Commit 72ffddb0 by Alan Mishchenko

Sorting multiplier inputs based on the number of constant bits.

parent ecb2780a
......@@ -34,6 +34,25 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
Synopsis [Counts constant bits.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Wlc_NtkCountConstBits( int * pArray, int nSize )
int i, Counter = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
Counter += (pArray[i] == 0 || pArray[i] == 1);
return Counter;
Synopsis [Helper functions.]
Description []
......@@ -1067,6 +1086,8 @@ Gia_Man_t * Wlc_NtkBitBlast( Wlc_Ntk_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vBoxIds )
int nRangeMax = Abc_MaxInt(nRange0, nRange1);
int * pArg0 = Wlc_VecLoadFanins( vTemp0, pFans0, nRange0, nRangeMax, fSigned );
int * pArg1 = Wlc_VecLoadFanins( vTemp1, pFans1, nRange1, nRangeMax, fSigned );
if ( Wlc_NtkCountConstBits(pArg0, nRangeMax) < Wlc_NtkCountConstBits(pArg1, nRangeMax) )
ABC_SWAP( int *, pArg0, pArg1 );
Wlc_BlastMultiplier( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nRangeMax, nRangeMax, vTemp2, vRes, fSigned );
//Wlc_BlastMultiplier3( pNew, pArg0, pArg1, nRange0, nRange1, vRes );
if ( nRange > nRangeMax + nRangeMax )
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