Commit 0c719ab6 by Alan Mishchenko

Adding procedure to merge two libraries.

parent 00fa1e37
......@@ -1542,7 +1542,7 @@ int IoCommandWrite( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "genlib" ) )
sprintf( Command, "write_genlib %s", pFileName );
else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "lib" ) )
sprintf( Command, "write_liberty %s", pFileName );
sprintf( Command, "write_lib %s", pFileName );
else if ( !strcmp( Extra_FileNameExtension(pFileName), "dsd" ) )
sprintf( Command, "dsd_save %s", pFileName );
if ( Command[0] )
......@@ -130,7 +130,36 @@ void Scl_End( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
Scl_ConUpdateMan( pAbc, NULL );
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
SC_Lib * Scl_ReadLibraryFile( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, char * pFileName, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose, SC_DontUse dont_use )
SC_Lib * pLib;
FILE * pFile;
if ( (pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" )) == NULL )
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "Cannot open input file \"%s\". \n", pFileName );
return NULL;
fclose( pFile );
// read new library
pLib = Abc_SclReadLiberty( pFileName, fVerbose, fVeryVerbose, dont_use);
if ( pLib == NULL )
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "Reading SCL library from file \"%s\" has failed. \n", pFileName );
return NULL;
return pLib;
......@@ -145,8 +174,6 @@ void Scl_End( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
int Scl_CommandReadLib( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
char * pFileName;
FILE * pFile;
SC_Lib * pLib;
int c, fDump = 0;
float Slew = 0;
......@@ -230,25 +257,29 @@ int Scl_CommandReadLib( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
goto usage;
if ( argc != globalUtilOptind + 1 )
goto usage;
// get the input file name
pFileName = argv[globalUtilOptind];
if ( (pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" )) == NULL )
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "Cannot open input file \"%s\". \n", pFileName );
if ( argc == globalUtilOptind + 2 ) { // expecting two files
SC_Lib * pLib1 = Scl_ReadLibraryFile( pAbc, argv[globalUtilOptind], fVerbose, fVeryVerbose, dont_use );
SC_Lib * pLib2 = Scl_ReadLibraryFile( pAbc, argv[globalUtilOptind+1], fVerbose, fVeryVerbose, dont_use );
return 1;
if ( pLib1 == NULL || pLib2 == NULL ) {
if (pLib1) Abc_SclLibFree(pLib1);
if (pLib2) Abc_SclLibFree(pLib2);
return 1;
pLib = Abc_SclMergeLibraries( pLib1, pLib2 );
fclose( pFile );
// read new library
pLib = Abc_SclReadLiberty( pFileName, fVerbose, fVeryVerbose, dont_use);
if ( pLib == NULL )
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "Reading SCL library from file \"%s\" has failed. \n", pFileName );
return 1;
else if ( argc == globalUtilOptind + 1 ) { // expecting one file
pLib = Scl_ReadLibraryFile( pAbc, argv[globalUtilOptind], fVerbose, fVeryVerbose, dont_use );
else {
goto usage;
if ( pLib == NULL )
return 1;
if ( Abc_SclLibClassNum(pLib) < 3 )
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "Library with only %d cell classes cannot be used.\n", Abc_SclLibClassNum(pLib) );
......@@ -261,7 +292,7 @@ int Scl_CommandReadLib( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Abc_SclShortNames( pLib );
// dump the resulting library
if ( fDump && pAbc->pLibScl )
Abc_SclWriteLiberty( Extra_FileNameGenericAppend(pFileName, "_temp.lib"), (SC_Lib *)pAbc->pLibScl );
Abc_SclWriteLiberty( Extra_FileNameGenericAppend(argv[globalUtilOptind], "_temp.lib"), (SC_Lib *)pAbc->pLibScl );
if ( fUnit )
SC_Cell * pCell; int i;
......@@ -277,7 +308,7 @@ int Scl_CommandReadLib( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
return 0;
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "usage: read_lib [-SG float] [-M num] [-dnuvwh] [-X cell_name] <file>\n" );
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "usage: read_lib [-SG float] [-M num] [-dnuvwh] [-X cell_name] <file> <file2>\n" );
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "\t reads Liberty library from file\n" );
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "\t-S float : the slew parameter used to generate the library [default = %.2f]\n", Slew );
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "\t-G float : the gain parameter used to generate the library [default = %.2f]\n", Gain );
......@@ -290,6 +321,7 @@ usage:
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "\t-w : toggle writing information about skipped gates [default = %s]\n", fVeryVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "\t-h : prints the command summary\n" );
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "\t<file> : the name of a file to read\n" );
fprintf( pAbc->Err, "\t<file2> : the name of a file to read (optional)\n" );
return 1;
......@@ -748,6 +748,7 @@ extern SC_Lib * Abc_SclReadFromStr( Vec_Str_t * vOut );
extern SC_Lib * Abc_SclReadFromFile( char * pFileName );
extern void Abc_SclWriteScl( char * pFileName, SC_Lib * p );
extern void Abc_SclWriteLiberty( char * pFileName, SC_Lib * p );
extern SC_Lib * Abc_SclMergeLibraries( SC_Lib * pLib1, SC_Lib * pLib2 );
/*=== sclLibUtil.c ===============================================================*/
extern void Abc_SclHashCells( SC_Lib * p );
extern int Abc_SclCellFind( SC_Lib * p, char * pName );
......@@ -483,71 +483,22 @@ static void Abc_SclWriteSurface( Vec_Str_t * vOut, SC_Surface * p )
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->approx[2][i] );
static void Abc_SclWriteLibrary( Vec_Str_t * vOut, SC_Lib * p )
static void Abc_SclWriteLibraryCellsOnly( Vec_Str_t * vOut, SC_Lib * p, int fAddOn )
SC_WireLoad * pWL;
SC_WireLoadSel * pWLS;
SC_Cell * pCell;
SC_Pin * pPin;
int n_valid_cells;
int i, j, k;
// Write non-composite fields:
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->pName );
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->default_wire_load );
