnm_ManRefine( Rnm_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, Vec_Int_t * vMap, in
Vec_Int_t * vSelected = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
clock_t clk, clk2 = clock();
// Gia_ManCleanValue( p->pGia );
// initialize
p->pCex = pCex;
p->vMap = vMap;
......@@ -542,7 +543,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Rnm_ManRefine( Rnm_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, Vec_Int_t * vMap, in
p->timeBwd += clock() - clk;
// clean values
Rnm_ManCleanValues( p );
// Rnm_ManCleanValues( p );
// verify (empty) refinement
clk = clock();
Rnm_ManVerifyUsingTerSim( p->pGia, p->pCex, p->vMap, p->vObjs, vSelected );
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ static inline void Prf_ManChainResolve( Prf_Man_t * p, clause * c )
else // problem clause
if ( clause_id(c) ) // has proof ID
if ( clause_id(c) >= 0 ) // has proof ID
int Entry;
if ( p->vId2Pr == NULL )
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