Commit 4ff5203f by Alan Mishchenko

Improvements to the hierarchy/timing manager.

parent 0c9337f6
......@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ extern float Gia_ManComputeSwitching( Gia_Man_t * p, int nFrames,
/*=== giaTim.c ===========================================================*/
extern Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupNormalize( Gia_Man_t * p );
extern Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupUnnormalize( Gia_Man_t * p );
extern Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupCollapse( Gia_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pBoxes );
extern Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupCollapse( Gia_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pBoxes, Vec_Int_t * vBoxPres );
extern int Gia_ManLevelWithBoxes( Gia_Man_t * p );
extern int Gia_ManVerifyWithBoxes( Gia_Man_t * pGia, void * pParsInit );
extern void * Gia_ManUpdateTimMan( Gia_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vBoxPres );
......@@ -1113,22 +1113,23 @@ void Gia_AigerWrite( Gia_Man_t * pInit, char * pFileName, int fWriteSymbols, int
if ( p->pManTime )
Vec_Flt_t * vArrTimes, * vReqTimes;
if ( Tim_ManGetArrsReqs( (Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime, &vArrTimes, &vReqTimes ) )
float * pTimes;
pTimes = Tim_ManGetArrTimes( p->pManTime );
if ( pTimes )
fprintf( pFile, "i" );
Gia_FileWriteBufferSize( pFile, 4*Tim_ManPiNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime) );
assert( Vec_FltSize(vArrTimes) == Tim_ManPiNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime) );
fwrite( Vec_FltArray(vArrTimes), 1, 4*Tim_ManPiNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime), pFile );
fwrite( pTimes, 1, 4*Tim_ManPiNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime), pFile );
ABC_FREE( pTimes );
if ( fVerbose ) printf( "Finished writing extension \"i\".\n" );
pTimes = Tim_ManGetReqTimes( p->pManTime );
if ( pTimes )
fprintf( pFile, "o" );
Gia_FileWriteBufferSize( pFile, 4*Tim_ManPoNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime) );
assert( Vec_FltSize(vReqTimes) == Tim_ManPoNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime) );
fwrite( Vec_FltArray(vReqTimes), 1, 4*Tim_ManPoNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime), pFile );
Vec_FltFree( vArrTimes );
Vec_FltFree( vReqTimes );
if ( fVerbose ) printf( "Finished writing extension \"i\".\n" );
fwrite( pTimes, 1, 4*Tim_ManPoNum((Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime), pFile );
ABC_FREE( pTimes );
if ( fVerbose ) printf( "Finished writing extension \"o\".\n" );
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void Gia_ManSetIfParsDefault( void * pp )
p->fUseCoAttrs = 1; // use CO attributes
p->pLutLib = NULL;
p->pTimesArr = NULL;
p->pTimesArr = NULL;
p->pTimesReq = NULL;
p->pFuncCost = NULL;
......@@ -1143,8 +1143,11 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManPerformMapping( Gia_Man_t * p, void * pp )
If_Man_t * pIfMan;
If_Par_t * pPars = (If_Par_t *)pp;
// reconstruct GIA according to the hierarchy manager
assert( pPars->pTimesArr == NULL );
assert( pPars->pTimesReq == NULL );
if ( p->pManTime )
Vec_Flt_t * vArrTimes = NULL, * vReqTimes = NULL;
pNew = Gia_ManDupUnnormalize( p );
if ( pNew == NULL )
return NULL;
......@@ -1152,12 +1155,12 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManPerformMapping( Gia_Man_t * p, void * pp )
pNew->pAigExtra = p->pAigExtra; p->pAigExtra = NULL;
pNew->nAnd2Delay = p->nAnd2Delay; p->nAnd2Delay = 0;
p = pNew;
// set arrival and required times
pPars->pTimesArr = Tim_ManGetArrTimes( (Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime );
pPars->pTimesReq = Tim_ManGetReqTimes( (Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime );
p = Gia_ManDup( p );
// set the arrival times
assert( pPars->pTimesArr == NULL );
pPars->pTimesArr = ABC_CALLOC( float, Gia_ManCiNum(p) );
// translate into the mapper
pIfMan = Gia_ManToIf( p, pPars );
if ( pIfMan == NULL )
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManFraigSweep( Gia_Man_t * p, void * pPars )
return NULL;
// find global equivalences
pNew->pManTime = p->pManTime;
pGia = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pNew, p->pAigExtra );
pGia = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pNew, p->pAigExtra, NULL );
pNew->pManTime = NULL;
Gia_ManFraigSweepPerform( pGia, pPars );
// transfer equivalences
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void Gia_ManDupCollapse_rec( Gia_Man_t * p, Gia_Obj_t * pObj, Gia_Man_t * pNew )
if ( Gia_ObjSibl(p, Gia_ObjId(p, pObj)) )
pNew->pSibls[Abc_Lit2Var(pObj->Value)] = Abc_Lit2Var(Gia_ObjSiblObj(p, Gia_ObjId(p, pObj))->Value);
Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupCollapse( Gia_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pBoxes )
Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupCollapse( Gia_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pBoxes, Vec_Int_t * vBoxPres )
Tim_Man_t * pTime = (Tim_Man_t *)p->pManTime;
Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
......@@ -320,28 +320,46 @@ Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupCollapse( Gia_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pBoxes )
Gia_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( pBoxes, Gia_ManConst0(pBoxes) );
Gia_ManConst0(pBoxes)->Value = 0;
// add internal nodes
for ( k = 0; k < Tim_ManBoxInputNum(pTime, i); k++ )
if ( Tim_ManBoxIsBlack(pTime, i) )
// build logic
pObj = Gia_ManPo( p, curCo + k );
Gia_ManDupCollapse_rec( p, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj), pNew );
// transfer to the PI
pObjBox = Gia_ManPi( pBoxes, k );
pObjBox->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObj);
Gia_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( pBoxes, pObjBox );
int fSkip = (vBoxPres != NULL && !Vec_IntEntry(vBoxPres, i));
for ( k = 0; k < Tim_ManBoxInputNum(pTime, i); k++ )
pObj = Gia_ManPo( p, curCo + k );
Gia_ManDupCollapse_rec( p, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj), pNew );
pObj->Value = fSkip ? -1 : Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObj) );
for ( k = 0; k < Tim_ManBoxOutputNum(pTime, i); k++ )
pObj = Gia_ManPi( p, curCi + k );
pObj->Value = fSkip ? 0 : Gia_ManAppendCi(pNew);
Gia_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( p, pObj );
curCo += Tim_ManBoxInputNum(pTime, i);
// add internal nodes
for ( k = 0; k < Tim_ManBoxOutputNum(pTime, i); k++ )
// build logic
pObjBox = Gia_ManPo( pBoxes, curCi - Tim_ManPiNum(pTime) + k );
Gia_ManDupCollapse_rec( pBoxes, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObjBox), pNew );
// transfer to the PI
pObj = Gia_ManPi( p, curCi + k );
pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObjBox);
Gia_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( p, pObj );
for ( k = 0; k < Tim_ManBoxInputNum(pTime, i); k++ )
// build logic
pObj = Gia_ManPo( p, curCo + k );
Gia_ManDupCollapse_rec( p, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj), pNew );
// transfer to the PI
pObjBox = Gia_ManPi( pBoxes, k );
pObjBox->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObj);
Gia_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( pBoxes, pObjBox );
for ( k = 0; k < Tim_ManBoxOutputNum(pTime, i); k++ )
// build logic
