Commit 4b5ffde3 by Alan Mishchenko

Compiler warnings.

parent fba33fbb
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ word Ifd_ObjTruth_rec( Ifd_Man_t * p, int iLit, int * pCounter )
Ifd_Obj_t * pDsd;
word Fun0, Fun1, Fun2;
word Fun0, Fun1, Fun2 = 0;
assert( !Abc_LitIsCompl(iLit) );
if ( iLit == 2 )
return s_Truths6[(*pCounter)++];
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ int Ifd_ManHashLookup( Ifd_Man_t * p, int iDsd0, int iDsd1, int iDsdC, int Type
pData[1] = iDsd1;
pData[2] = iDsdC;
pData[3] = Type;
return *Hsh_IntManLookup( p->vHash, pData );
return *Hsh_IntManLookup( p->vHash, (unsigned *)pData );
void Ifd_ManHashInsert( Ifd_Man_t * p, int iDsd0, int iDsd1, int iDsdC, int Type, int Res )
......@@ -464,7 +464,6 @@ int Ifd_ManFindDsd_rec( Ifd_Man_t * pMan, char * pStr, char ** p, int * pMatches
if ( **p == '<' ) // mux
int Temp[3], * pTemp = Temp, Res;
char * pOld = *p;
char * q = pStr + pMatches[ *p - pStr ];
assert( **p == '<' && *q == '>' );
// derive MAX components
......@@ -527,8 +526,8 @@ int Ifd_ManFindDsd( Ifd_Man_t * pMan, char * p )
void Ifd_ManDsdTest2()
char * p = "(abc)";
char * q = "(a[bc])";
char * r = "[<abc>(def)]";
// char * q = "(a[bc])";
// char * r = "[<abc>(def)]";
Ifd_Man_t * pMan = Ifd_ManStart();
int iLit = Ifd_ManFindDsd( pMan, p );
Ifd_ObjPrint( pMan, iLit );
......@@ -853,14 +852,14 @@ int Ifd_ManDsdTest()
abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
FILE * pFile;
char * pFileName = "dsdfuncs6.dat";
int size = Extra_FileSize( pFileName ) / 12; // 3504275
int RetValue, size = Extra_FileSize( pFileName ) / 12; // 3504275
Vec_Wrd_t * vTruthRes = Vec_WrdAlloc( size + 1 );
Vec_Int_t * vConfgRes = Vec_IntAlloc( size );
Hsh_IntMan_t * pHash;
pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
fread( Vec_WrdArray(vTruthRes), sizeof(word), size, pFile );
fread( Vec_IntArray(vConfgRes), sizeof(int), size, pFile );
RetValue = fread( Vec_WrdArray(vTruthRes), sizeof(word), size, pFile );
RetValue = fread( Vec_IntArray(vConfgRes), sizeof(int), size, pFile );
vTruthRes->nSize = size;
vConfgRes->nSize = size;
// create hash table
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