Commit 254ac2df by Alan Mishchenko

Fixed several compiler warnings.

parent 9f99f08d
......@@ -2674,6 +2674,18 @@ SOURCE=.\src\opt\fxch\FxchMan.c
# End Source File
# End Group
# Begin Group "dsc"
# PROP Default_Filter ""
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# End Group
# End Group
# Begin Group "map"
......@@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ inline void xorInPlace( word * pOut, word * pIn2, int nWords)
void dsc_debug_node(Dsc_node_t * pNode, int nVars, const int TRUTH_WORDS) {
int i;
printf("\tneg cof:\t");Abc_TtPrintHexRev(stdout, pNode->pNegCof, nVars);
printf("\tpos cof:\t");Abc_TtPrintHexRev(stdout, pNode->pPosCof, nVars);
printf("\tbool diff:\t");Abc_TtPrintHexRev(stdout, pNode->pBoolDiff, nVars);
int i;
for (i=1;i<=pNode->off[0];i++) {
for (i=1;i<=(int)pNode->off[0];i++) {
printf("%c%c", (pNode->off[i] & 1U) ? ' ' : '!', 'a'+(pNode->off[i] >> 1));
for (i=1;i<=pNode->on[0];i++) {
for (i=1;i<=(int)pNode->on[0];i++) {
printf("%c%c", (pNode->on[i] & 1U) ? ' ' : '!', 'a'+(pNode->on[i] >> 1));
......@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ void merge(unsigned int * const pOut, const unsigned int * const pIn) {
void dsc_and_group(Dsc_node_t * pOut, Dsc_node_t * ni, int niPolarity, Dsc_node_t * nj, int njPolarity, int nVars, const int TRUTH_WORDS) {
unsigned int* xiOFF, * xiON, * xjOFF, * xjON;
// expression
concat(pOut->exp, '(', ')', ni->exp, niPolarity, nj->exp, njPolarity);
unsigned int* xiOFF, * xiON, * xjOFF, * xjON;
if (niPolarity) {
xiOFF = ni->off;
xiON = ni->on;
......@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ void dsc_and_group(Dsc_node_t * pOut, Dsc_node_t * ni, int niPolarity, Dsc_node_
int xiOFFSize = xiOFF[0];
int xjOFFSize = xjOFF[0];
if (xiOFFSize <= xjOFFSize) {
pOut->off[0] = xiOFFSize; // set the number of elements
int i;
pOut->off[0] = xiOFFSize; // set the number of elements
for (i = 1; i <= xiOFFSize; i++) {
pOut->off[i] = xiOFF[i];
} else {
pOut->off[0] = xjOFFSize; // set the number of elements
int i;
pOut->off[0] = xjOFFSize; // set the number of elements
for (i = 1; i <= xjOFFSize; i++) {
pOut->off[i] = xjOFF[i];
......@@ -168,15 +168,15 @@ void dsc_and_group(Dsc_node_t * pOut, Dsc_node_t * ni, int niPolarity, Dsc_node_
// creating both new ON specification and positive cofactor of the new group
int i;
int j;
unsigned int xiONSize = xiON[0];
unsigned int xjONSize = xjON[0];
pOut->on[0] = xiONSize + xjONSize;
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= xiONSize; i++) {
for (i = 1; i <= (int)xiONSize; i++) {
pOut->on[i] = xiON[i];
int j;
for (j = 1; j <= xjONSize; j++) {
for (j = 1; j <= (int)xjONSize; j++) {
pOut->on[i++] = xjON[j];
// set the positive cofactor of the new group
......@@ -194,13 +194,11 @@ void dsc_and_group(Dsc_node_t * pOut, Dsc_node_t * ni, int niPolarity, Dsc_node_
void dsc_xor_group(Dsc_node_t * pOut, Dsc_node_t * ni, Dsc_node_t * nj, int nVars, const int TRUTH_WORDS) {
// expression
concat(pOut->exp, '[', ']', ni->exp, 1, nj->exp, 1);
const unsigned int const * xiOFF = ni->off;
const unsigned int const * xiON = ni->on;
const unsigned int const * xjOFF = nj->off;
const unsigned int const * xjON = nj->on;
const unsigned int * xiOFF = ni->off;
const unsigned int * xiON = ni->on;
const unsigned int * xjOFF = nj->off;
const unsigned int * xjON = nj->on;
const int xiOFFSize = xiOFF[0];
const int xiONSize = xiON[0];
......@@ -210,6 +208,8 @@ void dsc_xor_group(Dsc_node_t * pOut, Dsc_node_t * ni, Dsc_node_t * nj, int nVar
int minCCSize = xiOFFSize;
int minCCPolarity = 0;
Dsc_node_t * minCCNode = ni;
// expression
concat(pOut->exp, '[', ']', ni->exp, 1, nj->exp, 1);
if (minCCSize > xiONSize) {
minCCSize = xiONSize;
minCCPolarity = 1;
......@@ -312,15 +312,18 @@ extern int Dsc_Decompose(word * pTruth, const int nVarsInit, char * const pRes,
const int TRUTH_WORDS = Abc_TtWordNum(nVarsInit);
const int NEED_POOL_ALLOC = (pool == NULL);
pRes[0] = '\0';
pRes[1] = '\0';
Dsc_node_t nodes[DSC_MAX_VAR];
Dsc_node_t *newNodes[DSC_MAX_VAR];
Dsc_node_t *oldNodes[DSC_MAX_VAR];
Dsc_node_t freeNodes[DSC_MAX_VAR]; // N is the maximum number of possible groups.
int f = 0; // f represent the next free position in the freeNodes array
int o = 0; // o stands for the number of already tested nodes
int n = 0; // n will represent the number of current nodes (i.e. support)
pRes[0] = '\0';
pRes[1] = '\0';
pool = ABC_ALLOC(word, 3 * TRUTH_WORDS * nVarsInit);
......@@ -375,10 +378,6 @@ extern int Dsc_Decompose(word * pTruth, const int nVarsInit, char * const pRes,
return -1;
Dsc_node_t freeNodes[DSC_MAX_VAR]; // N is the maximum number of possible groups.
int f = 0; // f represent the next free position in the freeNodes array
int o = 0; // o stands for the number of already tested nodes
while (n > 0) {
int tempN = 0;
int i, j, iPolarity, jPolarity;
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