pObjBox = Gia_ManPo( pBoxes, curCi - Tim_ManPiNum(pTime) + k );
Gia_ManDupCollapse_rec( pBoxes, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObjBox), pNew );
// transfer to the PI
pObj = Gia_ManPi( p, curCi + k );
pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObjBox);
Gia_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( p, pObj );
curCo += Tim_ManBoxInputNum(pTime, i);
curCi += Tim_ManBoxOutputNum(pTime, i);
// add remaining nodes
......@@ -481,6 +499,7 @@ int Gia_ManVerifyWithBoxes( Gia_Man_t * pGia, void * pParsInit )
int fVerbose = 1;
int Status = -1;
Gia_Man_t * pSpec, * pGia0, * pGia1, * pMiter;
Vec_Int_t * vBoxPres = NULL;
if ( pGia->pSpec == NULL )
printf( "Spec file is not given. Use standard flow.\n" );
......@@ -508,8 +527,29 @@ int Gia_ManVerifyWithBoxes( Gia_Man_t * pGia, void * pParsInit )
printf( "Spec has no box logic. Use standard flow.\n" );
return Status;
pGia0 = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pSpec, pSpec->pAigExtra );
pGia1 = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pGia, pGia->pAigExtra );
// if timing managers have different number of black boxes,
// it is possible that some of the boxes are swept away
// but specification cannot have fewer boxes than implementation
if ( Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pSpec->pManTime ) < Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pGia->pManTime ) )
printf( "Spec has more boxes than the design. Cannot proceed.\n" );
return Status;
// in this case, it is expected that the boxes can be aligned
// find what boxes of pSpec are dropped in pGia
if ( Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pSpec->pManTime ) != Tim_ManBoxNum( (Tim_Man_t *)pGia->pManTime ) )
vBoxPres = Tim_ManAlignTwo( (Tim_Man_t *)pSpec->pManTime, (Tim_Man_t *)pGia->pManTime );
if ( vBoxPres == NULL )
printf( "Boxes of spec and design cannot be aligned. Cannot proceed.\n" );
return Status;
// collapse two designs
pGia0 = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pSpec, pSpec->pAigExtra, vBoxPres );
pGia1 = Gia_ManDupCollapse( pGia, pGia->pAigExtra, NULL );
Vec_IntFreeP( &vBoxPres );
// compute the miter
pMiter = Gia_ManMiter( pGia0, pGia1, 1, 0, fVerbose );
if ( pMiter )
......@@ -907,6 +907,7 @@ extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ManTimeStop( Abc_ManTime_t * p );
extern ABC_DLL void Abc_ManTimeDup( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkOld, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew );
extern ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkSetNodeLevelsArrival( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern ABC_DLL float * Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalFloats( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern ABC_DLL float * Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredFloats( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalTimes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern ABC_DLL Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredTimes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
extern ABC_DLL float Abc_NtkDelayTrace( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Abc_Obj_t * pOut, Abc_Obj_t * pIn, int fPrint );
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIf( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, If_Par_t * pPars )
// get timing information
pPars->pTimesArr = Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalFloats(pNtk);
pPars->pTimesReq = NULL;
pPars->pTimesReq = Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredFloats(pNtk);
// set the latch paths
if ( pPars->fLatchPaths && pPars->pTimesArr )
