Commit 0ac22c9e by Alan Mishchenko

Specializing some truth-table functions to 6 inputs.

parent b801ec19
......@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ struct Jf_Par_t_
int nCutNum;
int nProcNum;
int nRounds;
int nRoundsEla;
int nRelaxRatio;
int nVerbLimit;
int DelayTarget;
......@@ -1072,8 +1072,8 @@ int Jf_TtComputeForCut( Jf_Man_t * p, int iFuncLit0, int iFuncLit1, int * pCut0,
word * pTruth1 = Vec_MemReadEntry(p->vTtMem, Abc_Lit2Var(iFuncLit1));
Abc_TtCopy( uTruth0, pTruth0, nWords, Abc_LitIsCompl(iFuncLit0) );
Abc_TtCopy( uTruth1, pTruth1, nWords, Abc_LitIsCompl(iFuncLit1) );
Abc_TtStretch( uTruth0, LutSize, pCut0 + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCut0), pCutOut + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
Abc_TtStretch( uTruth1, LutSize, pCut1 + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCut1), pCutOut + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
Abc_TtExpand( uTruth0, LutSize, pCut0 + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCut0), pCutOut + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
Abc_TtExpand( uTruth1, LutSize, pCut1 + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCut1), pCutOut + 1, Jf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
fCompl = (int)(uTruth0[0] & uTruth1[0] & 1);
Abc_TtAnd( uTruth, uTruth0, uTruth1, nWords, fCompl );
pCutOut[0] = Abc_TtMinBase( uTruth, pCutOut + 1, pCutOut[0], LutSize );
......@@ -768,8 +768,8 @@ int Kf_SetComputeTruth( Kf_Man_t * p, int iFuncLit0, int iFuncLit1, int * pCut0,
word * pTruth1 = Vec_MemReadEntry(p->vTtMem, Abc_Lit2Var(iFuncLit1));
Abc_TtCopy( uTruth0, pTruth0, nWords, Abc_LitIsCompl(iFuncLit0) );
Abc_TtCopy( uTruth1, pTruth1, nWords, Abc_LitIsCompl(iFuncLit1) );
Abc_TtStretch( uTruth0, LutSize, pCut0 + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCut0), pCutOut + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
Abc_TtStretch( uTruth1, LutSize, pCut1 + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCut1), pCutOut + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
Abc_TtExpand( uTruth0, LutSize, pCut0 + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCut0), pCutOut + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
Abc_TtExpand( uTruth1, LutSize, pCut1 + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCut1), pCutOut + 1, Kf_CutSize(pCutOut) );
fCompl = (int)(uTruth0[0] & uTruth1[0] & 1);
Abc_TtAnd( uTruth, uTruth0, uTruth1, nWords, fCompl );
pCutOut[0] = Abc_TtMinBase( uTruth, pCutOut + 1, pCutOut[0], LutSize );
......@@ -30861,7 +30861,7 @@ int Abc_CommandAbc9Lf( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
Gia_Man_t * pNew; int c;
Lf_ManSetDefaultPars( pPars );
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "KCFRDWaekmdcgtspvwh" ) ) != EOF )
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "KCFARDWaekmgpvwh" ) ) != EOF )
switch ( c )
......@@ -30904,6 +30904,17 @@ int Abc_CommandAbc9Lf( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
if ( pPars->nRounds < 0 )
goto usage;
case 'A':
if ( globalUtilOptind >= argc )
Abc_Print( -1, "Command line switch \"-A\" should be followed by a positive integer.\n" );
goto usage;
pPars->nRoundsEla = atoi(argv[globalUtilOptind]);
if ( pPars->nRoundsEla < 0 )
goto usage;
case 'R':
if ( globalUtilOptind >= argc )
......@@ -30949,21 +30960,9 @@ int Abc_CommandAbc9Lf( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
case 'm':
pPars->fCutMin ^= 1;
case 'd':
pPars->fFuncDsd ^= 1;
case 'c':
pPars->fGenCnf ^= 1;
case 'g':
pPars->fPureAig ^= 1;
case 't':
pPars->fCutHashing ^= 1;
case 's':
pPars->fCutSimple ^= 1;
case 'p':
pPars->fPower ^= 1;
......@@ -30999,23 +30998,19 @@ usage:
sprintf(Buffer, "best possible" );
sprintf(Buffer, "%d", pPars->DelayTarget );
