Commit a019dd21 by Alan Mishchenko

Improved abstraction refinement.

parent cfc82efb
......@@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ void Gla_ManStop( Gla_Man_t * p )
Gla_Obj_t * pGla;
int i;
// if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
Abc_Print( 1, "SAT solver: Var = %d Cla = %d Conf = %d Lrn = %d Reduce = %d Cex = %d Objs+ = %d\n",
sat_solver2_nvars(p->pSat), sat_solver2_nclauses(p->pSat), sat_solver2_nconflicts(p->pSat),
sat_solver2_nlearnts(p->pSat), p->pSat->nDBreduces, p->nCexes, p->nObjAdded );
......@@ -2102,8 +2102,8 @@ finish:
if ( p->pPars->fVerbose && Status == -1 )
printf( "\n" );
if ( pAig->vGateClasses != NULL )
Abc_Print( 1, "Replacing the old abstraction by a new one.\n" );
// if ( pAig->vGateClasses != NULL )
// Abc_Print( 1, "Replacing the old abstraction by a new one.\n" );
Vec_IntFreeP( &pAig->vGateClasses );
pAig->vGateClasses = Gla_ManTranslate( p );
if ( Status == -1 )
......@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ void Ga2_ManStop( Ga2_Man_t * p )
Vec_IntFreeP( &p->pGia->vMapping );
Gia_ManSetPhase( p->pGia );
// if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
Abc_Print( 1, "SAT solver: Var = %d Cla = %d Conf = %d Lrn = %d Reduce = %d Cex = %d ObjsAdded = %d\n",
sat_solver2_nvars(p->pSat), sat_solver2_nclauses(p->pSat),
sat_solver2_nconflicts(p->pSat), sat_solver2_nlearnts(p->pSat),
......@@ -1527,7 +1527,11 @@ int Ga2_ManPerform( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Gia_ParVta_t * pPars )
goto finish;
assert( RetValue == l_False );
if ( c == 0 )
p->pPars->nFramesNoChange = 0;
// derive the core
assert( p->pSat->pPrf2 != NULL );
......@@ -1601,16 +1605,16 @@ finish:
// analize the results
if ( pAig->pCexSeq == NULL )
if ( pAig->vGateClasses != NULL )
Abc_Print( 1, "Replacing the old abstraction by a new one.\n" );
// if ( pAig->vGateClasses != NULL )
// Abc_Print( 1, "Replacing the old abstraction by a new one.\n" );
Vec_IntFreeP( &pAig->vGateClasses );
pAig->vGateClasses = Ga2_ManAbsTranslate( p );
if ( Status == l_Undef )
if ( p->pPars->nTimeOut && clock() >= p->pSat->nRuntimeLimit )
Abc_Print( 1, "SAT solver ran out of time at %d sec in frame %d. ", p->pPars->nTimeOut, f );
Abc_Print( 1, "Timeout %d sec in frame %d with a %d-stable abstraction. ", p->pPars->nTimeOut, f, p->pPars->nFramesNoChange );
else if ( pPars->nConfLimit && sat_solver2_nconflicts(p->pSat) >= pPars->nConfLimit )
Abc_Print( 1, "SAT solver ran out of resources at %d conflicts in frame %d. ", pPars->nConfLimit, f );
Abc_Print( 1, "Exceeded %d conflicts in frame %d with a %d-stable abstraction. ", pPars->nConfLimit, f, p->pPars->nFramesNoChange );
else if ( Vec_IntSize(p->vAbs) >= p->nMarked * (100 - pPars->nRatioMin) / 100 )
Abc_Print( 1, "The ratio of abstracted objects is less than %d %% in frame %d. ", pPars->nRatioMin, f );
......@@ -1619,7 +1623,7 @@ finish:
Abc_Print( 1, "SAT solver completed %d frames and produced an abstraction. ", f );
Abc_Print( 1, "SAT solver completed %d frames and produced a %d-stable abstraction. ", f, p->pPars->nFramesNoChange );
......@@ -721,6 +721,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Ga2_FilterSelected( Rnm_Man_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vSelect )
Vec_Int_t * Rnm_ManRefine( Rnm_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, Vec_Int_t * vMap, int fPropFanout, int fVerbose )
int fVerify = 0;
int fPostProcess = 1;
Vec_Int_t * vSelected = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
Vec_Int_t * vNew;
clock_t clk, clk2 = clock();
......@@ -754,16 +755,19 @@ Vec_Int_t * Rnm_ManRefine( Rnm_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, Vec_Int_t * vMap, in
p->timeBwd += clock() - clk;
vNew = Ga2_FilterSelected( p, vSelected );
if ( Vec_IntSize(vNew) > 0 )
if ( fPostProcess )
Vec_IntFree( vSelected );
vSelected = vNew;
Vec_IntFree( vNew );
// printf( "\nBig refinement.\n" );
vNew = Ga2_FilterSelected( p, vSelected );
if ( Vec_IntSize(vNew) > 0 )
Vec_IntFree( vSelected );
vSelected = vNew;
Vec_IntFree( vNew );
// printf( "\nBig refinement.\n" );
// clean values
......@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ Vta_Man_t * Vga_ManStart( Gia_Man_t * pGia, Gia_ParVta_t * pPars )
void Vga_ManStop( Vta_Man_t * p )
// if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
if ( p->pPars->fVerbose )
Abc_Print( 1, "SAT solver: Var = %d Cla = %d Conf = %d Lrn = %d Reduce = %d Cex = %d Objs+ = %d\n",
sat_solver2_nvars(p->pSat), sat_solver2_nclauses(p->pSat), sat_solver2_nconflicts(p->pSat),
sat_solver2_nlearnts(p->pSat), p->pSat->nDBreduces, p->nCexes, p->nObjAdded );
......@@ -1706,8 +1706,8 @@ finish:
assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCores) > 0 );
if ( pAig->vObjClasses != NULL )
Abc_Print( 1, "Replacing the old abstraction by a new one.\n" );
// if ( pAig->vObjClasses != NULL )
// Abc_Print( 1, "Replacing the old abstraction by a new one.\n" );
Vec_IntFreeP( &pAig->vObjClasses );
pAig->vObjClasses = Gia_VtaFramesToAbs( (Vec_Vec_t *)p->vCores );
if ( Status == -1 )
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