exor.h 6.7 KB
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  FileName    [exor.h]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [Exclusive sum-of-product minimization.]

  Synopsis    [Internal declarations.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]

  Revision    [$Id: exor.h,v 1.0 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]


///                                                                  ///
///                    Interface of EXORCISM - 4                     ///
///              An Exclusive Sum-of-Product Minimizer               ///
///               Alan Mishchenko  <alanmi@ee.pdx.edu>               ///
///                                                                  ///
///                                                                  ///
///                         Main Module                              ///
///                                                                  ///
///  Ver. 1.0. Started - July 15, 2000. Last update - July 20, 2000  ///
///  Ver. 1.4. Started - Aug 10, 2000.  Last update - Aug 10, 2000   ///
///  Ver. 1.7. Started - Sep 20, 2000.  Last update - Sep 23, 2000   ///
///                                                                  ///
///   This software was tested with the BDD package "CUDD", v.2.3.0  ///
///                          by Fabio Somenzi                        ///
///                  http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/                ///

#ifndef __EXORMAIN_H__
#define __EXORMAIN_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "misc/vec/vec.h"
#include "misc/vec/vecWec.h"


///                       MACRO DEFINITIONS                          ///

// the number of bits per integer (can be 16, 32, 64 - tested for 32)
#define BPI                 32 
#define BPIMASK             31 
#define LOGBPI               5

// the maximum number of input variables
#define MAXVARS           1000

// the number of cubes that are allocated additionally
#define ADDITIONAL_CUBES    33

// the factor showing how many cube pairs will be allocated
#define CUBE_PAIR_FACTOR    20
// the following number of cube pairs are allocated:

#if BPI == 64
#define DIFFERENT   0x5555555555555555
#define BIT_COUNT(w)   (BitCount[(w)&0xffff] + BitCount[((w)>>16)&0xffff] + BitCount[((w)>>32)&0xffff] + BitCount[(w)>>48])
#elif BPI == 32
#define DIFFERENT   0x55555555
#define BIT_COUNT(w)   (BitCount[(w)&0xffff] + BitCount[(w)>>16])
#define DIFFERENT   0x5555
#define BIT_COUNT(w)   (BitCount[(w)])

#define VarWord(element)  ((element)>>LOGBPI)
#define VarBit(element)   ((element)&BPIMASK)

#define TICKS_TO_SECONDS(time) ((float)(time)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC))

///                  CUBE COVER and CUBE typedefs                    ///

typedef enum { MULTI_OUTPUT = 1, SINGLE_NODE, MULTI_NODE  } type;

// infomation about the cover
typedef struct cinfo_tag 
    int nVarsIn;        // number of input binary variables in the cubes
    int nVarsOut;       // number of output binary variables in the cubes
    int nWordsIn;       // number of input words used to represent the cover
    int nWordsOut;      // number of output words used to represent the cover
    int nCubesAlloc;    // the number of allocated cubes 
    int nCubesBefore;   // number of cubes before simplification
    int nCubesInUse;    // number of cubes after simplification
    int nCubesFree;     // number of free cubes
    int nLiteralsBefore;// number of literals before
    int nLiteralsAfter; // number of literals before
    int cIDs;           // the counter of cube IDs

    int Verbosity;      // verbosity level
    int Quality;        // quality

114 115 116
    abctime TimeRead;   // reading time
    abctime TimeStart;  // starting cover computation time
    abctime TimeMin;    // pure minimization time
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
} cinfo;

// representation of one cube (24 bytes + bit info)
typedef unsigned int  drow;
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef struct cube 
    byte  fMark;        // the flag which is TRUE if the cubes is enabled
    byte  ID;           // (almost) unique ID of the cube
    short a;            // the number of literals
    short z;            // the number of 1's in the output part
    drow* pCubeDataIn;  // a pointer to the bit string representing literals
    drow* pCubeDataOut; // a pointer to the bit string representing literals
    struct cube* Prev;  // pointers to the previous/next cubes in the list/ring 
    struct cube* Next;
} Cube;

// preparation
extern void PrepareBitSetModule();
extern int WriteResultIntoFile( char * pFileName );

// iterative ExorLink
extern int IterativelyApplyExorLink2( char fDistEnable );   
extern int IterativelyApplyExorLink3( char fDistEnable );   
extern int IterativelyApplyExorLink4( char fDistEnable );   

// cube storage allocation/delocation
extern int AllocateCubeSets( int nVarsIn, int nVarsOut );
extern void DelocateCubeSets();

// adjacency queque allocation/delocation procedures
extern int AllocateQueques( int nPlaces );
extern void DelocateQueques();

extern int AllocateCover( int nCubes, int nWordsIn, int nWordsOut );
extern void DelocateCover();

extern void AddToFreeCubes( Cube* pC );
extern Cube* GetFreeCube();
// getting and returning free cubes to the heap

extern void InsertVarsWithoutClearing( Cube * pC, int * pVars, int nVarsIn, int * pVarValues, int Output );
extern int CheckForCloseCubes( Cube* p, int fAddCube );

extern int FindDiffVars( int *pDiffVars, Cube* pC1, Cube* pC2 );
// determines the variables that are different in cubes pC1 and pC2
// returns the number of variables

///              VARVALUE and CUBEDIST enum typedefs                 ///

// literal values
typedef enum { VAR_NEG = 1, VAR_POS, VAR_ABS  } varvalue;

// the flag in some function calls can take one of the follwing values
typedef enum { DIST2, DIST3, DIST4 } cubedist;

