Commit 50df0813 by Alan Mishchenko

Allowing 'constr' to reset remove currently defined constraints.

parent 50095be5
......@@ -22061,7 +22061,7 @@ int Abc_CommandConstr( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
fInvert = 0;
fOldAlgo = 0;
fVerbose = 0;
nConstrs = 0;
nConstrs = -1;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "FCPNrsiavh" ) ) != EOF )
......@@ -22153,6 +22153,22 @@ int Abc_CommandConstr( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
pNtk->nConstrs = 0;
return 0;
// consider the case of manual constraint definition
if ( nConstrs >= 0 )
if ( Abc_NtkIsComb(pNtk) )
Abc_Print( 0, "The network is combinational.\n" );
if ( Abc_NtkConstrNum(pNtk) > 0 )
Abc_Print( 0, "The network currently has %d constraints.\n", Abc_NtkConstrNum(pNtk) );
if ( nConstrs >= Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk) )
Abc_Print( -1, "The number of constraints specified (%d) should be less than POs (%d).\n", nConstrs, Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk) );
return 0;
Abc_Print( 1, "Setting the last %d POs as constraint outputs.\n", nConstrs );
pNtk->nConstrs = nConstrs;
return 0;
// consider the case of already defined constraints
if ( Abc_NtkConstrNum(pNtk) > 0 )
......@@ -22169,25 +22185,6 @@ int Abc_CommandConstr( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_NtkDarConstrProfile( pNtk, fVerbose );
return 0;
// consider the case of manual constraint definition
if ( nConstrs > 0 )
if ( Abc_NtkIsComb(pNtk) )
Abc_Print( 0, "The network is combinational.\n" );
if ( Abc_NtkConstrNum(pNtk) > 0 )
Abc_Print( -1, "The network already has constraints.\n" );
return 0;
if ( nConstrs >= Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk) )
Abc_Print( -1, "The number of constraints specified (%d) should be less than POs (%d).\n", nConstrs, Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtk) );
return 0;
Abc_Print( 1, "Setting the last %d POs as constraint outputs.\n", nConstrs );
pNtk->nConstrs = nConstrs;
return 0;
if ( Abc_NtkIsComb(pNtk) )
Abc_Print( -1, "The network is combinational.\n" );
......@@ -22781,6 +22778,7 @@ int Abc_CommandPdr( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_FrameReplaceCexVec( pAbc, &pNtk->vSeqModelVec );
pAbc->nFrames = -1;
ABC_FREE( pPars->pOutMap ); // cleanup after PDR
return 0;
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