sfmInt.h 14.5 KB
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  FileName    [rsbInt.h]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [SAT-based optimization using internal don't-cares.]

  Synopsis    [Internal declarations.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]

  Revision    [$Id: rsbInt.h,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]

#ifndef ABC__opt_sfmInt__h
#define ABC__opt_sfmInt__h

///                          INCLUDES                                ///

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "misc/vec/vec.h"
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#include "sat/bsat/satSolver.h"
#include "misc/util/utilNam.h"
#include "map/scl/sclLib.h"
38 39 40 41
#include "map/scl/sclCon.h"
#include "misc/st/st.h"
#include "map/mio/mio.h"
#include "base/abc/abc.h"
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42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
#include "sfm.h"

///                         PARAMETERS                               ///


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#define SFM_FANIN_MAX 6
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#define SFM_SAT_UNDEC 0x1234567812345678
#define SFM_SAT_SAT   0x8765432187654321

#define SFM_SUPP_MAX  8
#define SFM_WORD_MAX ((SFM_SUPP_MAX>6) ? (1<<(SFM_SUPP_MAX-6)) : 1)
#define SFM_WIN_MAX   1000
#define SFM_DEC_MAX   4
#define SFM_SIM_WORDS 8

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///                         BASIC TYPES                              ///

64 65
typedef struct Sfm_Fun_t_ Sfm_Fun_t; 
typedef struct Sfm_Lib_t_ Sfm_Lib_t; 
typedef struct Sfm_Tim_t_ Sfm_Tim_t;
typedef struct Sfm_Mit_t_ Sfm_Mit_t;

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struct Sfm_Ntk_t_
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    // parameters
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    Sfm_Par_t *       pPars;       // parameters
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    // objects
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74 75 76 77
    int               nPis;        // PI count (PIs should be first objects)
    int               nPos;        // PO count (POs should be last objects)
    int               nNodes;      // internal nodes
    int               nObjs;       // total objects
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    int               nLevelMax;   // maximum level
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    // user data
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    Vec_Str_t *       vFixed;      // persistent objects
    Vec_Str_t *       vEmpty;      // transparent objects
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82 83
    Vec_Wrd_t *       vTruths;     // truth tables
    Vec_Wec_t         vFanins;     // fanins
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    // attributes
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85 86
    Vec_Wec_t         vFanouts;    // fanouts
    Vec_Int_t         vLevels;     // logic level
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    Vec_Int_t         vLevelsR;    // logic level
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88 89 90 91 92
    Vec_Int_t         vCounts;     // fanin counters
    Vec_Int_t         vId2Var;     // ObjId -> SatVar
    Vec_Int_t         vVar2Id;     // SatVar -> ObjId
    Vec_Wec_t *       vCnfs;       // CNFs
    Vec_Int_t *       vCover;      // temporary
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    // traversal IDs
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94 95 96 97
    Vec_Int_t         vTravIds;    // traversal IDs
    Vec_Int_t         vTravIds2;   // traversal IDs
    int               nTravIds;    // traversal IDs
    int               nTravIds2;   // traversal IDs
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    // window
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    int               iPivotNode;  // window pivot
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100 101
    Vec_Int_t *       vNodes;      // internal
    Vec_Int_t *       vDivs;       // divisors
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    Vec_Int_t *       vRoots;      // roots
    Vec_Int_t *       vTfo;        // TFO (excluding iNode)
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    // SAT solving
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    sat_solver *      pSat;        // SAT solver
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    int               nSatVars;    // the number of variables
    int               nTryRemoves; // number of fanin removals
    int               nTryResubs;  // number of resubstitutions
    int               nRemoves;    // number of fanin removals
    int               nResubs;     // number of resubstitutions
    // counter-examples
    int               nCexes;      // number of CEXes
    Vec_Wrd_t *       vDivCexes;   // counter-examples
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    // intermediate data
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    Vec_Int_t *       vOrder;      // object order
    Vec_Int_t *       vDivVars;    // divisor SAT variables
    Vec_Int_t *       vDivIds;     // divisors indexes
    Vec_Int_t *       vLits;       // literals
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    Vec_Int_t *       vValues;     // SAT variable values
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120 121 122 123 124 125 126
    Vec_Wec_t *       vClauses;    // CNF clauses for the node
    Vec_Int_t *       vFaninMap;   // mapping fanins into their SAT vars
    // nodes
    int               nTotalNodesBeg;
    int               nTotalEdgesBeg;
    int               nTotalNodesEnd;
    int               nTotalEdgesEnd;
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    int               nNodesTried;
    int               nTotalDivs;
    int               nSatCalls;
    int               nTimeOuts;
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    int               nMaxDivs;
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    // runtime
133 134 135 136 137 138 139
    abctime           timeWin;
    abctime           timeDiv;
    abctime           timeCnf;
    abctime           timeSat;
    abctime           timeOther;
    abctime           timeTotal;
//    abctime           time1;
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static inline int  Sfm_NtkPiNum( Sfm_Ntk_t * p )                        { return p->nPis;                                   }
static inline int  Sfm_NtkPoNum( Sfm_Ntk_t * p )                        { return p->nPos;                                   }
static inline int  Sfm_NtkNodeNum( Sfm_Ntk_t * p )                      { return p->nObjs - p->nPis - p->nPos;              }

