Commit 78951b4c by Alan Mishchenko

Improvements to Scl_Lib/SC_Cell data-structure.

parent 3f77172a
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Vec_Wec_t * Mpm_ManFindDsdMatches( Mpm_Man_t * p, void * pScl )
printf( "Skipping cell %s with %d inputs and %d outputs\n", pRepr->pName, pRepr->n_inputs, pRepr->n_outputs );
Truth = *Vec_WrdArray( SC_CellPin(pRepr, pRepr->n_inputs)->vFunc );
Truth = *Vec_WrdArray( &SC_CellPin(pRepr, pRepr->n_inputs)->vFunc );
Config = Mpm_CutCheckDsd6( p, Truth );
if ( Config == -1 )
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ static inline void Abc_SclTimingUpdate( SC_Cell * pCell, SC_Timing * p, char * B
static inline void Abc_SclTimingsUpdate( SC_Cell * pCell, SC_Timings * p, char * Buffer )
SC_Timing * pTemp; int i;
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( SC_Timing *, p->vTimings, pTemp, i )
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( SC_Timing *, &p->vTimings, pTemp, i )
Abc_SclTimingUpdate( pCell, pTemp, Buffer );
static inline void Abc_SclPinUpdate( SC_Cell * pCell, SC_Pin * p, char * Buffer )
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ void Abc_SclLinkCells( SC_Lib * p )
Vec_Ptr_t * vList;
SC_Cell * pCell, * pRepr = NULL;
int i, k;
assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCellClasses) == 0 );
assert( Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) == 0 );
SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i )
// find gate with the same function
......@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ void Abc_SclLinkCells( SC_Lib * p )
pCell->n_outputs == pRepr->n_outputs &&
Vec_WrdEqual(SC_CellFunc(pCell), SC_CellFunc(pRepr)) )
if ( k == Vec_PtrSize(p->vCellClasses) )
if ( k == Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) )
Vec_PtrPush( p->vCellClasses, pCell );
Vec_PtrPush( &p->vCellClasses, pCell );
pCell->pNext = pCell->pPrev = pCell;
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ void Abc_SclLinkCells( SC_Lib * p )
pCell->pPrev = pRepr->pPrev; pRepr->pPrev = pCell;
// sort cells by size then by name
qsort( (void *)Vec_PtrArray(p->vCellClasses), Vec_PtrSize(p->vCellClasses), sizeof(void *), (int(*)(const void *,const void *))Abc_SclCompareCells );
qsort( (void *)Vec_PtrArray(&p->vCellClasses), Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses), sizeof(void *), (int(*)(const void *,const void *))Abc_SclCompareCells );
// sort cell lists
vList = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pRepr, k )
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ void Abc_SclLinkCells( SC_Lib * p )
pCell->nGates = Vec_PtrSize(vList);
// update list
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( p->vCellClasses, k, pRepr );
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( &p->vCellClasses, k, pRepr );
Vec_PtrFree( vList );
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ SC_Cell * Abc_SclFindInvertor( SC_Lib * p, int fFindBuff )
word Truth = fFindBuff ? ABC_CONST(0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) : ABC_CONST(0x5555555555555555);
int k;
SC_LibForEachCellClass( p, pCell, k )
if ( pCell->n_inputs == 1 && Vec_WrdEntry(SC_CellPin(pCell, 1)->vFunc, 0) == Truth )
if ( pCell->n_inputs == 1 && Vec_WrdEntry(&SC_CellPin(pCell, 1)->vFunc, 0) == Truth )
// take representative
return pCell ? pCell->pRepr : NULL;
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ SC_WireLoad * Abc_SclFetchWireLoadModel( SC_Lib * p, char * pWLoadUsed )
SC_LibForEachWireLoad( p, pWL, i )
if ( !strcmp(pWL->pName, pWLoadUsed) )
if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(p->vWireLoads) )
if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoads) )
Abc_Print( -1, "Cannot find wire load model \"%s\".\n", pWLoadUsed );
