Commit 7d2b77af by Alan Mishchenko

Multi-output property solver.

parent 47afd0f4
FileName [bmcMulti.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName [SAT-based bounded model checking.]
Synopsis [Proving multi-output properties.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
Revision [$Id: bmcMulti.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "bmc.h"
#include "proof/ssw/ssw.h"
#include "aig/gia/giaAig.h"
Synopsis [Divides outputs into solved and unsolved.]
Description [Return array of unsolved outputs to extract into a new AIG.
Updates the resulting CEXes (vCexesOut) and current output map (vOutMap).]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Vec_Int_t * Gia_ManProcessOutputs( Vec_Ptr_t * vCexesIn, Vec_Ptr_t * vCexesOut, Vec_Int_t * vOutMap )
Abc_Cex_t * pCex;
Vec_Int_t * vLeftOver;
int i, iOut;
assert( Vec_PtrSize(vCexesIn) == Vec_IntSize(vOutMap) );
vLeftOver = Vec_IntAlloc( Vec_PtrSize(vCexesIn) );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vOutMap, iOut, i )
assert( Vec_PtrEntry(vCexesOut, iOut) == NULL );
pCex = (Abc_Cex_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( vCexesIn, i );
if ( pCex ) // found a CEX for output iOut
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vCexesIn, i, NULL );
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( vCexesOut, iOut, pCex );
else // still unsolved
Vec_IntWriteEntry( vOutMap, Vec_IntSize(vLeftOver), iOut );
Vec_IntPush( vLeftOver, i );
Vec_IntShrink( vOutMap, Vec_IntSize(vLeftOver) );
return vLeftOver;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Gia_ManMultiReport( Aig_Man_t * p, char * pStr, int nTotalPo, int nTotalSize, abctime clkStart )
printf( "%3s : ", pStr );
printf( "PI =%6d ", Saig_ManPiNum(p) );
printf( "PO =%6d ", Saig_ManPoNum(p) );
printf( "FF =%7d ", Saig_ManRegNum(p) );
printf( "ND =%7d ", Aig_ManNodeNum(p) );
printf( "Solved =%7d (%5.1f %%) ", nTotalPo-Saig_ManPoNum(p), 100.0*(nTotalPo-Saig_ManPoNum(p))/Abc_MaxInt(1, nTotalPo) );
printf( "Size =%7d (%5.1f %%) ", Aig_ManObjNum(p), 100.0*Aig_ManObjNum(p)/Abc_MaxInt(1, nTotalSize) );
Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clkStart );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
Vec_Ptr_t * Gia_ManMultiProveAig( Aig_Man_t * p, int TimeOutGlo, int TimeOutLoc, int TimeOutInc, int fVerbose )
Ssw_RarPars_t ParsSim, * pParsSim = &ParsSim;
Saig_ParBmc_t ParsBmc, * pParsBmc = &ParsBmc;
Vec_Int_t * vOutMap, * vLeftOver;
Vec_Ptr_t * vCexes;
Aig_Man_t * pTemp;
abctime clkStart = Abc_Clock();
int nTimeToStop = TimeOutGlo ? TimeOutGlo * CLOCKS_PER_SEC + Abc_Clock(): 0;
int nTotalPo = Saig_ManPoNum(p);
int nTotalSize = Aig_ManObjNum(p);
int i, RetValue = -1;
// create output map
vOutMap = Vec_IntStartNatural( Saig_ManPoNum(p) ); // maps current outputs into their original IDs
vCexes = Vec_PtrStart( Saig_ManPoNum(p) ); // maps solved outputs into their CEXes (or markers)
for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
// synthesize
// p = Gia_ManMultiProveSyn( pTemp = p );
// Aig_ManStop( pTemp );
// if ( fVerbose )
// Gia_ManMultiReport( p, "SYN", nTotalPo, nTotalSize, clkStart );
// perform SIM3
Ssw_RarSetDefaultParams( pParsSim );
pParsSim->fSolveAll = 1;
pParsSim->fNotVerbose = 1;
pParsSim->fSilent = 1;
pParsSim->TimeOut = TimeOutLoc;
pParsSim->nRandSeed = (i * 17) % 500;
RetValue *= Ssw_RarSimulate( p, pParsSim );
// sort outputs
if ( p->vSeqModelVec )
vLeftOver = Gia_ManProcessOutputs( p->vSeqModelVec, vCexes, vOutMap );
if ( Vec_IntSize(vLeftOver) == 0 )
// remove solved
p = Saig_ManDupCones( pTemp = p, Vec_IntArray(vLeftOver), Vec_IntSize(vLeftOver) );
Vec_IntFree( vLeftOver );
Aig_ManStop( pTemp );
// if ( fVerbose )
Gia_ManMultiReport( p, "SIM", nTotalPo, nTotalSize, clkStart );
// perform BMC
Saig_ParBmcSetDefaultParams( pParsBmc );
pParsBmc->fSolveAll = 1;
pParsBmc->fNotVerbose = 1;
pParsBmc->fSilent = 1;
pParsBmc->nTimeOut = TimeOutLoc;
RetValue *= Saig_ManBmcScalable( p, pParsBmc );
// sort outputs
if ( p->vSeqModelVec )
vLeftOver = Gia_ManProcessOutputs( p->vSeqModelVec, vCexes, vOutMap );
if ( Vec_IntSize(vLeftOver) == 0 )
// remove solved
p = Saig_ManDupCones( pTemp = p, Vec_IntArray(vLeftOver), Vec_IntSize(vLeftOver) );
Vec_IntFree( vLeftOver );
Aig_ManStop( pTemp );
// if ( fVerbose )
Gia_ManMultiReport( p, "BMC", nTotalPo, nTotalSize, clkStart );
// increase timeout
TimeOutLoc *= TimeOutInc;
if ( nTimeToStop && Abc_Clock() > nTimeToStop )
printf( "Global timeout (%d sec) is reached.\n", TimeOutGlo );
Vec_IntFree( vOutMap );
Aig_ManStop( p );
return vCexes;
int Gia_ManMultiProve( Gia_Man_t * p, int fVerbose )
Aig_Man_t * pAig;
if ( p->vSeqModelVec )
Vec_PtrFreeFree( p->vSeqModelVec ), p->vSeqModelVec = NULL;
pAig = Gia_ManToAig( p, 0 );
p->vSeqModelVec = Gia_ManMultiProveAig( pAig, 30, 2, 2, fVerbose );
assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vSeqModelVec) == Gia_ManPoNum(p) );
// Aig_ManStop( pAig );
return Vec_PtrCountZero(p->vSeqModelVec) == Vec_PtrSize(p->vSeqModelVec) ? -1 : 0;
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