......@@ -557,18 +557,6 @@ Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalTimes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
p[i] = *Abc_NodeArrival(pNode);
return p;
Synopsis [Sets the CI node levels according to the arrival info.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Abc_Time_t * Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredTimes( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
Abc_Time_t * p;
......@@ -608,6 +596,19 @@ float * Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalFloats( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
p[i] = Abc_NodeArrival(pNode)->Worst;
return p;
float * Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredFloats( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
float * p;
Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
int i;
if ( pNtk->pManTime == NULL )
return NULL;
// set the PO required times
p = ABC_CALLOC( float, Abc_NtkCoNum(pNtk) );
Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pNode, i )
p[i] = Abc_NodeRequired(pNode)->Worst;
return p;
......@@ -712,6 +712,8 @@ void Io_WriteTimingInfo( FILE * pFile, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
fprintf( pFile, ".output_required %s %g %g\n", Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode)), pTime->Rise, pTime->Fall );
fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
......@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ struct If_Man_t_
int pPerm[3][IF_MAX_LUTSIZE]; // permutations
unsigned uSharedMask; // mask of shared variables
int nShared; // the number of shared variables
int fReqTimeWarn; // warning about exceeding required times was printed
// SOP balancing
Vec_Int_t * vCover; // used to compute ISOP
Vec_Wrd_t * vAnds; // intermediate storage
......@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ struct If_Box_t_
char * pName;
int Id;
int fWhite;
int fBlack;
int nPis;
int nPos;
int * pDelays;
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int If_ManPerformMappingComb( If_Man_t * p )
// set arrival times and fanout estimates
If_ManForEachCi( p, pObj, i )
If_ObjSetArrTime( pObj, p->pPars->pTimesArr[i] );
If_ObjSetArrTime( pObj, p->pPars->pTimesArr ? p->pPars->pTimesArr[i] : (float)0.0 );
pObj->EstRefs = (float)1.0;
......@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
SeeAlso []
If_Box_t * If_BoxStart( char * pName, int Id, int fWhite, int nPis, int nPos )
If_Box_t * If_BoxStart( char * pName, int Id, int fBlack, int nPis, int nPos )
If_Box_t * p;
p = ABC_CALLOC( If_Box_t, 1 );
p->pName = pName; // consumes memory
p->Id = Id;
p->fWhite = fWhite;
p->fBlack = fBlack;
p->nPis = nPis;
p->nPos = nPos;
p->pDelays = ABC_CALLOC( int, nPis * nPos );
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ If_LibBox_t * If_LibBoxRead( char * pFileName )
pToken = If_LibBoxGetToken( pFile );
nPos = atoi( pToken );
// create box
pBox = If_BoxStart( pName, Id, fWhite, nPis, nPos );
pBox = If_BoxStart( pName, Id, !fWhite, nPis, nPos );
If_LibBoxAdd( p, pBox );
// read the table
for ( i = 0; i < nPis * nPos; i++ )
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ void If_LibBoxPrint( FILE * pFile, If_LibBox_t * p )
fprintf( pFile, "# <Name> <ID> <Type> <I> <O>\n" );
If_LibBoxForEachBox( p, pBox, i )
fprintf( pFile, "%s %d %d %d %d\n", pBox->pName, pBox->Id, pBox->fWhite, pBox->nPis, pBox->nPos );
fprintf( pFile, "%s %d %d %d %d\n", pBox->pName, pBox->Id, !pBox->fBlack, pBox->nPis, pBox->nPos );
for ( j = 0; j < pBox->nPos; j++, printf("\n") )
for ( k = 0; k < pBox->nPis; k++ )
if ( pBox->pDelays[j * pBox->nPis + k] == -1 )
......@@ -189,10 +189,8 @@ void If_ManStop( If_Man_t * p )
ABC_FREE( p->puTemp[0] );