......@@ -387,19 +387,19 @@ SC_WireLoad * Abc_SclFindWireLoadModel( SC_Lib * p, float Area )
SC_LibForEachWireLoadSel( p, pWLS, i )
if ( !strcmp(pWLS->pName, p->default_wire_load_sel) )
if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(p->vWireLoadSels) )
if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoadSels) )
Abc_Print( -1, "Cannot find wire load selection model \"%s\".\n", p->default_wire_load_sel );
for ( i = 0; i < Vec_FltSize(pWLS->vAreaFrom); i++)
if ( Area >= Vec_FltEntry(pWLS->vAreaFrom, i) && Area < Vec_FltEntry(pWLS->vAreaTo, i) )
for ( i = 0; i < Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom); i++)
if ( Area >= Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaFrom, i) && Area < Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaTo, i) )
pWLoadUsed = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(pWLS->vWireLoadModel, i);
pWLoadUsed = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(&pWLS->vWireLoadModel, i);
if ( i == Vec_FltSize(pWLS->vAreaFrom) )
pWLoadUsed = (char *)Vec_PtrEntryLast(pWLS->vWireLoadModel);
if ( i == Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom) )
pWLoadUsed = (char *)Vec_PtrEntryLast(&pWLS->vWireLoadModel);
else if ( p->default_wire_load && strlen(p->default_wire_load) )
pWLoadUsed = p->default_wire_load;
......@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ float Abc_SclComputeAverageSlew( SC_Lib * p )
pTime = Scl_CellPinTime( pCell, 0 );
if ( pTime == NULL )
return 0;
vIndex = pTime->pCellRise->vIndex0; // slew
vIndex = &pTime->pCellRise.vIndex0; // slew
return Vec_FltEntry( vIndex, Vec_FltSize(vIndex)/3 );
......@@ -483,14 +483,14 @@ int Abc_SclComputeParametersPin( SC_Lib * p, SC_Cell * pCell, int iPin, float Sl
SC_Pair ArrOut2 = { 0.0, 0.0 };
SC_Pair SlewOut = { 0.0, 0.0 };
SC_Timing * pTime = Scl_CellPinTime( pCell, iPin );
Vec_Flt_t * vIndex = pTime ? pTime->pCellRise->vIndex1 : NULL; // capacitance
Vec_Flt_t * vIndex = pTime ? &pTime->pCellRise.vIndex1 : NULL; // capacitance
if ( vIndex == NULL )
return 0;
// handle constant table
if ( Vec_FltSize(vIndex) == 1 )
*pLD = 0;
*pPD = Vec_FltEntry( (Vec_Flt_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(pTime->pCellRise->vData, 0), 0 );
*pPD = Vec_FltEntry( (Vec_Flt_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(&pTime->pCellRise.vData, 0), 0 );
return 1;
// get load points
......@@ -640,10 +640,10 @@ void Abc_SclPrintCells( SC_Lib * p, float SlewInit, float Gain, int fInvOnly, in
int i, j, k, nLength = 0;
float Slew = (SlewInit == 0) ? Abc_SclComputeAverageSlew(p) : SlewInit;
float LD = 0, PD = 0;
assert( Vec_PtrSize(p->vCellClasses) > 0 );
assert( Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) > 0 );
printf( "Library \"%s\" ", p->pName );
printf( "has %d cells in %d classes. ",
Vec_PtrSize(p->vCells), Vec_PtrSize(p->vCellClasses) );
Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCells), Vec_PtrSize(&p->vCellClasses) );
if ( !fShort )
printf( "Delay estimate is based on slew %.2f ps and gain %.2f.", Slew, Gain );
printf( "\n" );
......@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ void Abc_SclPrintCells( SC_Lib * p, float SlewInit, float Gain, int fInvOnly, in
if ( pPin->func_text )
printf( "%-30s", pPin->func_text );
printf( " " );
Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)Vec_WrdArray(pPin->vFunc), pRepr->n_inputs );
Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( (unsigned *)Vec_WrdArray(&pPin->vFunc), pRepr->n_inputs );
printf( "\n" );
if ( fShort )
......@@ -737,11 +737,11 @@ void Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( SC_Surface * p, float Time, float Load )
Vec_Flt_t * vArray;
int i, k; float Entry;
Vec_FltForEachEntry( p->vIndex0, Entry, i ) // slew
Vec_FltWriteEntry( p->vIndex0, i, Time * Entry );
