Commit dcc89071 by Alan Mishchenko

Improvements to the hierarchy/timing manager.

parent 4ff5203f
......@@ -529,14 +529,15 @@ int Gia_ManVerifyWithBoxes( Gia_Man_t * pGia, void * pParsInit )
// if timing managers have different number of black boxes,
// it is possible that some of the boxes are swept away
// but specification cannot have fewer boxes than implementation
if ( Tim_ManBlackBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pSpec->pManTime ) > 0 )
// specification cannot have fewer boxes than implementation
if ( Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pSpec->pManTime ) < Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pGia->pManTime ) )
printf( "Spec has more boxes than the design. Cannot proceed.\n" );
return Status;
// in this case, it is expected that the boxes can be aligned
// find what boxes of pSpec are dropped in pGia
// to align the boxes, find what boxes of pSpec are dropped in pGia
if ( Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pSpec->pManTime ) != Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pGia->pManTime ) )
vBoxPres = Tim_ManAlignTwo( (Tim_Man_t *)pSpec->pManTime, (Tim_Man_t *)pGia->pManTime );
......@@ -546,6 +547,7 @@ int Gia_ManVerifyWithBoxes( Gia_Man_t * pGia, void * pParsInit )
return Status;
// collapse two designs
pGia0 = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pSpec, pSpec->pAigExtra, vBoxPres );
pGia1 = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pGia, pGia->pAigExtra, NULL );
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
//#define USE_ABC2
#define USE_ABC2
//#define USE_ABC85
......@@ -318,8 +318,11 @@ typedef struct If_Box_t_ If_Box_t;
struct If_Box_t_
char * pName;
char fSeq;
char fBlack;
char fOuter;
char fUnused;
int Id;
int fBlack;
int nPis;
int nPos;
int * pDelays;
......@@ -506,8 +509,10 @@ extern float If_LibLutSlowestPinDelay( If_LibLut_t * p );
extern If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxStart();
extern void If_LibBoxFree( If_LibBox_t * p );
extern If_Box_t * If_LibBoxReadBox( If_LibBox_t * p, int Id );
extern If_Box_t * If_LibBoxFindBox( If_LibBox_t * p, char * pName );
extern void If_LibBoxAdd( If_LibBox_t * p, If_Box_t * pBox );
extern If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead( char * pFileName );
extern If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead2( char * pFileName );
extern void If_LibBoxPrint( FILE * pFile, If_LibBox_t * p );
extern void If_LibBoxWrite( char * pFileName, If_LibBox_t * p );
/*=== ifMan.c =============================================================*/
......@@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ int If_CommandReadBox( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
If_LibBox_t * pLib;
Abc_Ntk_t * pNet;
char * FileName;
int fExtended;
int fVerbose;
int c;
......@@ -249,12 +250,16 @@ int If_CommandReadBox( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
// set the defaults
fExtended = 0;
fVerbose = 1;
while ( (c = Extra_UtilGetopt(argc, argv, "vh")) != EOF )
while ( (c = Extra_UtilGetopt(argc, argv, "evh")) != EOF )
switch (c)
case 'e':
fExtended ^= 1;
case 'v':
fVerbose ^= 1;
......@@ -282,7 +287,7 @@ int If_CommandReadBox( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
fclose( pFile );
// set the new network
pLib = If_LibBoxRead( FileName );
pLib = fExtended ? If_LibBoxRead2( FileName ) : If_LibBoxRead( FileName );
if ( pLib == NULL )
fprintf( pErr, "Reading LUT library has failed.\n" );
......@@ -294,8 +299,9 @@ int If_CommandReadBox( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
return 0;
fprintf( pErr, "\nusage: read_box [-vh]\n");
fprintf( pErr, "\nusage: read_box [-evh]\n");
fprintf( pErr, "\t read the box library from the file\n" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-e : toggles reading extended format [default = %s]\n", (fExtended? "yes" : "no") );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggles enabling of verbose output [default = %s]\n", (fVerbose? "yes" : "no") );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1; /* error exit */
......@@ -45,13 +45,15 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
SeeAlso []
If_Box_t * If_BoxStart( char * pName, int Id, int fBlack, int nPis, int nPos )
If_Box_t * If_BoxStart( char * pName, int Id, int nPis, int nPos, int fSeq, int fBlack, int fOuter )
If_Box_t * p;
p = ABC_CALLOC( If_Box_t, 1 );
p->pName = pName; // consumes memory
p->Id = Id;
p->fBlack = fBlack;
p->fSeq = (char)fSeq;
p->fBlack = (char)fBlack;
p->fOuter = (char)fOuter;
p->nPis = nPis;
p->nPos = nPos;
p->pDelays = ABC_CALLOC( int, nPis * nPos );
......@@ -119,6 +121,17 @@ If_Box_t * If_LibBoxReadBox( If_LibBox_t * p, int Id )
return (If_Box_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( p->vBoxes, Id );
If_Box_t * If_LibBoxFindBox( If_LibBox_t * p, char * pName )
If_Box_t * pBox;
int i;
if ( p == NULL )
return NULL;
If_LibBoxForEachBox( p, pBox, i )