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static inline int  Sfm_ObjIsPi( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )                  { return i < p->nPis;                               }
static inline int  Sfm_ObjIsPo( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )                  { return i + p->nPos >= p->nObjs;                   }
static inline int  Sfm_ObjIsNode( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )                { return i >= p->nPis && i + p->nPos < p->nObjs;    }
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static inline int  Sfm_ObjIsFixed( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )               { return Vec_StrEntry(p->vFixed, i);                }
150 151
static inline int  Sfm_ObjAddsLevelArray( Vec_Str_t * p, int i )        { return p == NULL || Vec_StrEntry(p, i) == 0;      }
static inline int  Sfm_ObjAddsLevel( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )             { return Sfm_ObjAddsLevelArray(p->vEmpty, i);       }
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152 153 154

static inline Vec_Int_t * Sfm_ObjFiArray( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )        { return Vec_WecEntry(&p->vFanins, i);              }
static inline Vec_Int_t * Sfm_ObjFoArray( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )        { return Vec_WecEntry(&p->vFanouts, i);             }
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156 157
static inline int  Sfm_ObjFaninNum( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )              { return Vec_IntSize(Sfm_ObjFiArray(p, i));         }
static inline int  Sfm_ObjFanoutNum( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i )             { return Vec_IntSize(Sfm_ObjFoArray(p, i));         }
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static inline int  Sfm_ObjRefIncrement( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )       { return ++Sfm_ObjFoArray(p, iObj)->nSize;          } 
static inline int  Sfm_ObjRefDecrement( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )       { return --Sfm_ObjFoArray(p, iObj)->nSize;          } 
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static inline int  Sfm_ObjFanin( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i, int k )          { return Vec_IntEntry(Sfm_ObjFiArray(p, i), k);     }
static inline int  Sfm_ObjFanout( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int i, int k )         { return Vec_IntEntry(Sfm_ObjFoArray(p, i), k);     }
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static inline int  Sfm_ObjSatVar( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )             { assert(Vec_IntEntry(&p->vId2Var, iObj) > 0); return Vec_IntEntry(&p->vId2Var, iObj);  }
static inline void Sfm_ObjSetSatVar( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj, int Num ) { assert(Vec_IntEntry(&p->vId2Var, iObj) == -1); Vec_IntWriteEntry(&p->vId2Var, iObj, Num);  Vec_IntWriteEntry(&p->vVar2Id, Num, iObj);  }
static inline void Sfm_ObjCleanSatVar( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int Num )         { int iObj = Vec_IntEntry(&p->vVar2Id, Num); assert(Vec_IntEntry(&p->vId2Var, iObj) > 0); Vec_IntWriteEntry(&p->vId2Var, iObj, -1);  Vec_IntWriteEntry(&p->vVar2Id, Num, -1); }
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static inline void Sfm_NtkCleanVars( Sfm_Ntk_t * p )                    { int i; for ( i = 1; i < p->nSatVars; i++ )  if ( Vec_IntEntry(&p->vVar2Id, i) != -1 ) Sfm_ObjCleanSatVar( p, i ); }
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static inline int  Sfm_ObjLevel( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )              { return Vec_IntEntry( &p->vLevels, iObj );                         }
static inline void Sfm_ObjSetLevel( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj, int Lev )  { Vec_IntWriteEntry( &p->vLevels, iObj, Lev );                      }
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static inline int  Sfm_ObjLevelR( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )             { return Vec_IntEntry( &p->vLevelsR, iObj );                        }
static inline void Sfm_ObjSetLevelR( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj, int Lev ) { Vec_IntWriteEntry( &p->vLevelsR, iObj, Lev );                     }