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: &lf [-KCFRDW num] [-akmdcgtspvwh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "usage: &lf [-KCFARD num] [-akmgpvwh]\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t performs technology mapping of the network\n" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-K num : LUT size for the mapping (2 <= K <= %d) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nLutSizeMax, pPars->nLutSize );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-C num : the max number of priority cuts (1 <= C <= %d) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nCutNumMax, pPars->nCutNum );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-F num : the number of mapping rounds [default = %d]\n", pPars->nRounds );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-F num : the number of area flow rounds [default = %d]\n", pPars->nRounds );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-A num : the number of exact area rounds [default = %d]\n", pPars->nRoundsEla );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-R num : the delay relaxation ratio (num >= 0) [default = %d]\n", pPars->nRelaxRatio );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-D num : sets the delay constraint for the mapping [default = %s]\n", Buffer );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-W num : min frequency when printing functions with \"-w\" [default = %d]\n", pPars->nVerbLimit );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-a : toggles area-oriented mapping [default = %s]\n", pPars->fAreaOnly? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-e : toggles edge vs node minimization [default = %s]\n", pPars->fOptEdge? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-k : toggles coarsening the subject graph [default = %s]\n", pPars->fCoarsen? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-m : toggles cut minimization [default = %s]\n", pPars->fCutMin? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-d : toggles using DSD to represent cut functions [default = %s]\n", pPars->fFuncDsd? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-c : toggles mapping for CNF generation [default = %s]\n", pPars->fGenCnf? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-g : toggles generating AIG without mapping [default = %s]\n", pPars->fPureAig? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-t : toggles cut computation using hash table [default = %s]\n", pPars->fCutHashing? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-s : toggles cut computation using a simple method [default = %s]\n", pPars->fCutSimple? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-p : uses power-aware cut selection heuristics [default = %s]\n", pPars->fPower? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-v : toggles verbose output [default = %s]\n", pPars->fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
Abc_Print( -2, "\t-w : toggles very verbose output [default = %s]\n", pPars->fVeryVerbose? "yes": "no" );
......@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ int If_CutComputeTruth( If_Man_t * p, If_Cut_t * pCut, If_Cut_t * pCut0, If_Cut_
Abc_TtCopy( pTruth1, pTruth1s, nWords, fCompl1 ^ pCut1->fCompl ^ Abc_LitIsCompl(pCut1->iCutFunc) );
Abc_TtStretch6( pTruth0, pCut0->nLeaves, pCut->nLeaves );
Abc_TtStretch6( pTruth1, pCut1->nLeaves, pCut->nLeaves );
Abc_TtStretch( pTruth0, pCut->nLeaves, pCut0->pLeaves, pCut0->nLeaves, pCut->pLeaves, pCut->nLeaves );
Abc_TtStretch( pTruth1, pCut->nLeaves, pCut1->pLeaves, pCut1->nLeaves, pCut->pLeaves, pCut->nLeaves );
Abc_TtExpand( pTruth0, pCut->nLeaves, pCut0->pLeaves, pCut0->nLeaves, pCut->pLeaves, pCut->nLeaves );
Abc_TtExpand( pTruth1, pCut->nLeaves, pCut1->pLeaves, pCut1->nLeaves, pCut->pLeaves, pCut->nLeaves );
fCompl = (pTruth0[0] & pTruth1[0] & 1);
Abc_TtAnd( pTruth, pTruth0, pTruth1, nWords, fCompl );
if ( p->pPars->fCutMin && (pCut0->nLeaves + pCut1->nLeaves > pCut->nLeaves || pCut0->nLeaves == 0 || pCut1->nLeaves == 0) )
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