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->default_wire_load_sel );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->default_max_out_slew );
assert( p->unit_time >= 0 );
assert( p->unit_cap_snd >= 0 );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, p->unit_time );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->unit_cap_fst );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, p->unit_cap_snd );
// Write 'wire_load' vector:
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoads) );
SC_LibForEachWireLoad( p, pWL, i )
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pWL->pName );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pWL->cap );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pWL->slope );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_IntSize(&pWL->vFanout) );
for ( j = 0; j < Vec_IntSize(&pWL->vFanout); j++ )
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_IntEntry(&pWL->vFanout, j) );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(&pWL->vLen, j) );
// Write 'wire_load_sel' vector:
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoadSels) );
SC_LibForEachWireLoadSel( p, pWLS, i )
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pWLS->pName );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom) );
for ( j = 0; j < Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom); j++)
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaFrom, j) );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaTo, j) );
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(&pWLS->vWireLoadModel, j) );
// Write 'cells' vector:
n_valid_cells = 0;
SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i )
if ( !(pCell->seq || pCell->unsupp) )
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, n_valid_cells );
int i, j, k;
SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i )
if ( pCell->seq || pCell->unsupp )
if ( fAddOn ) {
Vec_StrPush( vOut, 'L' );
Vec_StrPush( vOut, '0'+(char)fAddOn );
Vec_StrPush( vOut, '_' );
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pCell->pName );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pCell->area );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pCell->leakage );
......@@ -608,13 +559,78 @@ static void Abc_SclWriteLibrary( Vec_Str_t * vOut, SC_Lib * p )
assert( Vec_PtrSize(&pRTime->vTimings) == 0 );
int Abc_SclCountValidCells( SC_Lib * p )
SC_Cell * pCell;
int i, n_valid_cells = 0;
SC_LibForEachCell( p, pCell, i )
if ( !(pCell->seq || pCell->unsupp) )
return n_valid_cells;
static void Abc_SclWriteLibrary( Vec_Str_t * vOut, SC_Lib * p, int nExtra )
SC_WireLoad * pWL;
SC_WireLoadSel * pWLS;
int n_valid_cells;
int i, j;
// Write non-composite fields:
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->pName );
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->default_wire_load );
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, p->default_wire_load_sel );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->default_max_out_slew );
assert( p->unit_time >= 0 );
assert( p->unit_cap_snd >= 0 );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, p->unit_time );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, p->unit_cap_fst );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, p->unit_cap_snd );
// Write 'wire_load' vector:
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoads) );
SC_LibForEachWireLoad( p, pWL, i )
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pWL->pName );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pWL->cap );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, pWL->slope );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_IntSize(&pWL->vFanout) );
for ( j = 0; j < Vec_IntSize(&pWL->vFanout); j++ )
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_IntEntry(&pWL->vFanout, j) );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(&pWL->vLen, j) );
// Write 'wire_load_sel' vector:
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_PtrSize(&p->vWireLoadSels) );
SC_LibForEachWireLoadSel( p, pWLS, i )
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, pWLS->pName );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom) );
for ( j = 0; j < Vec_FltSize(&pWLS->vAreaFrom); j++)
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaFrom, j) );
Vec_StrPutF( vOut, Vec_FltEntry(&pWLS->vAreaTo, j) );
Vec_StrPutS( vOut, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(&pWLS->vWireLoadModel, j) );
// Write 'cells' vector:
n_valid_cells = Abc_SclCountValidCells( p );
Vec_StrPutI( vOut, n_valid_cells + nExtra );
Abc_SclWriteLibraryCellsOnly( vOut, p, (int)(nExtra > 0) );
void Abc_SclWriteScl( char * pFileName, SC_Lib * p )
Vec_Str_t * vOut;
vOut = Vec_StrAlloc( 10000 );
Abc_SclWriteLibrary( vOut, p );
Abc_SclWriteLibrary( vOut, p, 0 );
if ( Vec_StrSize(vOut) > 0 )
FILE * pFile = fopen( pFileName, "wb" );
......@@ -835,10 +851,36 @@ void Abc_SclWriteLiberty( char * pFileName, SC_Lib * p )
Abc_SclWriteLibraryText( pFile, p );
fclose( pFile );
printf( "Dumped internal library into Liberty file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
printf( "Dumped internal library with %d cells into Liberty file \"%s\".\n", SC_LibCellNum(p), pFileName );
Synopsis [Appends cells of pLib2 to those of pLib1.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
SC_Lib * Abc_SclMergeLibraries( SC_Lib * pLib1, SC_Lib * pLib2 )
Vec_Str_t * vOut = Vec_StrAlloc( 10000 );
int n_valid_cells2 = Abc_SclCountValidCells( pLib2 );
Abc_SclWriteLibrary( vOut, pLib1, n_valid_cells2 );
Abc_SclWriteLibraryCellsOnly( vOut, pLib2, 2 );
SC_Lib * p = Abc_SclReadFromStr( vOut );
p->pFileName = Abc_UtilStrsav( pLib1->pFileName );
p->pName = ABC_ALLOC( char, strlen(pLib1->pName) + strlen(pLib2->pName) + 10 );
sprintf( p->pName, "%s__and__%s", pLib1->pName, pLib2->pName );
Vec_StrFree( vOut );
printf( "Updated library \"%s\" with additional %d cells from library \"%s\".\n", pLib1->pName, n_valid_cells2, pLib2->pName );
return p;
/// END OF FILE ///
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