ABC_FREE( p->pCutTemp );
// free pars memory
if ( p->pPars->pTimesArr )
ABC_FREE( p->pPars->pTimesArr );
if ( p->pPars->pTimesReq )
ABC_FREE( p->pPars->pTimesReq );
ABC_FREE( p->pPars->pTimesArr );
ABC_FREE( p->pPars->pTimesReq );
if ( p->pManTim )
Tim_ManStop( p->pManTim );
if ( p->vSwitching )
......@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ void If_ManPerformMappingSeqPost( If_Man_t * p )
If_Obj_t * pObjLi, * pObjLo, * pObj;
int i;
assert( 0 );
// set arrival times
assert( p->pPars->pTimesArr != NULL );
......@@ -156,23 +156,27 @@ void If_ManComputeRequired( If_Man_t * p )
if ( p->pManTim == NULL )
// consider the case when the required times are given
if ( p->pPars->pTimesReq )
if ( p->pPars->pTimesReq && !p->pPars->fAreaOnly )
assert( !p->pPars->fAreaOnly );
// make sure that the required time hold
Counter = 0;
If_ManForEachCo( p, pObj, i )
if ( If_ObjArrTime(If_ObjFanin0(pObj)) > p->pPars->pTimesReq[i] + p->fEpsilon )
If_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Required = If_ObjArrTime(If_ObjFanin0(pObj));
// Abc_Print( 0, "Required times are violated for output %d (arr = %d; req = %d).\n",
// i, (int)If_ObjArrTime(If_ObjFanin0(pObj)), (int)p->pPars->pTimesReq[i] );
If_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Required = p->pPars->pTimesReq[i];
If_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Required = p->pPars->pTimesReq[i];
if ( Counter && !p->fReqTimeWarn )
Abc_Print( 0, "Required times are exceeded at %d output%s. The earliest arrival times are used.\n", Counter, Counter > 1 ? "s":"" );
p->fReqTimeWarn = 1;
if ( Counter )
Abc_Print( 0, "Required times are violated for %d outputs.\n", Counter );
......@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ extern int Tim_ManBoxInputNum( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox );
extern int Tim_ManBoxOutputNum( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox );
extern int Tim_ManBoxDelayTableId( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox );
extern float * Tim_ManBoxDelayTable( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox );
extern int Tim_ManBoxIsBlack( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox );
extern int Tim_ManBoxCopy( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox );
extern void Tim_ManBoxSetCopy( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox, int iCopy );
extern int Tim_ManBoxFindFromCiNum( Tim_Man_t * p, int iCiNum );
......@@ -129,8 +130,10 @@ extern Tim_Man_t * Tim_ManLoad( Vec_Str_t * p, int fHieOnly );
extern Tim_Man_t * Tim_ManStart( int nCis, int nCos );
extern Tim_Man_t * Tim_ManDup( Tim_Man_t * p, int fUnitDelay );
extern Tim_Man_t * Tim_ManTrim( Tim_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vBoxPres );
extern Vec_Int_t * Tim_ManAlignTwo( Tim_Man_t * pSpec, Tim_Man_t * pImpl );
extern void Tim_ManCreate( Tim_Man_t * p, void * pLib, Vec_Flt_t * vInArrs, Vec_Flt_t * vOutReqs );
extern int Tim_ManGetArrsReqs( Tim_Man_t * p, Vec_Flt_t ** pvInArrs, Vec_Flt_t ** pvOutReqs );
extern float * Tim_ManGetArrTimes( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern float * Tim_ManGetReqTimes( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern void Tim_ManStop( Tim_Man_t * p );
extern void Tim_ManStopP( Tim_Man_t ** p );
extern void Tim_ManPrint( Tim_Man_t * p );
......@@ -213,6 +213,23 @@ float * Tim_ManBoxDelayTable( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox )
Synopsis [Return 1 if the box is black.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Tim_ManBoxIsBlack( Tim_Man_t * p, int iBox )
return Tim_ManBox(p, iBox)->fBlack;
Synopsis [Returns the copy of the box.]