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static inline int  Sfm_ObjUpdateFaninCount( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )   { return Vec_IntAddToEntry(&p->vCounts, iObj, -1);                  }
static inline void Sfm_ObjResetFaninCount( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj )    { Vec_IntWriteEntry(&p->vCounts, iObj, Sfm_ObjFaninNum(p, iObj)-1); }

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extern void        Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
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///                      MACRO DEFINITIONS                           ///

185 186
#define Sfm_NtkForEachPi( p, i )                 for ( i = 0; i < p->nPis; i++ )
#define Sfm_NtkForEachPo( p, i )                 for ( i = p->nObjs - p->nPos; i < p->nObjs; i++ )
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187 188
#define Sfm_NtkForEachNode( p, i )               for ( i = p->nPis; i + p->nPos < p->nObjs; i++ )
#define Sfm_NtkForEachNodeReverse( p, i )        for ( i = p->nObjs - p->nPos - 1; i >= p->nPis; i-- )
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#define Sfm_ObjForEachFanin( p, Node, Fan, i )   for ( i = 0; i < Sfm_ObjFaninNum(p, Node)  && ((Fan = Sfm_ObjFanin(p, Node, i)), 1);  i++ )
#define Sfm_ObjForEachFanout( p, Node, Fan, i )  for ( i = 0; i < Sfm_ObjFanoutNum(p, Node) && ((Fan = Sfm_ObjFanout(p, Node, i)), 1); i++ )
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///                    FUNCTION DECLARATIONS                         ///

