Commit 1e62fb4a by Alan Mishchenko

Compiler warning.

parent 77e2b1ff
......@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ extern int Gia_ManCallSatokoOne( Gia_Man_t * p, satoko_opts_t * opts, int iOutpu
void Cmd_RunAutoTunerPrintOptions( satoko_opts_t * pOpts )
printf( "-C %d ", pOpts->conf_limit );
printf( "-C %d ", (int)pOpts->conf_limit );
printf( "-V %.3f ", pOpts->var_decay );
printf( "-W %.3f ", pOpts->clause_decay );
if ( pOpts->verbose )
printf( "-v", pOpts->verbose );
printf( "-v" );
printf( "\n" );
......@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ void * Cmd_RunAutoTunerEvalWorkerThread( void * pArg )
int Cmd_RunAutoTunerEval( Vec_Ptr_t * vAigs, satoko_opts_t * pOpts, int nProcs )
abctime clkTotal = Abc_Clock();
Cmd_AutoData_t ThData[CMD_THR_MAX];
pthread_t WorkerThread[CMD_THR_MAX];
int i, status, fWorkToDo = 1, TotalCost = 0;
......@@ -377,10 +376,10 @@ Vec_Ptr_t * Cmf_CreateOptions( Vec_Wec_t * vPars )
SeeAlso []
static inline Cmf_IsSpace( char p ) { return p == ' ' || p == '\t' || p == '\n' || p == '\r'; }
static inline Cmf_IsLowerCaseChar( char p ) { return p >= 'a' && p <= 'z'; }
static inline Cmf_IsUpperCaseChar( char p ) { return p >= 'A' && p <= 'Z'; }
static inline Cmf_IsDigit( char p ) { return (p >= '0' && p <= '9') || p == '.'; }
static inline int Cmf_IsSpace( char p ) { return p == ' ' || p == '\t' || p == '\n' || p == '\r'; }
static inline int Cmf_IsLowerCaseChar( char p ) { return p >= 'a' && p <= 'z'; }
static inline int Cmf_IsUpperCaseChar( char p ) { return p >= 'A' && p <= 'Z'; }
static inline int Cmf_IsDigit( char p ) { return (p >= '0' && p <= '9') || p == '.'; }
Vec_Wec_t * Cmd_ReadParamChoices( char * pConfig )
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