Commit 86e38c2a by Alan Mishchenko

SAT variable profiling.

parent 92dcffcf
......@@ -1636,6 +1636,7 @@ nTimeUndec += clock() - clk2;
printf( "%4d %s : ", f, fUnfinished ? "-" : "+" );
printf( "Var =%8.0f. ", (double)p->nSatVars );
printf( "Var2 =%8.0f. ", (double)p->pSat->nVarUsed );
printf( "Cla =%9.0f. ", (double)p->pSat->stats.clauses );
printf( "Cnf =%7.0f. ",(double)p->pSat->stats.conflicts );
// printf( "Imp =%10.0f. ", (double)p->pSat->stats.propagations );
......@@ -1657,6 +1658,8 @@ nTimeUndec += clock() - clk2;
// printf( "Dups = %6d. ", p->nDupNum );
printf( "\n" );
fflush( stdout );
memset( p->pSat->pFreqs, 0, sizeof(int) * p->pSat->size );
p->pSat->nVarUsed = 0;
// consider the next timeframe
......@@ -466,6 +466,10 @@ static int clause_create_new(sat_solver* s, lit* begin, lit* end, int learnt)
static inline int sat_solver_enqueue(sat_solver* s, lit l, int from)
int v = lit_var(l);
if ( s->pFreqs[v]++ == 0 )
printf(L_IND"enqueue("L_LIT")\n", L_ind, L_lit(l));
......@@ -957,6 +961,8 @@ sat_solver* sat_solver_new(void)
s->nLearntRatio = LEARNT_MAX_RATIO_DEFAULT; // ratio of learned clause limit
s->nLearntMax = s->nLearntStart;
s->pFreqs = ABC_CALLOC( int, 10000000 );
// initialize vectors
......@@ -1077,6 +1083,14 @@ void sat_solver_setnvars(sat_solver* s,int n)
void sat_solver_delete(sat_solver* s)
int i, nVars = 0;
// count non-zero entries
for ( i = 0; i < s->size; i++ )
nVars += (s->pFreqs[i] > 0);
printf( "Assigned = %d. Total = %d. (%6.2f %%)\n", nVars, s->size, 100.0 * nVars/s->size );
ABC_FREE( s->pFreqs );
// Vec_SetFree_( &s->Mem );
Sat_MemFree_( &s->Mem );
......@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ struct sat_solver_t
unsigned* activity; // A heuristic measurement of the activity of a variable.
unsigned* activity2; // backup variable activity
int * pFreqs;
int nVarUsed;
// varinfo * vi; // variable information
int* levels; //
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