Vec_FltForEachEntry( p->vIndex1, Entry, i ) // load
Vec_FltWriteEntry( p->vIndex1, i, Load * Entry );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Vec_Flt_t *, p->vData, vArray, k )
Vec_FltForEachEntry( &p->vIndex0, Entry, i ) // slew
Vec_FltWriteEntry( &p->vIndex0, i, Time * Entry );
Vec_FltForEachEntry( &p->vIndex1, Entry, i ) // load
Vec_FltWriteEntry( &p->vIndex1, i, Load * Entry );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Vec_Flt_t *, &p->vData, vArray, k )
Vec_FltForEachEntry( vArray, Entry, i ) // delay/slew
Vec_FltWriteEntry( vArray, i, Time * Entry );
......@@ -772,12 +772,12 @@ void Abc_SclLibNormalize( SC_Lib * p )
pPin->max_out_cap *= Load;
pPin->max_out_slew *= Time;
SC_PinForEachRTiming( pPin, pTimings, m )
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( SC_Timing *, pTimings->vTimings, pTiming, n )
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( SC_Timing *, &pTimings->vTimings, pTiming, n )
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( pTiming->pCellRise, Time, Load );
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( pTiming->pCellFall, Time, Load );
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( pTiming->pRiseTrans, Time, Load );
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( pTiming->pFallTrans, Time, Load );
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pCellRise, Time, Load );
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pCellFall, Time, Load );
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pRiseTrans, Time, Load );
Abc_SclLibNormalizeSurface( &pTiming->pFallTrans, Time, Load );
......@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ Vec_Flt_t * Abc_SclFindWireCaps( SC_WireLoad * pWL, int nFanoutMax )
assert( pWL != NULL );
// find the biggest fanout count
EntryMax = 0;
Vec_IntForEachEntry( pWL->vFanout, Entry, i )
Vec_IntForEachEntry( &pWL->vFanout, Entry, i )
EntryMax = Abc_MaxInt( EntryMax, Entry );
// create the array
vCaps = Vec_FltStart( Abc_MaxInt(nFanoutMax, EntryMax) + 1 );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( pWL->vFanout, Entry, i )
Vec_FltWriteEntry( vCaps, Entry, Vec_FltEntry(pWL->vLen, i) * pWL->cap );
Vec_IntForEachEntry( &pWL->vFanout, Entry, i )
Vec_FltWriteEntry( vCaps, Entry, Vec_FltEntry(&pWL->vLen, i) * pWL->cap );
if ( Vec_FltEntry(vCaps, 1) == 0 )
return vCaps;
// interpolate between the values
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Vec_Int_t * Abc_SclFindMinAreas( SC_Lib * pLib, int fUseMax )
SC_Cell * pCell, * pRepr = NULL, * pBest = NULL;
int i, k;
// map each gate in the library into its min/max-size prototype
vMinCells = Vec_IntStartFull( Vec_PtrSize(pLib->vCells) );
vMinCells = Vec_IntStartFull( Vec_PtrSize(&pLib->vCells) );
SC_LibForEachCellClass( pLib, pRepr, i )
pBest = fUseMax ? Abc_SclFindMaxAreaCell(pRepr) : pRepr;
......@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ void Abc_SclMinsizePerform( SC_Lib * pLib, Abc_Ntk_t * p, int fUseMax, int fVerb
Abc_NtkForEachNodeNotBarBuf1( p, pObj, i )
gateId = Vec_IntEntry( p->vGates, i );
assert( gateId >= 0 && gateId < Vec_PtrSize(pLib->vCells) );
assert( gateId >= 0 && gateId < Vec_PtrSize(&pLib->vCells) );
gateId = Vec_IntEntry( vMinCells, gateId );
assert( gateId >= 0 && gateId < Vec_PtrSize(pLib->vCells) );
assert( gateId >= 0 && gateId < Vec_PtrSize(&pLib->vCells) );
Vec_IntWriteEntry( p->vGates, i, gateId );
Abc_SclSclGates2MioGates( pLib, p );
......@@ -352,6 +352,14 @@ static inline void Vec_VecFree( Vec_Vec_t * p )
if ( vVec ) Vec_PtrFree( vVec );
Vec_PtrFree( (Vec_Ptr_t *)p );
static inline void Vec_VecErase( Vec_Vec_t * p )
Vec_Ptr_t * vVec;
int i;
Vec_VecForEachLevel( p, vVec, i )
if ( vVec ) Vec_PtrFree( vVec );
Vec_PtrErase( (Vec_Ptr_t *)p );
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