Commit 033203b7 by Alan Mishchenko

Improvements to Cba data-structure.

parent 46fbad86
......@@ -35,12 +35,30 @@
// Verilog keywords
typedef enum {
PRS_VER_NONE = 0, // 0: unused
PRS_VER_INPUT, // 1: input
PRS_VER_OUTPUT, // 2: output
PRS_VER_INOUT, // 3: inout
PRS_VER_WIRE, // 4: wire
PRS_VER_MODULE, // 5: module
PRS_VER_ASSIGN, // 6: assign
PRS_VER_REG, // 7: reg
PRS_VER_ALWAYS, // 8: always
PRS_VER_DEFPARAM, // 9: always
PRS_VER_BEGIN, // 10: begin
PRS_VER_END, // 11: end
PRS_VER_ENDMODULE, // 12: endmodule
PRS_VER_UNKNOWN // 13: unknown
} Cba_VerType_t;
// parser name types
typedef enum {
CBA_PRS_NAME = 0, // 0: name/variable
CBA_PRS_SLICE, // 1: slice
CBA_PRS_CONST, // 2: constant
CBA_PRS_CONCAT, // 3: concatentation
CBA_PRS_NAME = 0, // 0: name/variable
CBA_PRS_SLICE, // 1: slice
CBA_PRS_CONST, // 2: constant
CBA_PRS_CONCAT, // 3: concatentation
} Prs_ManType_t;
......@@ -456,7 +474,8 @@ static inline char * Ptr_TypeToSop( Cba_ObjType_t Type )
/*=== cba.c ========================================================*/
/*=== cbaReadVer.c ========================================================*/
extern void Prs_NtkAddVerilogDirectives( Prs_Man_t * p );
......@@ -27,24 +27,6 @@ ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START
// Verilog keywords
typedef enum {
PRS_VER_NONE = 0, // 0: unused
PRS_VER_INPUT, // 1: input
PRS_VER_OUTPUT, // 2: output
PRS_VER_INOUT, // 3: inout
PRS_VER_WIRE, // 4: wire
PRS_VER_MODULE, // 5: module
PRS_VER_ASSIGN, // 6: assign
PRS_VER_REG, // 7: reg
PRS_VER_ALWAYS, // 8: always
PRS_VER_DEFPARAM, // 9: always
PRS_VER_BEGIN, // 10: begin
PRS_VER_END, // 11: end
PRS_VER_ENDMODULE, // 12: endmodule
PRS_VER_UNKNOWN // 13: unknown
} Cba_VerType_t;
static const char * s_VerTypes[PRS_VER_UNKNOWN+1] = {
NULL, // 0: unused
"input", // 1: input
......@@ -62,7 +44,7 @@ static const char * s_VerTypes[PRS_VER_UNKNOWN+1] = {
NULL // 13: unknown
static inline void Prs_NtkAddVerilogDirectives( Prs_Man_t * p )
void Prs_NtkAddVerilogDirectives( Prs_Man_t * p )
int i;
for ( i = 1; s_VerTypes[i]; i++ )
......@@ -1209,23 +1191,20 @@ void Prs_CreateOutConcat( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int * pSlices, int nSlices )
int RightId = Cba_NtkRangeRight( p, RangeId );
int BotId = Abc_MinInt( LeftId, RightId );
int TopId = Abc_MaxInt( LeftId, RightId );
int RangeSize = Cba_NtkRangeSize( p, RangeId );
int i, k, iObj, iFon, nParts = 0, Prev = -1, nBits;
int i, k, iObj, iFon, nParts, Prev, nBits;
assert( RangeId > 0 );
Vec_IntFill( vBits, Abc_MaxInt(LeftId, RightId) + 1, 0 );
// fill up with slices
for ( i = 0; i < nSlices; i++ )
int Name = pSlices[3*i+0];
int Range = pSlices[3*i+1];
int iFon = pSlices[3*i+2];
int Size = Cba_NtkRangeSize( p, Range );
int Left = Cba_NtkRangeLeft( p, Range );
int Right = Cba_NtkRangeRight( p, Range );
int Bot = Abc_MinInt( Left, Right );
int Top = Abc_MaxInt( Left, Right );
assert( Name == NameId && iFon > 0 );
assert( TopId >= Top && Bot >= BotId );
assert( NameId == pSlices[3*i+0] && iFon > 0 );
assert( BotId <= Bot && Top <= TopId );
for ( k = Bot; k <= Top; k++ )
assert( Vec_IntEntry(vBits, k) == 0 );
......@@ -1233,6 +1212,7 @@ void Prs_CreateOutConcat( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int * pSlices, int nSlices )
// check how many parts we have
Prev = -1; nParts = 0;
Vec_IntForEachEntryStartStop( vBits, iFon, i, BotId, TopId+1 )
if ( Prev != iFon )
......@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ void Cba_ManWriteVerilogNtk( Cba_Ntk_t * p, int fInlineConcat )
Cba_NtkForEachPo( p, iObj, i )
iFon = Cba_ObjFinFon(p, iObj, 0);
if ( !iFon || !Cba_FonIsConst(iFon) && Cba_FonName(p, iFon) == Cba_ObjName(p, iObj) ) // already written
if ( !iFon || (!Cba_FonIsConst(iFon) && Cba_FonName(p, iFon) == Cba_ObjName(p, iObj)) ) // already written
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " assign " );
Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Cba_ObjGetName(p, iObj) );
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