Commit b879786e by Baruch Sterin

pyabc: added a function pyabc.iso_eq_classes() that retrieves the results of the "&iso" command

parent 1d25ae3b
......@@ -252,6 +252,44 @@ int _cex_get_frame(Abc_Cex_t* pCex)
return pCex->iFrame;
static PyObject* VecInt_To_PyList(Vec_Int_t* v)
PyObject* pylist = PyList_New( Vec_IntSize(v) );
int elem, i;
Vec_IntForEachEntry( v, elem, i)
PyList_SetItem( pylist, i, PyInt_FromLong(elem) );
return pylist;
PyObject* iso_eq_classes()
Abc_Frame_t* pAbc = Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame();
Vec_Ptr_t *vPoEquivs = Abc_FrameReadPoEquivs(pAbc);
PyObject* eq_classes;
Vec_Int_t* pEntry;
int i;
if( ! vPoEquivs )
eq_classes = PyList_New( Vec_PtrSize(vPoEquivs) );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Vec_Int_t*, vPoEquivs, pEntry, i )
PyList_SetItem( eq_classes, i, VecInt_To_PyList(pEntry) );
return eq_classes;
static PyObject* pyabc_internal_python_command_callback = 0;
void pyabc_internal_set_command_callback( PyObject* callback )
......@@ -571,6 +609,8 @@ int _cex_n_pis(Abc_Cex_t* pCex);
int _cex_get_po(Abc_Cex_t* pCex);
int _cex_get_frame(Abc_Cex_t* pCex);
PyObject* iso_eq_classes();
void pyabc_internal_set_command_callback( PyObject* callback );
void pyabc_internal_register_command( char * sGroup, char * sName, int fChanges );
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