/*=== sfmCnf.c ==========================================================*/
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extern void         Sfm_PrintCnf( Vec_Str_t * vCnf );
extern int          Sfm_TruthToCnf( word Truth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover, Vec_Str_t * vCnf );
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extern Vec_Wec_t *  Sfm_CreateCnf( Sfm_Ntk_t * p );
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extern void         Sfm_TranslateCnf( Vec_Wec_t * vRes, Vec_Str_t * vCnf, Vec_Int_t * vFaninMap, int iPivotVar );
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/*=== sfmCore.c ==========================================================*/
/*=== sfmLib.c ==========================================================*/
extern int          Sfm_LibFindComplInputGate( Vec_Wrd_t * vFuncs, int iGate, int nFanins, int iFanin, int * piFaninNew );
extern Sfm_Lib_t *  Sfm_LibPrepare( int nVars, int fTwo, int fDelay, int fVerbose, int fLibVerbose );
205 206
extern void         Sfm_LibPrint( Sfm_Lib_t * p );
extern void         Sfm_LibStop( Sfm_Lib_t * p );
207 208 209 210 211
extern int          Sfm_LibFindAreaMatch( Sfm_Lib_t * p, word * pTruth, int nFanins, int * piObj );
extern int          Sfm_LibFindDelayMatches( Sfm_Lib_t * p, word * pTruth, int * pFanins, int nFanins, Vec_Ptr_t * vGates, Vec_Ptr_t * vFans );
extern int          Sfm_LibImplementSimple( Sfm_Lib_t * p, word * pTruth, int * pFanins, int nFanins, Vec_Int_t * vGates, Vec_Wec_t * vFanins );
extern int          Sfm_LibImplementGatesArea( Sfm_Lib_t * p, int * pFanins, int nFanins, int iObj, Vec_Int_t * vGates, Vec_Wec_t * vFanins );
extern int          Sfm_LibImplementGatesDelay( Sfm_Lib_t * p, int * pFanins, Mio_Gate_t * pGateB, Mio_Gate_t * pGateT, char * pFansB, char * pFansT, Vec_Int_t * vGates, Vec_Wec_t * vFanins );
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/*=== sfmNtk.c ==========================================================*/
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extern Sfm_Ntk_t *  Sfm_ConstructNetwork( Vec_Wec_t * vFanins, int nPis, int nPos );
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extern void         Sfm_NtkPrepare( Sfm_Ntk_t * p );
extern void         Sfm_NtkUpdate( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iNode, int f, int iFaninNew, word uTruth );
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/*=== sfmSat.c ==========================================================*/
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extern int          Sfm_NtkWindowToSolver( Sfm_Ntk_t * p );
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extern word         Sfm_ComputeInterpolant( Sfm_Ntk_t * p );
/*=== sfmTim.c ==========================================================*/
extern Sfm_Tim_t *  Sfm_TimStart( Mio_Library_t * pLib, Scl_Con_t * pExt, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int DeltaCrit );
221 222 223 224 225
extern void         Sfm_TimStop( Sfm_Tim_t * p );
extern int          Sfm_TimReadNtkDelay( Sfm_Tim_t * p );
extern int          Sfm_TimReadObjDelay( Sfm_Tim_t * p, int iObj );
extern void         Sfm_TimUpdateTiming( Sfm_Tim_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vTimeNodes );
extern int          Sfm_TimSortArrayByArrival( Sfm_Tim_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vNodes, int iPivot );
extern int          Sfm_TimPriorityNodes( Sfm_Tim_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vCands, int Window );
extern int          Sfm_TimNodeIsNonCritical( Sfm_Tim_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pPivot, Abc_Obj_t * pNode );
extern int          Sfm_TimEvalRemapping( Sfm_Tim_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vFanins, Vec_Int_t * vMap, Mio_Gate_t * pGate1, char * pFans1, Mio_Gate_t * pGate2, char * pFans2 );
/*=== sfmMit.c ==========================================================*/
extern Sfm_Mit_t *  Sfm_MitStart( Mio_Library_t * pLib, SC_Lib * pScl, Scl_Con_t * pExt, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int DeltaCrit );
231 232
extern void         Sfm_MitStop( Sfm_Mit_t * p );
extern int          Sfm_MitReadNtkDelay( Sfm_Mit_t * p );
extern int          Sfm_MitReadNtkMinSlack( Sfm_Mit_t * p );
extern int          Sfm_MitReadObjDelay( Sfm_Mit_t * p, int iObj );
235 236
extern void         Sfm_MitTransferLoad( Sfm_Mit_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pNew, Abc_Obj_t * pOld );
extern void         Sfm_MitTimingGrow( Sfm_Mit_t * p );
extern void         Sfm_MitUpdateLoad( Sfm_Mit_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vTimeNodes, int fAdd );
238 239 240 241
extern void         Sfm_MitUpdateTiming( Sfm_Mit_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vTimeNodes );
extern int          Sfm_MitSortArrayByArrival( Sfm_Mit_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vNodes, int iPivot );
extern int          Sfm_MitPriorityNodes( Sfm_Mit_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vCands, int Window );
extern int          Sfm_MitNodeIsNonCritical( Sfm_Mit_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pPivot, Abc_Obj_t * pNode );
extern int          Sfm_MitEvalRemapping( Sfm_Mit_t * p, Vec_Int_t * vMffc, Abc_Obj_t * pObj, Vec_Int_t * vFanins, Vec_Int_t * vMap, Mio_Gate_t * pGate1, char * pFans1, Mio_Gate_t * pGate2, char * pFans2 );
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/*=== sfmWin.c ==========================================================*/
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extern int          Sfm_ObjMffcSize( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iObj );
extern int          Sfm_NtkCreateWindow( Sfm_Ntk_t * p, int iNode, int fVerbose );
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///                       END OF FILE                                ///