if ( !strcmp(pBox->pName, pName) )
return pBox;
return NULL;
void If_LibBoxAdd( If_LibBox_t * p, If_Box_t * pBox )
if ( pBox->Id >= Vec_PtrSize(p->vBoxes) )
......@@ -127,6 +140,99 @@ void If_LibBoxAdd( If_LibBox_t * p, If_Box_t * pBox )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( p->vBoxes, pBox->Id, pBox );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead2( char * pFileName )
int nSize = 100000;
char * pBuffer;
FILE * pFile;
If_LibBox_t * p = NULL;
If_Box_t * pBox = NULL;
char * pToken, * pName;
int fSeq, fBlack, fOuter;
int i, Id, nPis, nPos;
pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
if ( pFile == NULL )
printf( "Cannot open file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
return NULL;
// read lines
nPis = nPos = 0;
pBuffer = ABC_ALLOC( char, nSize );
while ( fgets( pBuffer, nSize, pFile ) )
pToken = strtok( pBuffer, " \n\r\t" );
if ( pToken == NULL )
if ( pToken[0] == '.' )
if ( !strcmp(pToken, ".box") )
// save ID
pToken = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
Id = atoi( pToken );
// save name
pToken = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
pName = Abc_UtilStrsav(pToken);
// save PIs
pToken = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
nPis = atoi( pToken );
// save POs
pToken = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
nPos = atoi( pToken );
// save attributes
fSeq = fBlack = fOuter = 0;
pToken = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
while ( pToken )
if ( !strcmp(pToken, "seq") )
fSeq = 1;
else if ( !strcmp(pToken, "black") )
fBlack = 1;
else if ( !strcmp(pToken, "outer") )
fOuter = 1;
else assert( !strcmp(pToken, "comb") || !strcmp(pToken, "white") || !strcmp(pToken, "inner") );
pToken = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
// create library
if ( p == NULL )
p = If_LibBoxStart();
// create box
pBox = If_BoxStart( pName, Id, nPis, nPos, fSeq, fBlack, fOuter );
If_LibBoxAdd( p, pBox );
// read the table
assert( nPis > 0 && nPos > 0 );
for ( i = 0; i < nPis * nPos; i++ )
while ( pToken == NULL )
fgets( pBuffer, nSize, pFile );
pToken = strtok( pBuffer, " \n\r\t" );
pBox->pDelays[i] = (pToken[0] == '-') ? -1 : atoi(pToken);
pToken = strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t" );
pBox = NULL;
ABC_FREE( pBuffer );
fclose( pFile );
return p;
......@@ -167,9 +273,8 @@ If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead( char * pFileName )
FILE * pFile;
If_LibBox_t * p;
If_Box_t * pBox;
char * pToken;
char * pName;
int i, Id, fWhite, nPis, nPos;
char * pToken, * pName;
int i, Id, fBlack, nPis, nPos;
pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
if ( pFile == NULL )
......@@ -180,9 +285,17 @@ If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead( char * pFileName )
pToken = If_LibBoxGetToken( pFile );
if ( pToken == NULL )
fclose( pFile );
printf( "Cannot read library name from file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
return NULL;
if ( pToken[0] == '.' )
fclose( pFile );
printf( "Wrong box format. Please try \"read_box -e\".\n" );
return NULL;
// create library
p = If_LibBoxStart();
while ( pToken )
......@@ -194,7 +307,7 @@ If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead( char * pFileName )
Id = atoi( pToken );
// save white/black
pToken = If_LibBoxGetToken( pFile );
fWhite = atoi( pToken );
fBlack = !atoi( pToken );
// save PIs
pToken = If_LibBoxGetToken( pFile );
nPis = atoi( pToken );
......@@ -202,7 +315,7 @@ If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead( char * pFileName )
pToken = If_LibBoxGetToken( pFile );
nPos = atoi( pToken );
// create box
pBox = If_BoxStart( pName, Id, !fWhite, nPis, nPos );
pBox = If_BoxStart( pName, Id, nPis, nPos, 0, fBlack, 0 );
If_LibBoxAdd( p, pBox );
// read the table
for ( i = 0; i < nPis * nPos; i++ )
......@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ extern int Tim_ManCoNum( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern int Tim_ManPiNum( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern int Tim_ManPoNum( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern int Tim_ManBoxNum( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern int Tim_ManBlackBoxNum( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern int Tim_ManDelayTableNum( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern void Tim_ManSetDelayTables( Tim_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vDelayTables );
extern void Tim_ManTravIdDisable( Tim_Man_t * p );
......@@ -607,6 +607,15 @@ int Tim_ManBoxNum( Tim_Man_t * p )
return p->vBoxes ? Vec_PtrSize(p->vBoxes) : 0;
int Tim_ManBlackBoxNum( Tim_Man_t * p )
Tim_Box_t * pBox;
int i, Counter = 0;
if ( Tim_ManBoxNum(p) )
Tim_ManForEachBox( p, pBox, i )
Counter += pBox->fBlack;
return Counter;
int Tim_ManDelayTableNum( Tim_Man_t * p )
return p->vDelayTables ? Vec_PtrSize(p->vDelayTables) : 0;
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