Description []
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ struct Tim_Box_t_
int nOutputs; // the number of box outputs (PIs)
int iDelayTable; // index of the delay table
int iCopy; // copy of this box
int fBlack; // this is black box
int Inouts[0]; // the int numbers of PIs and POs
......@@ -234,6 +234,36 @@ Tim_Man_t * Tim_ManTrim( Tim_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vBoxPres )
return pNew;
Synopsis [Aligns two sets of boxes using the copy field.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Vec_Int_t * Tim_ManAlignTwo( Tim_Man_t * pSpec, Tim_Man_t * pImpl )
Vec_Int_t * vBoxPres;
Tim_Box_t * pBox;
int i;
assert( Tim_ManBoxNum(pSpec) > Tim_ManBoxNum(pImpl) );
// check if boxes of pImpl can be aligned
Tim_ManForEachBox( pImpl, pBox, i )
if ( pBox->iCopy < 0 || pBox->iCopy >= Tim_ManBoxNum(pSpec) )
return NULL;
// map dropped boxes into 1, others into 0
vBoxPres = Vec_IntStart( Tim_ManBoxNum(pSpec) );
Tim_ManForEachBox( pImpl, pBox, i )
assert( !Vec_IntEntry(vBoxPres, pBox->iCopy) );
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vBoxPres, pBox->iCopy, 1 );
return vBoxPres;
......@@ -306,6 +336,7 @@ void Tim_ManCreate( Tim_Man_t * p, void * pLib, Vec_Flt_t * vInArrs, Vec_Flt_t *
assert( pIfBox != NULL );
assert( pIfBox->nPis == pBox->nInputs );
assert( pIfBox->nPos == pBox->nOutputs );
pBox->fBlack = pIfBox->fBlack;
if ( Vec_PtrEntry( p->vDelayTables, pBox->iDelayTable ) != NULL )
// create table of boxes
......@@ -349,33 +380,36 @@ void Tim_ManCreate( Tim_Man_t * p, void * pLib, Vec_Flt_t * vInArrs, Vec_Flt_t *
SeeAlso []
int Tim_ManGetArrsReqs( Tim_Man_t * p, Vec_Flt_t ** pvInArrs, Vec_Flt_t ** pvOutReqs )
float * Tim_ManGetArrTimes( Tim_Man_t * p )
float * pTimes;
Tim_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, fTrivial = 1;
*pvInArrs = NULL;
*pvOutReqs = NULL;
int i;
Tim_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i )
if ( pObj->timeArr != 0.0 )
fTrivial = 0;
if ( i == Tim_ManPiNum(p) )
return NULL;
pTimes = ABC_ALLOC( float, Tim_ManPiNum(p) );
Tim_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i )
pTimes[i] = pObj->timeArr;
return pTimes;
float * Tim_ManGetReqTimes( Tim_Man_t * p )
float * pTimes;
Tim_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, k = 0;
Tim_ManForEachPo( p, pObj, i )
if ( pObj->timeReq != TIM_ETERNITY )
fTrivial = 0;
if ( fTrivial )
return 0;
*pvInArrs = Vec_FltAlloc( Tim_ManPiNum(p) );
Tim_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i )
Vec_FltPush( *pvInArrs, pObj->timeArr );
*pvOutReqs = Vec_FltAlloc( Tim_ManPoNum(p) );
if ( i == Tim_ManPoNum(p) )
return NULL;
pTimes = ABC_ALLOC( float, Tim_ManPoNum(p) );
Tim_ManForEachPo( p, pObj, i )
Vec_FltPush( *pvOutReqs, pObj->timeReq );
return 1;
pTimes[k++] = pObj->timeArr;
assert( k == Tim_ManPoNum(p) );
return pTimes;
......@@ -421,8 +455,11 @@ void Tim_ManPrint( Tim_Man_t * p )
if ( i == Tim_ManCoNum(p) )
printf( "All POs : arr = %5.3f req = %5.3f\n", pPrev->timeArr, pPrev->timeReq );
int k = 0;
Tim_ManForEachPo( p, pObj, i )
printf( "PO%5d : arr = %5.3f req = %5.3f\n", i, pObj->timeArr, pObj->timeReq );
printf( "PO%5d : arr = %5.3f req = %5.3f\n", k++, pObj->timeArr, pObj->timeReq );
// print box info
if ( Tim_ManBoxNum(p) > 0 )
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Llb_AigMap( Aig_Man_t * pAig, int nLutSize, int nLutMin )
// get timing information
pPars->pTimesArr = Abc_NtkGetCiArrivalFloats(pNtk);
pPars->pTimesReq = NULL;
pPars->pTimesReq = Abc_NtkGetCoRequiredFloats(pNtk);
// perform LUT mapping
pIfMan = Abc_NtkToIf( pNtk, pPars );
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