Commit 8eb6aed5 by Alan Mishchenko

Adding a warning in retiming when no node delays are given.

parent 62c4c8b2
......@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ void Wln_NtkRetimeCreateDelayInfo( Wln_Ntk_t * pNtk )
printf( "Using delays given by the user in the input file.\n" );
Wln_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, iObj )
if ( !Wln_ObjIsCio(pNtk, iObj) && Wln_ObjInstId(pNtk, iObj) == 0 )
if ( !Wln_ObjIsCio(pNtk, iObj) && !Wln_ObjIsConst(pNtk, iObj) && Wln_ObjInstId(pNtk, iObj) == 0 )
printf( "Warning: Object %d of type %s has zero delay. Retiming will not work correctly.\n", iObj, Abc_OperName(Wln_ObjType(pNtk, iObj)) );
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