Commit 64afe6e9 by Alan Mishchenko

Extending Verilog parser to handle 'default' in the case-statement.

parent e9abb0f4
......@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ startword:
else if ( Wlc_PrsStrCmp( pStart, "always" ) )
// THIS IS A HACK to detect always statement representing combinational MUX
int NameId, NameIdOut = -1, fFound;
int NameId, NameIdOut = -1, fFound, nValues, fDefaultFound = 0;
// find control
pStart = Wlc_PrsFindWord( pStart, "case", &fFound );
if ( pStart == NULL )
......@@ -1054,8 +1054,13 @@ startword:
Vec_IntClear( p->vFanins );
Vec_IntPush( p->vFanins, NameId );
// read data inputs
pObj = Wlc_NtkObj( p->pNtk, NameId );
if ( pObj == NULL )
return Wlc_PrsWriteErrorMessage( p, pStart, "Cannot find the object in case statement." );
// remember the number of values
nValues = (1 << Wlc_ObjRange(pObj));
while ( 1 )
// find opening
pStart = Wlc_PrsFindSymbol( pStart, ':' );
if ( pStart == NULL )
......@@ -1076,15 +1081,27 @@ startword:
pStart = Wlc_PrsReadName( p, pStart, p->vFanins );
if ( pStart == NULL )
return Wlc_PrsWriteErrorMessage( p, pStart, "Cannot read name inside case statement." );
// get next line and check its opening character
pStart = Wlc_PrsStr(p, Vec_IntEntry(p->vStarts, ++i));
pStart = Wlc_PrsSkipSpaces( pStart );
if ( Wlc_PrsIsDigit(pStart) )
if ( Wlc_PrsStrCmp( pStart, "default" ) )
// consider default
if ( fDefaultFound )
int EntryLast = Vec_IntEntryLast( p->vFanins );
Vec_IntFillExtra( p->vFanins, nValues + 1, EntryLast );
// get next line and check its opening character
pStart = Wlc_PrsStr(p, Vec_IntEntry(p->vStarts, ++i));
pStart = Wlc_PrsSkipSpaces( pStart );
printf( "Ignoring default in Line %d.\n", i );
// get next line and check its opening character
pStart = Wlc_PrsStr(p, Vec_IntEntry(p->vStarts, ++i));
pStart = Wlc_PrsSkipSpaces( pStart );
if ( Wlc_PrsIsDigit(pStart) )
if ( Wlc_PrsStrCmp( pStart, "default" ) )
fDefaultFound = 1;
// find closing
pStart = Wlc_PrsFindWord( pStart, "endcase", &fFound );
......@@ -1098,8 +1115,7 @@ startword:
// check range of the control
pObj = Wlc_NtkObj( p->pNtk, Vec_IntEntry(p->vFanins, 0) );
if ( (1 << Wlc_ObjRange(pObj)) != Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins) - 1 )
if ( nValues != Vec_IntSize(p->vFanins) - 1 )
return Wlc_PrsWriteErrorMessage( p, pStart, "The number of values in the case statement is wrong.", pName );
if ( Wlc_ObjRange(pObj) == 1 )
return Wlc_PrsWriteErrorMessage( p, pStart, "Always-statement with 1-bit control is not bit-blasted correctly.", pName );
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